Hi everyone!!  I'm Angie!!  I'm 37 years old and a mom to two great girls.

Let's see, where do I begin.  I have been overweight to some degree my entire adult life.  However, I was not obese until getting pregnant and then morbidly obese after my second daughter was born.

In 2002, I heard about the Lap-Band.  Everything I heard was great!  At the time, I lived in Virginia and was a military spouse.  After some fighting, Tricare Prime refused to pay for the lap-band (as they said it was unproven) and I was unwilling to do the RNY.  So I scraped together the money and was a self-pay with Dr. Paul Hogg in Suffolk, VA to have the lap-band.

Because I so desperately wanted the surgery, I didn't really look into the lapband or the surgeon.  After having the surgery, the doctor informed me that I was his first "unassisted" lap-band.  He had no before care and no after care programs at all.  So, I had the lap-band and was sent on my way.  Maybe my time after would have been different with aftercare and a more experienced doctor.

The lap-band was a "partial" success, I guess.  I lost down to about 185 pounds.  I never had fills because I couldn't eat even without fills.  After the first two months, my life became a nightmare.  I couldn't eat - basically anything but liquidy stuff.  No bread, pasta, salad, chicken, meat...the list goes on and on.  Even when I did eat, even if I chewed until it was mush, I vomited.  I ended up vomiting no less than 5 times per day (but usually more).  Food was my enemy.  I became very weak, extremely anemic, and depressed.  I suffered constantly with acid reflux and had a terrible time sleeping through the night.  I could not eat or drink anything for at least 5 hours after I woke up in the morning, and when I finally was able to eat or drink, it was liquids mostly.  I went on like this for two years.

I finally decided that even if I gained weight back, I could no longer keep living (or not living as the case was) like this.  So I found a great doctor in Connecticut at Yale University Hospital who removed my lap-band.  Thankfully, my insurance at the time covered the removal of the band.  Because I was still around 190, I was hoping that I could manage without the band.

I started living again..it was great.  Food was like a friend - evidentally, it's a mean spiteful friend that wants me to be fat :o)  Honestly, I cannot even believe how quickly I gained weight.  Since having the band removed in January 2007, I have gone from 185 to 275.  That's 90 pounds - in under two years.  Sheesh!!

Up until now, I didn't have alot of co-morbidities.  However, I now have high blood pressure, heel spurs and I believe I'm getting sleep apnea.  So, my weight is literally killing me.  I finally have good insurance again and so I figured it is now or never if I want to consider having a different surgery.  I am now looking into a more permanent solution to help me lose weight.  So I'm in the process of working on getting the RNY.  This time, especially since I'm a revision, I'm doing my homework and going with the best surgeon in my area (or within an hour away).  Cleveland Clinic is a center of Excellence and is very knowledgeable in revisions.  I'm at the beginning of the process, but I can't live like this forever.

I'm glad to be here and working towards a future as a healthy woman!!

About Me
Warren, OH
Jul 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 3
Got call from Cleveland Clinic
