11 days Post-op

Jun 18, 2011

I still have my period.  Going on day 6.  Ugh!  I wish it would end already!!  I'm not getting enough fluids in.    I've been having issues with acid reflux and what people refer to as "foamies".  I paged my doctor today and he said that I need to discontinue fluids a few hours before bed and to take a Levsin about 30 minutes before bed.  He told me that when you get excessive mucous in your mouth it means that your pouch is full.  I don't understand what my pouch is so full of?  Since I am on liquids I thought that liquids go through you relatively quickly.  He told me to try to walk around when that happens and that gravity should help to get it to empty.

I weighed in at 314lbs exactly this morning.  I've now lost 61lbs total and have lost 11lbs post-op.  I go for a follow up appointment next week for my "one week post-op" check but it really is going to be 2 weeks.


One week and one day

Jun 15, 2011

I made it through the first week!  Yesterday was a blah kind of day for me.  I think it was mostly the whole period, crampy thing. Yesterday I had a lot of gas in my pouch.  I'm not sure what caused it maybe the propel I was drinking.  I was told to dilute propel with half water and I didn't.  I kept feeling like I had to burp but not much would come up.  I ended up taking a gas-x dissolve on your tongue strip and that seemed to help.

This morning I woke up and I had an upset stomach and diarrhea.  But once I got it out I felt a lot better.
  I was very excited when I stepped on the scale and it said 318.8!  I can not wait for Friday.  I get to start full liquids.  I am looking forward to tomato soup. Yumm.  I am just getting so bored of drinking the same thing over and over.  That is probably my only complaint.  Earlier this evening my stomach was feeling growly.  I wasn't sure if it was the acid is in my stomach acting up or if it was hunger pains.  I sure hope it wasn't hunger pains.  I ended up eating a few popiscles so I could trick my brain into thinking I was eating.  It seemed to work and it stopped being growly.  But I also took my PPI.

My family ordered pizza tonight for dinner.  It smelled so good and my dad brought a plate into the living room where I was sitting and set it on the coffee table next to me and it looked so good.  That was hard.   But I made it through it!  I'm still at my parents house re-couping.  I am getting homesick and wanting to go back home.  But we are in the middle of a bathroom remodel project that started before my surgery was scheduled/set.  It is almost done and I hope to be back at home sometime before the weekend is over.

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Day 6 Post-op - PCOS and Menstrual Cycles

Jun 13, 2011

I got my period today.  I have PCOS so my period has been absent for almost 2 years.  I did get my period 45 days ago when I had my ERCP and I had been put under.  The Dr's told me that it is common to have anesthesia bring on a menstrual cycle and at that point I had dropped 30 lbs within a month.  I felt a tiny bit crampy yesterday like I may be getting a period.  So far it is light.  I'm wondering how long it will last.  My last period lasted almost a week and was extremely heavy due to not having one for 2 years.  I weighed myself this morning and I am up 1lb.  I don't know if that is because I have increased my fluids or if I could just be bloated from my period.  Normally I have awful cramps from my period but I think the pain medicine is keeping that under bay.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning my abdomen feels really tender today.  It feels kind of hard like a rock.  I don't think it is gas I think I just might be bloated from my period and I think the incisions and abdomen still have some swelling and soreness.  I have an icepack on it to see if that helps with the swelling.  I think the protein shakes are helping to up my energy and make me not feel so lethargic.  I can't believe that tomorrow will be 1 week post op.  Crazy that time has gone by so quickly.  Then on Friday I can start full liquids.  That will be a real treat I am sure.  Sugar free fudgesicles, cream soups, tomato soup, etc.  It will be nicer having more to chose from.

At 4 weeks post-op I get to start pureed foods.  I am supposed to be on pureed foods for one week and then on week 5 I can start to re-introduce regular food as long as I chew it to applesauce consistency.  I may still puree a little bit then I don't know.  I just know I want to be extra careful with my new pouch.

