Approval Process is OVER!

Feb 14, 2007

Well, I have been approved!!!  I found out last Thursday that my date is 03/14/07!!!  I was expecting more hassel than this, but once I got everything they requested in order it only took two weeks.  

I was very excited at first but then something strange happened. . . .I became sad . . . .

I began to cry . . . . oh my god is this really going to happen . . . .am I going to become the person I always knew I was inside . . . .am I really going to take the huge step towards a new life. . . .

I went home to tell my mother who lives with me, and her response was less than desirable, "well good now you can stop being so moody, you have been impossible to live with these past six months."
I hate to say it but that is a typical mom response and I shouldn't have expected anything more.  I told her in the mist of tears that she had hurt  me and that I was sorry if I had been such a pain and just went back to work to sit at my desk in silence deciding that this was going to be my little secret and no one else was going to ruin this, atleast not today.

I received a phone call that my doctor's office would like for me to come in on 02/15/07 for my pre op nutritionist class!!  I am excited about that, finally it will feel real!

Oh, one  more thing.  When I received my approval I was also notified that I had been approved to have my gallbladder removed at the same time.  When Jennifer Leslie at the insurance company told me I had to chuckle because I felt like I had gotten a 2 for 1 coupon!

Insurance Let Down part II

Jan 28, 2007

I think my nerves are getting the best of me.  I am sitting at work on Friday balling my eyes out at my desk.  My assistant comes in my cubical and I guess it made her uncomfortable which I can understand.

My claim handeler at the insurance company told me that she has another 30 business days to reply to my request due to a page  missing from the application.  I think it was the tone that got to me.  As we all know we work and wait to put our lives into one persons hands.  Does this person know what you are going through?  Does this person understand the personal undertaking this has been on you?  Who knows.

That is where I am now.  She has  now received the one missing page which she took two and a half weeks to tell me she didn't have.  Thirty business days from Friday will probably be the next time I call, I don't think I can take another heart break like that at work!

Insurance Blues

Jan 25, 2007

Just got off the phone with the Insurance Company.  I was advised that they have 30 days to review my application and that they are short staffed and overwhelmed with those who are already in the hospital and since I do not have a pending date my application will be reviewed when they have a chance. 
So, that being said I think I will stop calling :-(

My first post!

Jan 21, 2007

So, I have been a member of another site for about eight months now when a wonderful source told me to check out OH. My story I guess is like most. I was an overweight child which seems to get worse as I matured into my pre/teens. Being in 6th grade I was already 160 lbs and growing. By the time I graduated highschool I was 240 lbs and 5'10". I was large but also what I thought was in charge. Full of life an energy, ready to take the bull by the horns. Next came the freshman 50. Who are they kidding freshman 10?? Where were they hanging out?? Finally, I sit here as a 26 year old female weighing in at a depressing 310 lbs and am starting to fear my future and what it may or may not hold.

I have been going through the WLS journey for the past year. It all started with my first appointment where amazingly I was told that I had been approved!! I start doing all that is asked and then the brakes are brought to a hault. My approval had turned into a woops and a declination all in one fax. I needed to go through six months nutritional therapy. That doesn't bother me in the least I just wish that three months hadn’t past in the mean time.

So, here I am finished with my nutritionist and my application has been resubmitted. Spoke with my claim handler at the insurance company on Friday and she is going to be taking a three day weekend but will do her best to take a look at it on Tuesday. I am not going to get over excited or bothersome. If I don’t hear anything by Friday I will follow up with a friendly phone call.

Until then, that is my story in a nut shell!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 4
Approval Process is OVER!
Insurance Let Down part II
Insurance Blues
My first post!
