Jan 03, 2008

Jan 3/08

Wow where has the time gone? It has been 2 months since my surgery and the time has just flown by!
On Oct 25th I had my RNY life saving surgery and I feel great. Other than a couple of setbacks that is!
I did develop a stricture that was corrected a couple of weeks ago and since then I can eat a little bit.
I don't really care if I eat but I know I should! LOL
As of right now I am down 73 lbs from my highest and 57 since surgery. My clothes have changed quite a bit as well! I used to be a 22-24 now 15-16.
My attitude has changed for the better as well, I have more confidence than I ever used to, I can now accept compliments where before NEVER!
The wow moments are unreal!
Top ten wow moments since surgery are:
1- being able to wear normal sized clothes and from young fashionable stores!!!
2- fitting in a bathtub comfortably
3- the compliments at least once a day
4- crossing my legs like a lady
5- people not recognizing me anymore
6- my kids being able to hug me and touch their fingers together
7- my hubby being able to pick me up when needed!lol
8- being called skinny bitch all the time!
9- wearing my seatbelt and having extra room for moving about.
10- love having my picture taken finally!

In the event of losing our dear friend Lucie it makes me wonder why I was sucessful and not her? Why I am still here and not her too? It was truly unfair but she had made the ultimate sacrifice for living a much longer life and unfortunatley it was taken from her far too soon. I am truly blessed to have had this surgery and have had no major complications, I only wish she could have had the same chance as well.

May you rest in peace Lucie, forever in my heart and thoughts!


Oct 15, 2007

Oct. 16, 2007

Well where to begin? Had my PATS done at the hospital and all was well, went and picked up Optifast from the surgeons office.
I have been doing the shakes for the past 5 days now and it hasn't been that bad. Some days are worst than others but that is to be expected.
So far I am down 7lbs on 5 days so that is good.
Total weightloss for me since I started this journey is 23lbs.
I am having my surgery in 9 days, so that is exciting! Woohoo, can't wait to start my new life.


Sep 02, 2007

September 03, 2007

Well not much to report on. My date is getting so much closer and now I am starting to get really anxious. Not nervous but excited!!!
I am worried about how I am going to manage my new life with work. Will I be able to hold off on temptations? 
Summer is finally over and the kids are getting ready to go back to school. So now the countdown is on! 
I need to call and make my appt for my PATs and to go get my optifast from Dr.Starr. Looking forward to that, then that means I am ever closer to my date.
I haven't heard anything lately about anyone being postponed so I am hoping that mine goes off with any hiccups.
I will update when I have my date for my PATS.


Apr 19, 2007

April. 17/07

Wow where to begin?
Well had my appt with Dr.Starr and was given the go ahead for surgery. My Date is Oct.25th, of this year.
The appt went well and I even managed to lose 8 lbs, not alot but enough for him to be pleased!
I am so excited and all I can do is talk about it to whoever will listen. I have already started making plans on what I will do and what I still need to do.
I have decided that I will not write a letter to my family as they all know what I am willing to do to get more time with them. I do not believe that I will die, I am stronger than that, I will fight for my kids and my husband, I will be around for a long time, I have to much to lose by giving up.
If god forbid something happens to me then they can read my profile here as this is like my diary.
So if my family is reading this and I have gone to meet my father who is waiting for me then just know I love you very much and I did this for me not for anyone else. I do not want anyone thinking that I did this for them. I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal with that burden.
I made this decision for me, maybe for selfish reasons but nonethless for me. I am the one that decided I needed more time on this earth and with the ones that I love.


Mar 02, 2007

March 2,2007
Well had my sleep study Monday night, all went well but I felt like a borg or something from Star Trek. Too many wires and connectors to deal with. Anyways while I was there the tech brought me a new appt card and told me they got me a new date for my results and I was so happy to learn that it was only the next day.
So went back on Wednesday and the doctor told me that everything was okay and that I only had a very mild case of sleep apnea, something that could be taken care of with the surgery and weightloss.
So excited now!!!!!
Called Tracy and I have an appt with Dr.Starr on April 18th to finally get my surgery date. YIPPPPPEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Oh well now I wait ever so patiently for the next month and a half for my date but it will be okay.
Tracy also told me that I CANNOT gain any weight from now until my appt, I already knew this but man it seems so real now! And so close.


Feb 22, 2007

Feb.22, 2007
Just got a date for my sleep study, Monday night.
I have never done one before, still don't know why I have to do this but I am nervous. Now I have all the questions.....Do I have to go back to Dr.Glazer for his approval for surgery or can I go right to Dr.Starr? Do I call Tracey at Dr.Starr's office and make an appt anyways after I get my results or can I do it now?
I have a tentative appt for my results of the study for April. 10th. So confusing! Oh well I guess only time will tell.


Feb 08, 2007

Feb. 7,2007
I went to see the internist today, and of course my journey had to get a hiccup. Now I have to go have a sleep study done. It was going so smoothly and now this. I knew it was too good to be true. Then to top it all off Tracy from Dr.Starr's office called yesterday to tell me that she finally got me in for March to see the internist. I didn't call her back to tell her that I was going today, I figured I would call her when I was all done. So I get to Dr. Glazer's office and my appt was cancelled by Tracy. But they were so nice there that they took me anyway. The date of the referral was for yesterday after Tracy had told me back in December that she faxed them but she hadn't heard anything yet. Don't lie to me, just tell me you are busy.
I can't believe she did that!
Anyways now I wait to see how long it will take to get this sleep study done, and then hopefully I will get a date.


Jan 19, 2007

Hi all, well yesterday I saw Dorreen Klar and everything went very well, I think she has given me the thumbs up as well. She said I had an amazing support system , one being my husband and 2 being all my wonderful friends here.
just one more appt to go which is the internist and then back to Dr.Starr's for a date hopefully.
I will keep updating as I know more.


Jan 13, 2007

 I called Tracey from Dr.Starr's office looking for my appt with Dr.Glazer. She claimed that she had faxed off my referral but was waiting to hear back. I am being very patient in waiting but I had enough so I called Dr.Glazer's office the other day and geez low and behold they know nothing about me.
Of course that is what I figured, so she went ahead and gave me an appt for Feb.7. They were not booking until March but because I have almost finished all my appts then I need to get in there and get this last one one. Yippee for me! So I will update as soon as I know more!


Jan 09, 2007

Jan.10, 2007
Last night I saw the social worker and she has given me the go ahead for the surgery. She was very nice and easy to talk to. I was so scared for nothing!
She asked me a series of questions which were not really difficult and she felt that I was more than ready for this surgery.
She also weighed me as well on Dr.Starr's scale(which weighs approx 4-5 lbs heavier) and I have lost 5-7 lbs. Don't know what I did but I will take it!
So all in all it was a great birthday present. Yes I spent my birthday with the psych doctor! Good to know I am not nuts!
Hope everybody has a great day!

Little side note, just called the office to find out about my appt with the internist and still getting the run around. AGGGGGHHHHH!!!
The longer I have to wait for this the longer I have to wait for surgery!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 48

Latest Blog 25
Update August 2008
UPDATE- June 23, 2008
UPDATE- June 1, 2008
