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I am a 40 yr old married woman with 2 children. I've been overweight all of my adult life.I have asthma which I currently take 3 different meds a day to treat it plus carry an inhaler everywhere I go. I take 2 different meds for my high blood pressure as well.My joints and lower back ache.
My Mom died of a massive heart attack at the age of 43 and i'm afraid I will be following in her footsteps.I started out a year ago with a BMI of 50 and weighing 255 and i'm 5'0", when I went to see Dr. Ahmad in Stonybrook. It took me 9 months to complete all of the tests he wanted me to have. Pulmonary, cardiologist, nutritionist,pyschiatric evaluation, endoscopy, sleep study and blood work. I've done it all. By June it was all complete and I was ready to go. Unfortunately the surgeon moved to Mather Hosp in Port Jeff and no longer accepted my insurance. I switched insurance companies from HIP to MDNY. He didn't accept that either. So I have discovered that Dr.Adaniel does accept MDNY. By the time I went to see him I had lost weight on the South Beach diet and had a BMI of 44.1 and weighed 226 lbs.
Yesterday 9/22/04 I had my first appt with Dr.Adaniel. Everything went well. They were very infomative and friendly. They gave me a tentative surgery date of 10/22/04 because I had all the tests done already.

Ok so i'm not going to have the surgery on the 22nd. The pulmonary guy wants me to have an echocardiogram. I'm scheduled on the 10/27/04 for that. So hopefully after that I will get a new surgery date. I love the staff at Dr.Adaniel's office. They are so friendly and helpful. I feel like I have Christina on speed dial, I talk to her so much.

I am excited and nervous at the same time about the prospect of surgery. I am leaving it in God's hands. He knows what is best for me. And when it is time for me it will happen.

10/18/04: Today is my husband's birthday and I got the call this morning from the dr's office. I've been Approved!! My surgery is scheduled for 11/10/04.

I just wanted to add that with MDNY, the request was sent on friday 10/15 and I got my approval by monday 10/18. That was so quick. I have encountered the most nicest people ever at MDNY. They were very helpful whenever i've called to ask a question and so friendly, I couldn't believe it.

10/27/04: Today is my echocardiogram. I've met with Dr. Adaniel for pre-surgical stuff, on monday. They gave me all the info I need for surgery. I am waiting to hear from Good Sam about pre-surgical testing,then get clearance from my primary care physician. It's very exciting. Only 2 weeks from today!!

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11/09/04: Well tomorrow is the big day!! I'm a little nervous but excited to start my new life. I weigh 222 and have a BMI of 43.4. I want to say thank you so much to all of the wonderful people from this site sending their well wishes and prayers to me. I can't tell you how much encouragement it gives me. God Bless you all!!

11/16/04: Hi Everyone! I am 6 days out of surgery and feeling pretty good. This has been my first chance to sit at the computer. First I wanted to start by telling you that Dr.Adaniel is a wonderful dr. All of the staff at the hospital raved about him and apparently many of the their staff members had the surgery performed by him as well and has had great success.
The first day was pretty awful. I was in a lot of pain. But each day i'm feeling better. They checked for leaks the day after and everything was fine. I've been on liquids since the night after surgery. So far so good. I've lost 8 lbs so far. It seems to be going at a rate of 2 lbs a day since saturday. I still have a lot of gas pain. But i'm taking the pepcid and tums and it's been working pretty well. I'm walking around the house everyday.
I want to thank all of you that expressed concern! May God bless you all!

11/19/04: I go see the dr today for my first checkup since surgery. So far my scale says I've lost 11 lbs.We'll see what the dr's scale says. So far I feel pretty good now. A little pain but nothing bad. I don't take any pain meds anymore. I'm starting to feel normal again. I walk without being hunched over so that's good. I'll update soon.

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12/18/04: Well I am currently under the 200 mark!! Yay for me. I'm now a little over 5 weeks out and I weigh 195 lbs. 27 lbs gone. I'm feeling great. I walk on the treadmill as often as I can not enough i'm sure. I'm still trying to drink all the water required each day. But with the tempatures so cold outside it's so hard to drink water. Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season!!
Me at 5 weeks post op... 196 lbs 

12/22/04: Today is 6 weeks post-op. It's definately going slow for me with the weight loss. About 1 lb a week. I take what I can get. I'm not eating enough. I'm not really hungry ever. I have to make myself eat. I'm trying to do more exercise. Hopefully that will work better for the weight loss. I've now lost a total of 28 lbs since surgery.

