9 days after surgery

Oct 16, 2011

So my surgery was on 10/10/11 - I was so excited and felt like it was taking forever for them to finally get me into the OR. I LOVE my surgeon but I was disappointed by most of the nurses I dealt with.  They had the tendency to come in and give injections and do other random things without explaining... I didn't expect shots in the stomach!!

Surgery itself went well.  I had a reaction to the anesthesia as I expected. I couldn't pee after surgery so I needed a catheter.  I dry heaved for the entire first night- no matter what meds they gave me.  My poor nurse was so upset she couldn't help me.  Needless to say every time dry heaved I felt like my abdomen was tearing apart into little pieces lol I wasn't sure I would live through that!!! 

It seems everything is okay though thank goodness.  I came home the next afternoon and did quite a bit of sleeping between my walks around. 

I see, m to be on a more strict program for my diet right now than most people.  I am only allowed sugar free popsicles, sugar free water ice, diet jello, sugar free drinks, water and broth.... so boring!! It seems many people are able to eat more he first week but I am not tryin to mess this up lol  Tomorrow I get to add pudding and cream of wheat wooohoooo!! lol I start my shakes again too

I lost 9 pounds since surgery... I fine walking around too much is a bad idea... bending over is a bad idea... breathing too deep is a bad idea... sneezing is a bad idea.. hiccups are a bad idea LOL you get the picture!!!


2 week pre op - sucks!!

Sep 27, 2011

Oh damn... I started the preop diet yesterday and I feel like CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 days til the pre op diet

Sep 21, 2011

So I am in a wedding this weekend on saturday 9/24- it will be my last HOORAH lol

My diet starts monday.  I think I have everything ready - protein shakes are all prepared- yummy (not really). 

Less than 3 weeks til surgery- I am so excited!!!!!!!!

I feel like I have been waiting forever


APPROVED!!! October 10th is a big day

Sep 06, 2011

I got the call today- I am approved and scheduled for surgery!! I am so excited I don't even know how to put it into words.  I would like to get a tattoo to mark the big day but I can't thing of anything....

oh well.... I am sure something will come up!!

I need to get some friends added to my profile.....

5 pounds lost so far - on first 2 weeks of my 3 month plan

Jun 10, 2011

I started my 3 month precertification program through my surgeon (it's required for Aetna) I weighed in Tuesday and lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks yay!!

Too bad it never stays off

I have to lose 10 before 8/16 to get approved so I am well on my way


I wonder what I can eat after surgery

May 18, 2011

I think it's pretty funny that every time I eat now I am thinking about if I will be able to eat that food later lol  I know some people are unable to eat certain things after the fact dependent on how they react to it.  There are some foods I will miss LOL Of course they are all bad for me so I supposed that will be helpful losing weight!!

I start my 3 month program next week! Can't wait

Control is a good feeling

May 09, 2011

My 3 month program doesn't start until May 24th but I still feel like I have things under control.  I have a plan now that I know will get me to a better place.  I am so sick of eating when I am upset and then getting upset that I ate so much.  Once you get to a certain size it's like there is no turning back without major help.  Just knowing I am going to do something about it is a big boost to my self esteem

   I am so anxious to get everything started.  I see all the before and after pics on here and I am so excited to know that I will be able to do that too! 

It's funny how now that I have so much information about what my diet will consist of before and after surgery- I pay close attention to what I am eating.  I don't necessarily watch what I am eating but I think about the portion size and if I will be able to eat it later.  I am a picky eater so I am trying new things more often.  I realize I have to make big changes and I may as well start now.

I have seen some pictures of people and I was quite surprised that they didn't lose much weight in a long span  of time.  The way I see it- if I follow the plan I will be feeling like a million bucks by time time next year!!

I don't want to be embarassed to go out and have drinks with friends cause I am afraid to be made fun of !!


What led up to this decision?

May 04, 2011

People often wonder what would drive someone to want to do surgery instead of just diet and exercise- well I am here to tell you that exercise and diets don't always work for people!!! I have done it many times then gained weight back.  I am all dedicated for months or even a year then something happens and I gain it all back- I need to find a way to take control!!!

I often hear that surgery is the easy way out- I laugh at that now that I realized what this involves- So far I have
attended a 2 hour seminar
spent hours researching the process
read countless things mailed to my address
had a 90 minute visit with a surgeon
Filled out at least 36 pages of information about myself
requested medical records
etc etc
The next phase involves a 3 month program I attend every 2 weeks following a special diet and exercise program-
2 weeks before surgery I am starting a different diet with lots of protein and hardly any calories

I don't want to bang anyones head into the wall but this is serious business and it isn't an easy process.  The fact is we are all different and some of us need more help than others- I fall into that category

I keep getting the same question-
Aren't  you nervous about getting surgery?
My answer-
No- I am worried about falling through a chair again or getting kicked off a roller coaster for not fitting in the seat.  Surgery is nothing compared to the embarassment I feel when many of these things occur.

First Surgery Consult last night!

May 04, 2011

I have made the decision to get the gastric bypass and I plan on blogging my entire experience including what each steps involves and how my life is going in response to everything.  

My initial interest was in the Lap Band but after attending a seminar I diecided on gastric bypass.  I filled out a 24 page registration packet and requested my 2 year weight history from my regular doctor.  Once I sent this off I waited for a call to make my appointment.  

Once I arrived I filled out quite a bit more paperwork and of course paid the copay and the normal dr stuff.  I was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful the office was!! It is also designed keeping in mind that everyone isn't a size 2!!! The chairs are larger and more comortable for bigger people. 

When I went back the RN did my weight on a HUGE scaled in the floor kind of like the Biggest Loser scale.  We did my height as well- apparently I am 1/4 inch smaller than I thought- maybe the fat is dragging me down!! lol  She calculated my BMI and my excess weight and told me how much I could lose according to the "average" numbers.  My favorite part was when they told me my "ideal" weight is 134.  I am 5'5 3/4 and I think if I end up that small people will be trying to force feed me- I have a big frame to begin with. Oh well...... Of course did a blood pressure and pulse and listened to my lungs

Dr Alfred Trang is the surgeon I chose.  I love him already- he explains everything on my level, has a sense of humor and is very detailed in his explanations.  He even encourages me to ask questions.  We discussed the process, benefits, risks, preop testing, what to expect etc.  There were no surprises there!!

I have Aetna so I will be doing a 3 months multidisciplinary program so I can get authorized for surgery.  They will cover 80% if I am approved.  I will be going every 2 weeks to the office and seeing a variety of specialists (psychologist, nutrionist and exercise physiologist).  My weight will be tracked during this program and I will begin a diet and exercise program.  Essentially I will be losing weight and building my endurance before I even get surgery.  

During this whole process  I have researched my heart out and gathered information from everywhere you could imagine.  I haven't found one thing that makes me reconsider.  I am super excited to start my journey.  I know it will be hard work but it will be so worth it!!

More to come.....



About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2011
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