I am starting to try to increase my fluids.  I am able to eat a full sugar free Popsicle now within a 10-15 min period but I do feel full after wards.  They feel most like "real" food because I get to chew them.  I do make sure that they have melted before I swallow them though.

I'm doing pretty good, I'm not really craving food.  Of course it smells good but I am not having hunger pains.  I do look forward to drinking and my banana protein shakes are a delicious treat.  I might try the chocolate ones later today if I finish the 8oz that I mixed up this morning.  I go back for a one week post-op check but not until next week.  Because my Dr. is gone on vacation/seminars and I will be having to see his P.A.  I've never met her but I think it will go alright.

I'm still at my moms house.  I think it has been helpful having someone there but I am sure I will go home in a few days.  My husband has been staying at my parents house with me just so we can be together when he is not at work.  I am missing my house and missing my bed and my tivo. haha!   I'm not sure how it would be being there by myself if I had been by myself the first few days after surgery.  I think it would have been very rough.  So I am glad I made the decision to be at my moms house.  It is nice to have someone take care of you and look after you while you recover from surgery.

I have a sore neck, I have had it for the past few days.  I'm not sure if I slept weird on it.  I've been having to sleep on my back.  The Dr. explicitly said no sleeping on my side!  So I am following the Dr's orders.  It hasn't been too hard sleeping on my back, I normally do for part of the night but I usually like to fall asleep on my side.  I am looking forward to loosing this belly I used to love to sleep on my tummy.

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Post Surgery Medications

Jun 12, 2011

I figured I should post about the medications that I am on post surgery.

- Hyoscyamine Sublingual (LEVSIN SL)  - 1 tab every 4 hours for fullness or nausea

- Lansoprazole (PREVACID SOLUTAB) - 1 tab twice daily before meals.

- Onadansetron (ZOFRAN ODT) - 1 tab every 8 hours for Nausea/Vomiting.

- Oxycodone-acetaminophen (ROXICET) - 10ML every 4 hours for pain.  I am still have considerable pain/discomfort but I am going to try to slowly wein myself off and switch over to Liquid Childrens Tylenol.

I was able to discontinue my Metformin as my diabetes disappeared and was cured from the surgery! Yay!!

Medications that I am continuing are:

- Advair Diskus for Asthma
- Albuterol inhaler for Asthma
- Clairitin for allergies (I can swallow this pill with no issues)
- Flonase for allergies as needed.
- Metroprolol for my high BP 25mg tab (I have to cut in half and take with 1/2 oz of fluid one half at a time 15 min apart.)
- Sertaline for anxiety (cut in half take half tab with 1/2 oz of water and other half 15 min later with 1/2 oz water.)

I was told to stop taking:
Vitamin D
Ferrous Sulfate (Iron Pill)
Metformin (Glucophage) - Diabetes is resolved
Prilosec OTC switched to sublingual (dissolve on tongue) tab
Prenatal Vitamin
Vitamin B Complex

The Dr will instruct me when to restart vitamin and mineral supplements.


Day 5 post-op

Jun 12, 2011

I feel like I have lots to write about this afternoon!

First of all my weight is down!  Very exciting to see the scale going down.  I weighed myself today and I was 323.6lbs.  Yippy!!   So the water weight that I had gained from the i.v's in the hospital has gone away.  I think it also helped the walking we did yesterday with my little trip to Walgreen's and walking around the house, etc.

I had to call my Dr's pager # today.  I have a vaginal yeast infection.  Blah!!!  It is from the antibiotics they gave me in the hospital to prevent infection.  So that is a bummer.   He is going to call in oral medication to fix it.  So in a little bit I will shower and get cleaned up and ready to run some errands with my husband.  Walgreen's again is on our to-do list today.