12/28/04: Well today I weigh 190. I'm now down -32 lbs. I've tried to increase my eating and exercise. I guess it worked. For Christmas my kids chipped in and got me a $150 gift certificate to buy clothes with when i'm skinny. I thought that was pretty cool. Well i'll post again soon.

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1/06/05: Happy New Year everyone! I had a great New Yr. I had a big party at my house with all of my family. I had a lot of fun. Yesterday was 8 weeks post op and I'm down to 187 lbs.My BMI is currently 36.5 That's down 35 lbs since surgery. I'm pretty pleased with it. I feel great about myself and love how all of my clothes are falling off of me.
Me at 8 weeks post op.
1/16/05: Hi all, I have been at a standstill for a couple of weeks. But I finally added some protein back to my diet and lost 2 more lbs. YAY! for me. So now i'm down to 185 w/ a BMI of 36.1 and that's down 37 lbs. I'll take it. I'd like it to me more but I'll take what God gives me. :)
I also joined a gym on thursday. I'm trying to go at least 5 times a week. I had my hubby and 2 kids join with me. We are making a family thing. I just love it. It makes it so much easier for me to have my family get involved and workout with me. We will all be healthy!
As for the rest of my losing brothers and sisters.. keep up the good work!

Well I guess the gym is working, I'm now down to 181. That's 41 lbs gone. I went to a Weight Loss Reunion party that was hosted by my surgeon. It was great. He had guest speakers there. A personal trainer, a nutritionist, a couple of his patients that have been post op for a couple of years. They looked great and gave me such hope and inspired me to do everything I can to be a success. Who knows maybe in a year or 2 i'll be up there speaking. Anything is possible. I really enjoyed it.
Every time I think it's not fair that everyone else can eat what they want. I snap back into reality and realize how lucky I am that I was able to have this surgery and that I have a chance to have a better life. I thank God everyday for making this all possible for me. I also thank Dr.Adaniel for such a wonderful job!

Me at 12 weeks post op 181 lbs

1/25/05: I was sitting here thinking of the things I miss before surgery and things I love since surgery.
1. Drinking while I eat!
2. Eating bigger bites.
3. Eating anything I want.

Things I Love
1. Having looser fitting clothes.
2. Being able to breathe
3. NO more asthma meds
4. Being able to walk upstairs or walk at all without needing my inhaler
5. Getting compliments
6. Weighing under 200 lbs!!

Life is just so much better now. I am truly blessed and very grateful!

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Today i'm 12 weeks post op. I did my measurements and as of today i'm down 5.5 inches in my chest and waist, 5.25" from my hip, 3" from my legs and 1/2" from my arms. I'm happy about that. As for my weight I haven't lost anymore since Jan.24th. But I tend to do that. I'll go a week or so with no change and then it starts up again. I'm just being patient and waiting. It's nice to see the inches go though. I'm feeling great. My breathing problems have dissappeared since surgery. I have more energy. So things are good for now. Life is good!

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I finally lost some more weight. I lost 2 more. So now i'm down 43 lbs. It's going slow but as long as it's going i'm very happy. Me and Charlie have been going to the gym 4 days a week now. We spend at least an hour or 1 1/2 hrs there. It's very hard. I've never worked out before. Charlie is my rock. Some days I just don't want to go and he makes me and i'm always glad I did. It's great that we are doing it together. Charlie is really very good to me. We've been together since he was 15 and I was 16. We've grown up together basically. He supported me with the surgery and took such good care of me afterward. He encourages me and loves me no matter what even when I don't love myself. I thank God for him.

