My sophomore year of college was my skinniest year ever. I was 20 years old and could not have cared less about food. I spent my days walking around the hills of Southwest Texas and my evenings were devoted to pushing carts at HEB and dancing my ass off at Bob Popular when we had the gas money to get to Austin. My meals came from the 10-meals-a-week meal plan I purchased through the campus cafeteria. I can remember quite vividly sneaking tiny cereal boxes, bananas, and bagels into my backpack to subsidize the remainder of the week. Food just was not a priority!

The night I met my husband was the end of my sophomore year. We had just gotten out of finals that day and I was off to - you guessed it - Bob Popular to shake it. I spotted Doug right away. I strategically placed myself in the club so that I could be seen from several angles. He finally found me and we danced and talked all night. The only downer to the evening was getting kicked out for underage drinking (bad Doug)! That and the fact that I walked around for a portion of the night with a sticker that read, "Hi, My Name is Fat Amy." Nice huh? One of my friends with me found the sticker and slapped it on my king-size ass, a fine feature that never leaves me, even at my skinniest. It was the seal of my fate. FAT AMY.

I didn't really start gaining the weight until a year or so later. I had even gained about 20 pounds from that point on my wedding day, but I still looked great. The problem weight started around my first year of marriage. I put on about 50 pounds in the first 2 years Doug and I were married. I lost it, gained it back, and continued that cycle a few times with the help of Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and Dr. Atkins. Then I got pregnant! I gained a whopping 55 pounds with pregnancy and miraculously lost it all within the first 3 weeks postpartum. Yay!!! I'm pretty sure that was with the help of breastfeeding and postpartum depression.

The next phase of my life has been all about being a mommy. I've been a working mommy, a stay-at-home mommy, a work-at-home mommy, a stressed mommy, a happy mommy, and ultimately a FAT mommy. I've gradually gained back that 55 pounds I lost on top of my original 50. Except this time, it's not baby, it's FAT. I think my demise has been a combo of a few things, but ultimately it boils down to overeating and being very complacent. I'm ready to change my life and this page is a tribute to the new Shrinking Amy.

About Me
Austin, TX
Surgery Date
Dec 28, 2006
Member Since

Friends 12