I tried a new protein powder drink today and I absolutely love it.  Yesterday my husband ran into GNC and was going to pick up some protein shots.  Because I figured I would get a little bit extra energy if I could start to get in some protein.  The sales person that helped him convinced him to get some powder instead.  He said the shots are no good and are not good quality whey.  So my husband bought GNC Pro Performance AMP (Advanced Muscle Performance) Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60.  He got a large 3lb tub of Banana Cream and a medium size 1.22lb bag of Chocolate.  At first I was mad that he didn't get the protein shots and I was worried that this would not be an approved type of protein that I could take post surgery.  It was not on our surgeon's list as approved supplements.  But I did do research online and I found that several bariatric surgeons recommend this supplement and I found some reviews on here (OH).  The reviews I saw were good so I felt a little bit more comfortable using it.  It was pretty expensive for the 2 containers, 1 tub and 1 medium size bag it was just under $65.  The bag has 21 servings and the tub has 51 servings.  So that doesn't seem so bad when you figure how many servings you get out of it.  I am just using 1 scoop to 8 oz of Lactaid fat free milk.  The instructions say to use 3 scoops as a serving which gives you 60g of Protein.  The recommendations I saw online for bariatric use is to use just 1 scoop at a time which will give you 20g of Protein.  So we mixed up a 8oz serving of the banana cream this morning and YUM I love it.  It tastes so yummy.  Creamy and tastes like a banana shake.  Smooth and no bad aftertaste and no chalkiness.  We just used the shaker method but I am guessing if mixed in a blender this could be even more frothy and yummy.
  So I am going to try to take in 8 oz of the shake today and see how I do.  It definitely feels like a little indulgence.  If I tolerate it well I might try the chocolate flavor later tonight.

My incisions are itching a little bit today.  I know it is part of the healing process.



Jun 11, 2011

Struggling a little bit tonight.  My husband and I went and rented 4 redbox movies.  Everything has been going pretty good.  I've been feeling pretty good today.  I walked, I sipped and I rested.  We went to Walgreen's and I picked up several new nail polishes.  I got some really great prices and some cute colors.  I painted my fingernails and they look really cute.  It's been awhile since I have painted my fingernails.

Right now I just have an unbelievable urge to chew right now.  I don't know if it is my anemia kicking in or if its just from being on the liquids.  I just ate a sf Popsicle and that seemed to help a little bit.  After I finished the Popsicle I chewed on the stick for awhile.  (Strange, I know!) I kind of have the urge to chew gum but my doctor has that listed as a no because it can cause gas.  I just got myself a cup of crushed ice that maybe I can chew on a little bit.  But after eating that Popsicle I am too full to ingest anything else for a little bit.


Day 4 post-op - sipping...

Jun 10, 2011

My water intake is getting a little bit better.  I've been tracking it and also tracking when I take my medication.  I slept until 11:30am this morning so from 6am - 2pm I only drank 8 (half ounce) medicine cups for a total of 4oz.  From 2pm to 10pm I drank 36 (half-ounce) cups of liquid for a total of 18oz of liquid.  I'm working on getting a little bit more water in before I head to bed.  But so far today I have drank 22 ounces of water.  I'm supposed to be around 42 ounces starting out!  Tomorrow I will work harder at it and try to drink more frequently.  I didn't think it was going to be so difficult to get all of the fluids in .  There were points of where I felt full and that I could not drink anymore so I did have to take a few breaks from sipping. I'm supposed to drink two 1/2 ounce cups of liquid every 15 minutes.

*Update* - I only drank 32 oz of water just 2 oz more than yesterday. LOL. I need to wake up earlier and really try harder to get more fluids in.


Day 3 post-op

Jun 10, 2011

I am starting to feel a little bit more positive about my experience.  They kept me one extra day i the hospital and I think that helped.  I was just so tired and I couldn't wake myself up.  The pain was pretty intense in the hospital and getting I know I just needed another day on i.v. pain meds.  Yesterday they switched me back to oral meds and I am tolerating those better.  I went home yesterday around 3pm.

I feel a lot of gas rumbling around in my intestines but not much has come out yet.  The nurse told me that once I got it out of me that I would feel a lot better.  The hardest thing that I am struggling with is the drinking every 15 minutes.  It seems like a lot and the alarm is getting kind of annoying :P  Another thing is I'm not sure how to tell if I am feeling full.