I am down another 2 lbs. My BMI is now 34.6 which means i'm no longer severely obese or morbidly obese. I'm just plain ole obese now.. yay for me!! We bought a work out bench yesterday so for the days I can't make it to the gym we can still work out. Plus I already have the treadmill and bike.
I'm noticing all the skin hanging. It looks really gross. I hope and pray when i'm ready I can get the insurance to pay for the plastic surgery. I looked at myself in the mirror before going into the shower and I look awful. It's depressing. But I know it's part of the process and I only have me to blame for it anyway. I'm the one that got my body that big to begin with!
Well I just wanted to vent and whine for a bit. I'm done now. Talk to you later.

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2/11/05: Down -47 lbs!!
Well as you can see Amy from OH spruced up my page. It looks great. Thank you so much Amy. I am down 2 more lbs today. Yesterday was 3 months post op and i'm down 47 lbs. I wasn't feeling well this week so I missed 3 days in row of working out. I hate that. I went to the gym last night and had a great work out. I tried to make up for the missed time. I'll be going again tonight. I wish I liked working out more. But I go because I know I need to and that was one of the life style changes I agreed to do once I had this surgery.

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Great news. I'm so excited. I went shopping for some new clothes. I thought I was a size 18 jeans and it turns out that I can wear size 16!!! I'm so happy about that. I'm really feeling quite wonderful with myself these days. Praise God! I'm so truly blessed. I was sitting in my car and really thanking God for all of the many blessings he has bestowed on me. First and foremost, my health! I have so much more energy now. I actually don't hate me anymore. Which is always a good feeling. I am still at 174lbs. I haven't changed on the scale much. But I think it is due to the fact that I haven't been eating as much as I should. I have to get my protein in. I'm going to be taking some more pics soon. So i'll update soon. Anyway, take care all. Enjoy your day and God bless you all!

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March 1, 2005

I finally took my rings to the jeweler this weekend to be resized. They were practically falling off of my finger. I was afraid I would lose them. I went from a size 7 ring size to a 5 1/2. I could actually fit in a size 5 but wanted to leave a little room for when I have swelling. Last time I was wore a size 5 ring I was 16 yrs old. It was nice but I would like to be a size 5 jeans!! Ha Ha. Ok i'll stop dreaming now and be thankful for my many blessings.
I took some new pics a day early. Tomorrow is 16 weeks post op. So here it is, Me in my size 16 jeans!!!:

Image hosted by Photobucket.comHi I found a pic of me when I joined Weight Watchers back 2001. I was 246 lbs. I'm going to post it so I can be reminded of what I never want to be again!

I can fit my whole body in one pant leg!!!

Half the size I use to be:

Here I am at 230 lbs. in April 2000 after starting the Atkins Diet:

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March 4,2005

My son will be 18 on Sunday and my daughter will be 23 on Thursday. Boy does time fly. They are getting so old now. It seems like only yesterday I was holding them in my arms. I'm glad I was able to get this surgery and be healthy enough to still be here and share in their lives.

On another note.. I'm really excited because my sister asked me to go with her to Jamaica in June. I've never gone anywhere like that before so it's very exciting. I'm sad at the same time because it will be the day after my 20th wedding anniversary and hubby can't go with me. He is so good though, he says I should go because I deserve it. Isn't he wonderful? That gives me a couple of months to lose enough weight where I won't feel terrible about wearing a bathing suit. We'll see how it goes.

I've been getting a lot of compliments on my weight loss recently. So that sure feels great! Well i'll update again soon. Later!

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March 10, 2005

Well today is 4 months post op. I am currently down 54 lbs and feeling great! Today is my daughter's birthday. She is 23 and I haven't been this weight since she was about 2 yrs old. My doctor has lowered my blood pressure meds. I'm completely off of my asthma meds. I haven't taken any of my anxiety disorder meds since surgery. So needless to say.. this is definately the best decision i've ever made for myself. After 2 yrs of research it was all worth it. I know that I will have to watch what and how I eat for the rest of my life. But it is a small price to pay for my health.
Well have a great day everyone!

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A friend of mine just gave me this pic of me from the race track summer of 2004. I can't believe this is how I looked.I had to be about 250 lbs. So here it is:

another pic from Jan 04.. YIKES!

