Virginia is for lovers

Apr 26, 2009

That's what the bumper stickers say.  I'm here by myself at the moment though and look forward to next week when my groom of nearly 20 years will fly in from Texas to celebrate our 20th.   I'm here doing home fix-up projects between tenants. 

It bothered me a lot that I didn't have access to our top-notch medical weight scale for the past several weeks.  I've been working hard on the house and yard doing fix-up this and that ... but I didn't have any real way to track whether I was still on track with weight loss.  I really have been too busy with appointments for painters, carpet installers, landscapers, etc. to get to the Fort Myer gym other than to pick up a schedule of classes that I couldn't attend.

So, last week I went to Costco in Pentagon City, bought a couple of nice shrubs and a Weight Watchers weight scale.  I find that I actually like it better than our at-home because it shows weight in tenths of a pound rather than me having to judge where the scale weights are showing.  It resolves the question.

The best news though for me is that I'm still on target with a one-two pound a week loss (after the initial quicker loss) even though I'm not at home.  I'm at 186.6 today.   That's great news for me.   It's a 27.4 pound loss since my surgery on December 29th.  Since that's really only 16 weeks ago, it is less than a two pound a week average but well above one pound.  I'm happy.

I've only had the one initial fill after surgery.  I know the second fill is overdue but the first is still working fine for me.  Actually, my thoughts are that if the weight loss had stopped I'd be more inclined to be concerned but in that I'm 55, it's better for my skin and body to keep the loss at a 1-2 pound a week loss.  Quicker sounds great but slower is healthier and better.

The Biggest Loser tv series has been addictively fun for me to watch on Tuesday nights though.  I don't see them as role models for me so much as for accellerated visions of how I can transform myself by staying on track.   I think Tara has already seen the most positive transformation results ... though the guys are looking healthier every week too. 

I do wish I had a personal trainer.  Once I can get back to a normal schedule in my life ... I will step up the  fitness workouts and that will really help. 

Meanwhile ... I'm looking forward to a much happier and healthier 20th anniversary next week than we had for our 19th anniversary.  Yay for Lapband!


2 weeks @ 198 ... but first fill is tomorrow!

Feb 09, 2009

I feel like Little Orphan Annie singing the Tomorrow song.  It's only a day away!  

I remember visiting my surgeon in the days before surgery and hearing from other women in the waiting room talking about how many pounds they'd lost since surgery ... and they were awaiting their first fill.  Two reported 15 pounds, one at 25 and one lost 30.   There did seem to be a connection between who looked the biggest and who reported losing the most. 

Although my starting weight may have been closer to the number of pounds the heaviest woman wanted to lose ... I admit to having hopes to lose more like 25 or 30 pounds before the first fill.   Hurrah for my losing 16 pounds though.  Last night my son and daughter-in-law said the weight loss was apparent to them.  My black jeans were indeed loose and that's an achievement.  Days before surgery, I couldn't comfortably wear those jeans. 

My husband and I attended the wedding of our nephew this weekend.  It was a beautiful Scottish wedding followed by an elegant reception and dinner dance at a country club.   I wore a new size 16 black dress and though I surely did not pass up on the wonderful food (just ate much less than usual), I think I danced off the extra calories.  Sure would have been nice to be back in a size 10 again.  Sigh.  One day at a time though.

Tomorrow is my first fill!   Perhaps this will get me into the groove to continue loss at 1-2 pounds per week.  I hope so! 


Feeling great - made it to 198!

Jan 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!   My first "big goal" was to weigh less than 200 for my birthday on Sunday, January 25th.   Miracle of miracles though - I weighed in at 198!   That was the best present to see.

Oh - I didn't have a whole lot of faith that I'd make it after days of seeing the scale just stick and hover at 202.  Now it's a day AFTER my birthday and I'm still 198 - so I guess it's real.  Whoo hoo!

Regrettably, it had been two years since I'd weighed less than 200.   Eating healthy meals and regular exercise still couldn't bring my weight under control ... and I wasn't happy about it.   There seemed to be a real metabolism change in my life.   Thank goodness for Lap band! 

My next goal is 195 by Valentine's Day.  If I'm REAL lucky, I'll make it a few days ahead because my husband and I are planning to have a valentines dinner-dance date on February 11th. 


Keeping on Track

Jan 12, 2009


Just Joined the Band!

Jan 12, 2009

It's a great new year!   Banded at Plano Presbyterian Hospital on December 29, 2008.   When I awoke from surgery ... I had hardly any pain at all.  I walked a few laps around the hospital ward within an hour or so afterwards.  I looked at my tummy and saw a couple little bandaids.  I wondered if maybe the doctor wasn't able to perform the procedure because I sure didn't feel so bad.   Seems the anxiety I had was for naught.  

Every few hours, I walked a few more times around the ward - and with each go-around, I became more convinced that Dr. Stephen Hamn certainly did the banding with a gentle hand.  I'm very impressed. 

At this first writing now ... it's been two weeks.  I've lost 12 lbs and I returned to taking my usual Monday, Wednesday and Friday one hour exercise classes.  I also rode my bike around the neighborhood for 40 min. yesterday and 30 minutes today.

The doc recommended via the handouts he gave me before surgery and I've stocked up on 12 weeks worth of high-protein shakes, drinks and the New Whey 42 gram bullets.  Most everything I've tried tastes pretty decent, considering ... though I've also prepared with lots of home-made broths and soups that I've frozen into serving size containers.  Truly ... it seems that so far ... keepin up with the diet restrictions is easier than being creative every day with nutritious meals.  

The really new thing for me is portion control and not drinking along with my meal.  Once or twice now, I've forgotten that I shouldn't drink for half an hour or so after eating.  I am trying to remind myself not to drink by setting a thirty minute timer on my iphone.  That works pretty well.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 12, 2009
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