AnnieBannie's ramblin's

Mar 22, 2008

Hi There!

Let me first say that WLS is by FAR the best thing I've done for myself in years!  I feel terrific and am often surprised by who I see in the mirror!  Yeah, I think I look a little older but I KNOW I'm going to live longer now so who cares if I have a few more wrinkles?!!!

I can now crawl on the floor with my 3 grandbabies so that in and of itself says I did the right thing by having surgery!

I'd sure agree with those gals who wonder why the fat that is left around my middle (spare tire!) couldn't just sink to my butt so I wouldn't have such a boney butt thing going on! My boobs sure sunk so me thinks it's only right and fair my spare tire should too!!

I'm SO excited about bonding with a bunch of you at the upcoming retreat on 3/29. THANKS to Darla for getting this together. I don't make many meetings as I'm not real keen on sitting in traffic for 45 minutes to go south to then sit for 2+ hours to drive up north for 35 more minutes. Wish the group were closer to me up in Maple Grove.

I've got a few questions and I'd know the answers if I spent much time on this board but due to the fact that I'm on a computer all day at work and I LOVE TO KNIT, I just can't bring myself to spend much time on it!

1.  How do I add that cute litte weight thingie at the bottom of my signature?
2.  Are the "powers that be" on this board still working on updating the procedure for posting a "Century Card"? See, I can find the help section and that's where I saw they're trying to make it so we can load them ourselves but want to make sure that's a current message!
3. Can someone tell me how to put my pictures in a logical order, by date or do I have to delete them all and reload them?
4. Is there a "coffee group" that meets anywhere near my home in Maple Grove? Would love to hook up with you guys!

OK, there!! I did it! I've finally posted something!  Have a Super Dee Duper Day

About Me
Maple Grove, MN
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
BIG Grandma with a BIG mug and a darlin' Grandson!

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AnnieBannie's ramblin's