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April 10, 05

Today is 5 months post op. I feel great. Today I went to the store and tried on some size 14 jeans. They were a little loose. So I tried on size 12 and yippee!!! they fit!! I'm very happy about that. So i'm now sitting here in my new size 12 jeans and loving it. I am currently down 64 lbs since the day of surgery. I updated my pic on the bottom of this page. I am currently down 97 lbs from my highest weight of 255 lbs. last year. Just 3 more pounds until down 100. Wow I can hardly believe it myself. I haven't been this weight in 23 yrs. I still don't like going to the gym. But Charlie gives me a lot of encouragement which helps me get my butt to the gym at least 4 times a week. I still don't eat as much as I should. I find it very hard. The doctor says I should be eating about 5 to 6 small meals a day, unfortunately I'm only eating about twice a day. I don't get enough water in either. It's a wonder that i've lost anything with me not following the rules i'm suppose to. But I am trying. I take all of my vitamins everyday. I haven't eaten any sugar in 5 months. No carbonated beverages either. Very little pasta and only whole wheat pasta when I do. I just started eating bread. But again, only whole wheat and toasted. And very rarely. I had some tuna on it today and only was able to eat half of it. So I guess all in all i'm doing pretty well.
Well until next time. God bless and stay healthy!

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April 24, 2005
Today is my neice's christening. Me and Charlie are the godparents. It was suppose to rain today but so far it looks nice and sunny outside. A little chilly but not raining so that's good. My beautiful Goddaughter's name is Kaylee and she is just over 3 months old.
I am down 66 lbs since surgery. I've been at a standstill for about a week or so. But I'm not worried. It will come off when it's good and ready.
I have to take a break from weight training, because I developed some burcitis(not sure of spelling) in my back just under my right shoulder blade. So for now i'm taking an anti inflammatory and muscle relaxer. It's hurting right now. But my doctor gave me the results of my blood tests and said that everything came back fine. So that's good.
On another note.. it's getting closer to my trip to Jamaica. June 2nd. I'm getting very excited. I can't wait. I've never been anywhere exotic. Unfortunately the island I live on is NOT very exotic. Definately not tropical. My daughter will be going with me and my hoping to have some bonding times with her. God willing it will be a wonderful trip. Well i'm off for now. Check with you guys later. Have a blessed day!

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April 29,05:

Today I am officially the same weight that I was 23 years ago when I delivered my daughter. I was 17, almost 18 at the time. To think I thought I was fat! I have to say that I really feel great! I would like to lose at least 35-40 more lbs. But if I were to stay at this weight I thank God for making me healthy again. My blood pressure is perfect now, my asthma is gone, I can breathe and sleep normally. Life is good! God is good!!
Just about 5 more lbs I believe to be considered overweight on the charts and not obese. So that's wonderful. Who knew I'd be excited at being overweight? LOL Oh yeah.. my 18 year old son and I are both same weight.Although he is 5'5" and I'm 5'0". So it looks much better on him. He was pretty amazed when we both weighed ourselves. He is one of my biggest supporters. He always makes me feel so good about my weightloss. He really is a great kid! I think i'll keep him. LOL

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May 6, 2005:

I am now officially in the overweight catergory. No more obese for me! Praise God. At my highest weight I was considered Super Morbidly obese, time of surgery I was down to Morbidly Obese, worked my way down to Severely Obese, then just plain ole Obese. Now i'm just about 30-35 lbs away from being normal! Not too bad. Tuesday will mark my 6th month post op. I'm pretty happy w/ my progress thus far. I go see the dr on the 25th. He never gave me a goal weight so I'm going to ask him. Hopefully he will be pleased with my progress. I'll update again soon.

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May 10, 2005 6 Months Post OP!

Well today I am 6 months post op. Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 41. I feel wonderful! I am currently down 105 lbs from highest weight. I'm down 72 lbs since surgery. I'm doing great. I feel like I am alive for the first time in a very long time.

For Mother's Day a bunch of us went to brunch. My son paid for mine as my Mother's Day gift. My hubby Charlie gave me flowers. Afterward I went shopping to spend my gift cards that my kids got for me.