Last night I did have an unpleasant feeling around 8pm and I think I may have felt full at that point so I did take the Levsin and the Roxicet pain medication that the Dr prescribed me.  Within a half hour I was feeling a lot better.

I'm at my mom's house recovering and it has been nice to have someone to help me with anything I need.  I plan on going for a walk this afternoon or just trying to up my walking inside the house.  They weighed me in the hospital the day after surgery and I was up 2.5 lbs.  That was sort of disappointing especially since I had only sipped a few times but the nurse said that was normal and some people would even gain 10-15lbs just from all of the fluids that they pump and all of the gas inside you.  I don't have my scale here at my  moms, it is at my house but I will see if I can weigh myself tomorrow and see what it says.

It is getting easier as time goes on.  I do feel somewhat hungry.  But maybe its not real hunger, maybe it is just thirst.  My stomach has been growly a little bit.  So far I have had diluted propel water, plain water, diluted apple juice and sugar free lime jello and chicken broth.


Day two after surgery

Jun 09, 2011

Today had it ups and downs.  Dealing mostly with pain and trying to get used to my new tummy.  There have been moments where I have almost started to question myself on why did I do this?  I know it will get better in time and my quality of life will greatly improve.  A few days or weeks of feeling icky and not normal will be worth it.  Trying to stay positive.  Trying to get the hang of sipping and taking my meds.  I am exhausted but I am at least home from the hospital (checked out around 3:30pm).  I am recuperating my mom and dad's house for the next few days.  Our house is still in the process of being remodeled.  So the main floor is a mess and the bathroom is not completed.  Hoping that after a week or so I will be OK to go back home or at least the guys will have made more progress on the bathroom.

I feel exhausted and I am hoping that I will be able to get a good nights sleep tonight and hopefully I won't wake up in too much pain.  I'm hanging in there and like my surgeon said every day will get better. 


After surgery...

Jun 07, 2011

My surgery went pretty good.  I got very nervous and sort of panicky just before.  They gave me something to calm my nerves and I believe that I fell asleep before I went into the O.R. but I can't really remember.  I do remember having a lot of pain after waking up and a lot of nausea.  They gave me lots of meds and I slept off and on for the first few hours after surgery.  I was pretty out of it and didn't realize who had been in to see me right away.  I didn't get really lucid until around 4pm when my sister came in to visit.

Dr Baker came in to see me around 8pm that night I was surprised he was here so late at night!  That takes a lot of dedication.  He made me feel at ease and comfortable.  Very good bedside manner.  Polite and reassuring.  He was going to fix one of my scars from my gallbladder surgery in 2006 but forgot to.  He said that he ran into some issues with removing my stomach.  I guess it was quiet large.  He said he did take some pictures and I'm looking forward to getting them.  He said that my pancreas looked really good.  And I did a good job on loosing weight pre-op.  I lost exactly 50 lbs from my highest weight in November.  Crazy!  I was so excited when they weighed me this morning and it said 325lbs on the dot.

I've been getting pain medicine every 2 hours or so.  I am sore but it isn't unbearable.  I do have a bit of pain in my back which could be form the surgery or from lying on the operating table.  I am having issues urinating.  I have had to strain a lot to be able to push it slowly out.  I guess my bladder hasn't woken up yet.  But I am also not taking in a ton of fluids either.  I have been swabbing my mouth a lot that has been the worst with the dryness.  It is hard for me to talk because I get dried out so fast.  But I know it will get better once I can start sipping. 

I did take one short walk this afternoon.  I was supposed to walk later in the day but the nurses forgot to come and get me. 
They have been very slow in responding to my call lights.  I'm not sure if they are short staffed today or just have a full hospital.  My back is starting to cramp up I need to lay back and rest.


About Me
Blaine, MN
Surgery Date
May 16, 2011
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