My kids chipped in for a gift card for Mother's Day and my birthday. I bought a ton of clothes. I had so much fun. I got a bathing suit for my Jamaica trip coming up next month. But with my inner thighs not looking so great from all of the saggy skin I also bought a white cotton coverup. Not sure I will actually go in any water. I'm not too happy with the way I look in terms of hanging skin. But we'll see. I bought a couple of pair of capri pants. I'm wearing one of the new outfits in the updated pic below.

Last night me, Charlie and lil Charlie went to Red Lobster for my birthday dinner. YUM! I love Red Lobster. I of course couldn't finish it all. So crab legs today for lunch was nice!

Anyway.. that's about all for now. I'll post again! Take care to all of my WLS brothers and sisters! May God Bless you all! 

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This is me on 5/26/05. 6 1/2 months post op getting ready to go to my first Red Hat Society Tea. I had a great time. I got a lot of compliments which made my night! I wore heels for the first time in a very long time and my feet weren't killing me!

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June 10, 2005

Today is 7 months post op. I'm down 78 lbs since surgery and 111 lbs from my highest weight. My surgeon set a goal of 120 lbs for me, so that means I need to lose 24 more lbs. Not bad. He said he was very pleased with my progress so far and that all my blood tests came back fine.
I went to Jamaica with my sister and daughter and came back on Sunday. I had a great time. The palm trees and the blue carribean it was beautiful! But I got to spend a lot of time with my daughter and I'm so glad she came with me. I had a great time with her. She got me to take a ride on a Hobiecat. Some kind of catamaran thing. It was a blast!! With the temp so hot and the humidity so high, a year ago I would not have been able to do anything. I was walking around the beach and breathing easily. I was able to fasten the seatbelt on the plane and a few years ago I couldn't. I felt so good about myself on this trip. Like I actually belonged with everyone. I wasn't just the fat lady sitting on the bench because I couldn't keep up. Life is good and God is good. It took a long time to get this place where I finally feel good with who I am. I never want to leave this place again. I actually like being me!

Here is a pic of me in Jamaica. June 4, 2005: 

7 months post op pic:

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June 24, 2005:

Ok so I finally lost another 2 lbs. It's been two weeks exactly. Boy it is really coming off much slower now. But as of today I'm down 80 lbs since surgery. I'm 24 lbs away from the doctor's goal. I know that the last few lbs are the hardest to lose. So I'm not worried. I'll just be me and wait for it to happen. My mother & father in law are visiting from Florida. So it was nice to see them yesterday for the first time in a couple of yrs. They both said I looked good. The Fourth of July is coming up. We are planning a big bbq. Should be lots of fun! Well I'll update again when I have something more to say.

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July 10, 2005:

Well today is 8 months post op. I've lost 83 lbs since day of surgery and I'm down 116 lbs from my highest weight. I'm feeling great. I can pretty much eat almost anything only in smaller portions. I still don't eat sugar. I try to watch eating anything too high in fat. I still avoid bread. I eat pasta in small amounts. But I do eat ribs, steak, chicken etc without any difficulties.
We had a big bbq for 4th of July. It went off great. We had about 60 people here and everyone said they had a fantastic time. So I'm happy about that. I didn't eat much that day due to all the running around I was doing hosting the party. But I had a wonderful time. I got to see friends that I don't see as often as I like. And I had most of my family here as well. My in-laws were here from Florida and it was great visiting with them all week. I hope everyone had as great a 4th of July as I had.
God bless and I'll update soon.

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July 28, 2005

I seem to have hit a plateau. I am 18 lbs away from the goal Dr. Adaniel set for me and I can't seem to lose anymore. Who knows maybe this is all for me. I'm going to try more exericise and less carbs. We'll see. I'm now wearing a size 9/10 pants. So that's pretty cool. Probably would be an 8 if I didn't have the sagging skin in the middle. But i'm very happy with the progress I've made so far. I'm going to my regular doctor on tuesday and I'll see about him weaning me off the blood pressure meds. My blood pressure has been fine for months. I'll update again soon.

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August 16, 05

Well I didn't update on the 10th as I usually do. I was sick all week last week. Because of being sick it helped me break the plateau. I lost 3 lbs. I'm now down to 135 lbs. My BMI is 26.4. I'm only 15 lbs away from my surgeon's goal.
I'll take a pic next month. I think I'll skip this month. I look the same anyway. Have a blessed day.

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Sept 10, 2005

Today is 10 months post op. Not doing too bad. I have only 10 more lbs to go to meet my surgeon's weight loss goal. I'm pretty happy so far with the progress i've made. I'm wearing a size 9/10 pants now. So that's pretty cool. I'll take a pic later and post it. Probably don't look much different. I'm so surprised at how fast 10 months have passed. I'm two away from my anniversary.

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Oct. 10, 2005

Well today is 11 months post op. I'm feeling great.

I'm at the same weight as last month. Things are good. I still get quite a lot of compliments. So that always feels wonderful!

I tried on size 8 pants yesterday. I was able to get up and zipper them. I was so amazed. I didn't buy them because the size 10's felt more comfortable. But it was nice knowing that I could have if I wanted to. Size 10 is nice too. After being as big as size 28W and now down to 10 or 8. Life is just grand. I give all the thanks to God!

I still keep remembering a few years ago when my sister told me that she had a dream that I was thin again. I thought she was nuts but she told me that the dream had been so vivid. Who knew that God was showing her the future. I of course just blew it off at the time as just a dream. Funny how things turn out. I never thought I'd see this day.
One more month and my anniversary will be here. To think a year ago today I was still waiting for surgery. It went pretty fast. Well hope all is well for everyone else. God Bless!

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November 10, 2005 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!

Well today is my 1 year anniversary of having surgery. I feel wonderful. I went shopping today and tried on some size 8 pants. They fit confortably so I bought them. Finally pants in the single digits..who would have thought? I still have some weight to lose but so far it looks like i'm done losing. I've been at this plateau for a few months. Not that I mind. But the surgeon told me he wanted to me to be 120 lbs. I won't be seeing him until Dec. So we'll see what he has to say then. I'm happy with how I look and how I feel. I have more confidence now. No more meds other than the vitamins. I still don't eat sugar nor do I plan to ever. I eat bread but not that often and whole grain only. I eat pasta occasionally as well and again only whole wheat pasta. I try to get all my protein in but to be honest I don't count it. I just choose more proteins when I eat now. I look and feel healthy, so I'm assuming I'm doing everything the right way.
Well God bless you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Me at 1 Yr post op: 1 year post op" target="_blank">1 year post op

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Dec. 07, 2005

I went to see the surgeon today for my one year checkup. (Even though it's a year and a month). According to the surgeon I don't have to lose anymore weight. He origanally told me that he wanted me to get down to 120 lbs. But at 130, he says I'm healthy and look great.
I also found today that my insurance does not cover the plastics so I guess I will just live with what I have for now. I can't afford to get plastic surgery.
I'm wearing a size 8 jeans and a small top. I no longer take any meds other than my vitamins so I really can't complain. I feel fantastic. So God has truly blessed me. I have a brand new lease on life. I hope all of my AMOS brothers and sisters have a great Christmas, Channukah whichever you celebrate, just remember celebrate life and thank God for giving us this second chance at being healthy!!! God bless you all!!

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Dec. 19, 2005

Christmas is in 6 days. I had to update and let you all know how happy I am. Friday I tried on a pair of size 5 jeans. They fit and I looked great in them. I got so many compliments. I went to my bariatric support group christmas party Saturday morning. The surgeon said how much younger I now look and that he was so proud of my progress. It also seemed that I was one of the only one of his patients there that actually follow all of his rules for post op care. Like NO sugar or no carbonated drinks. They asked me to sign up to be a fashion show they are having in March. The new me fashion show they called it. How exciting! Well I just had to share with all of you. Have a wonderful Christmas and remember that Jesus is the reason for the Season.

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MARCH 2006

Well I'm very excited. I made an appointment for a consult with a plastic surgeon. It's on Friday April 21st. I'm going to see a doctor in Manhattan. My daughter has agreed to go with me for support. I found this doctor through Stacy from the New York forum on the OH board. She just had her surgery done by him and was so thrilled with the results that she posted the info. I'm very excited. I'm looking to get a full tummy tuck and breast lift. We'll see. I'll update when I have more info. For now.. God bless you all and have a great day!

On March 25th I was a model in a Bariatric Patient Fashion Show at Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip. Here are some of my pics:

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MAY 2006

Well today is May 3rd and I just received a phone call from my plastic surgeon. He got a cancelation and has scheduled me for Monday May 8th. The day before my birthday. I'm a little nervous but excited as well. My doctor is Matthew Schulman. He works at Mt.Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan. I am having a tummy tuck and breast lift. My sister is going to come up from Virginia and come with me to Manhattan. Keep me in your prayers everyone. I know that Lord Jesus is going to be right there with me guiding the hands of the doctor. I am in very good hands. God is the great Physician.

On another note, I went to my very first spiritual retreat this past weekend in a cabin in Poconos, Pa. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I met with God and will forever be changed. See God had been doing such a change in my physical well being and now he is working on me from the inside. I am now getting a spiritual healing. God is so good and the world just seems a little better. I'm loving life and my prayer and desire is that all of you find peace and joy with the Lord Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day!

I'll give you all an update after the surgery.

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May 15, 2006

Well I had my plastic surgery last Monday. Everything went very well. They removed about 4 1/2 lbs of extra skin from my abdomen. They couldn't do the muscle repair because of an old scar I had from 1989. But Dr. Schulman did say that my muscles weren't in that bad of shape anyway. So I was very fortunate. Because I didn't have the muscle repair my pain was more superficial and therefore a lot less painful than most.
I'm very pleased with the results. I still have stitches in. Friday they removed the drain tubes and this Friday they will remove the stitches.
I lost some weight and now I am currently 126 lbs and finally my BMI is in the normal catergory!! Yay for me. I only needed to lose a few lbs and this did it. When all the swelling is gone and I'm healed I will take a pic and update. Thanks for all of your concern and support.
Have a blessed day!

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July 20, 2006

I just wanted to update on how I'm doing. I'm maintaining my weight which is great. I gained 2 lbs this week but cut out the bread and I'm back on track. I lost the 2 lbs. I never want to go up in weight again. I keep a before pic w/ me at all times. I carry it in my pocketbook. I have it on my desk and I have it on my coffee table. I need to see the reminder of where I came from and where I never want to be again. God has given me this second chance at life and I intend to make the best of it. I am truly blessed. God has seen fit to bestow good health on me. For that I am truly grateful and want the world to know how good our God is!! He is faithful and constant. I hope this finds you all well today. And I pray you all have a blessed, peaceful day!

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Sept. 21, 2006

I just wanted to update. I wanted to share about a lecture I spoke at. On monday 9/18/06 at the hospital that I had my surgery, a lecture was given on Bariatric Surgery. I was one of the guest speakers. They had a nutritionist, physical therapist, nurse, social worker and of course the surgeon. I was representing the patient. I had to tell my story. It got very emotional, but I think it went quite well. I got a lot of applause. The Director said that I sounded very professional. My son told me that it seemed like I had been doing it forever. So it was a very interesting experience and I'm hoping that it encouraged at least one person that was thinking about having the surgery. I hope I gave them some hope.
I've also been asked to be a facilitator at the women's support group I've been going to for 4 years. I gave my testimony on Tuesday and that also went pretty well. Life is definitely changing and definitely for the better.
I have new friends and new adventures. I am truly blessed. God has been so good to me and surely pured his Grace upon my life. I pray that you are all blessed today. I'll try to get more pics to update this profile with.

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Oct. 10, 2006

It's exactly one month before my 2 year anniversary of WLS. Things are going very well. I go to a WLS Support Group every other Saturday @ Good Sam Hosp. I have to tell you that I have met some of the most awsome people there. I have made so many new friends. I love my life. I welcome the new changes and new experiences in my life. I feel like there is a kindred spirit among some of these people at the group. We have similar experiences and struggles. I really connect with them. Donna looks amazing and the way she carries herself.. she is so full of life. I really admire the way she is. She is funny and insightful and just loving life. Patricia is more sensitve. I really relate to a lot of her pain. She speaks so eloquently. She really knows how to express her emotions. I love that about her. Nancy.. Let me just say.. I love Nancy. She is so down to earth, I feel as if we've known each other forever. She's great. Gloria,,, She is one beautiful lady. She has been through a lot and has come out on the other side with such grace. I really love seeing her each week. There are so many, John, Karen, Rhondi, I love them all. They are all wonderful people and have made my last year just a pleasure.
I have gotten so much out of these meetings. I love seeing all the pre-ops. I love giving them hope. That there is a better , healthier life waiting for them. I remember the reservations I had about having the surgery. All the questions I wanted answers to. I never went to a support group before surgery and now wished I had.
As for me.. I get so many compliments these days, it can really make my head big. But I give all the glory to God. He has made this all possible for me. It's still hard not being able to have all the desserts like everyone else can. But the trade off is worth it. I have my life back. And it is worth living now. The more I feel good about myself the more I hope I can help others!!!
Ok..enough.. I'll catch up again soon.

Angel's Slideshow:

A Astounding
N Neat
G Glorious
E Elitist
L Loud

Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator

How tall are you?feet,inches.
(Note: don't put " or ' marks in the spaces above.)
How much do you weigh?pounds

Date Weight Pounds Lost Total Pounds Lost BMI
11/9/04 222 0 0 43.4
11/17/04 213 9 9 41.6
12/13/04 197 16 25 38.5
1/16/05 185 12 37 36.1
2/10/05 175 10 47 34.2
3/10/05 168 7 54 32.8
4/10/05 158 10 64 30.9
5/10/05 150 8 72 29.3
6/10/05 144 6 78 28.1
7/10/05 139 5 83 27.1
09/10/05 130 9 92 25.4
11/10/05 130 0 92 25.4
Date#13 W#13 PL#13 TPL#13 BMI#13
Date#14 W#14 PL#14 TPL#14 BMI#14
Date#15 W#15 PL#15 TPL#15 BMI#15


11/09/04: 222 lbs BMI: 43.4 Day before Surgery
11/13/04: 220 lbs (-2)
11/14/04: 218 (down 4 total)
11/15/04: 216 (down 6 total)
11/16/04: 214 (down 8 total)
11/17/04: 213 (down 9 total) 1 week post op
11/18/04: 212 (down 10 total)
11/19/04: 211 (down 11 total)
11/23/04: 207 (down 15 total)
11/30/04: 202 (down 20 total)
12/13/04: 197 (down 25 total) under 200 mark!!
12/16/04: 196 (down 26 total)
12/22/04: 194 (down 28 total) 6 weeks post op
12/29/04: 190 (down 32 total)
01/05/05: 188 (down 34 total) 8 weeks post op BMI: 36.5
01/16/05: 185 (down 37 total)
01/24/05: 181 (down 41 total) BMI: 35.3
02/04/05: 179 (down 43 total) BMI: 35.0 (12 weeks post op)
02/07/05: 177 (down 45 total) BMI: 34.6
02/10/05: 175 (down 47 total) BMI: 34.2 (3 mo. post op)
03/01/05: 172 (down 50 total) BMI: 33.6
03/13/05: 166 (down 56 total) BMI: 32.4
03/25/05: 163 (down 59 total) BMI: 31.8
04/10/05: 158 (down 64 total) BMI: 30.9 (5 mos. post op)
05/10/05: 150 (down 72 total) BMI: 29.3 (6 mos p.o. overweight)
05/26/05: 148 (down 74 total) BMI: 28.9
06/10/05: 144 (down 78 total) BMI: 28.1 (7 mos po)
7/10/05: 139 (down 83 total) BMI: 27.1
9/10/05: 130 (down 92 total) BMI: 25.4
11/10/05: 130 One year Post op

Profile spruced up byon 2/10/2005
For help or a creation of your profile please contact
someone from the HTML TEAM ([email protected])

About Me
Islip Terrace, NY
Surgery Date
Sep 23, 2004
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day before surgery
222 lbslbs
19 mos post op
126 lbslbs

Friends 28

Latest Blog 8
4th Surgiversary!!
"Walk From Obesity" walk!!
2nd Annual Bariatric Fashion Show
My 2 Year Surgiversary!!
