May 15, New aches and pains

May 15, 2007

Well, the scale is still going down.  My appetite isn't very great which is a good thing in my book.  I need to try harder to get more protein in... with the hot weather I am definitely getting enough water down.  I noticed the more weight I loose the more my joints hurt.  I especially have been having pain in my toes and bunion.  I guess the built in cushions are going away so the bones are spreading out more.  I plan to have my bunion fixed after I reach goal and the toes next to it that have the astio arthritis will get straightened out at the same time.  Until then I'll tolerate the pain.   I seem to now be able to eat broiled and grilled chicken without a problem.  I'm looking forward to trying pork chops soon. I also tried some spanish rice without difficulty.  I had been told that rice was hard to digest but it didn't bother me.  It was in a TV dinner and had a bit too much grease I suspect which would have made it go down easy     I'll be going to my primary care doctor next month for blood work checkup and the surgeon in July for my 6 month checkup.  I'm so happy with the energy I'm experiencing and the increased mobility.  Words of encouragement to those of you about to start your journey, get in the habit of writing down what you eat.  Post everything daily on or other means to track your intake.  It is one of the best things I ever did.  I need to start posting my activity also but will take time for me to develop that habit.....

I'm expecting to get off my blood pressure meds next month after reaching my 100 lb loss.  That will be a great thing.  Another big milestone on my journey to good health. 

God is watching over me. My scale is continuing to go down

Apr 17, 2007

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Well I've had to start back on Prilosec because my pouch didn't seem to like anything I was eating except cottage cheese.  I haven't been throwing up but didn't feel good about anything I tried to eat.  I've been on the anti-acid now 3 days and am enjoying my food again.  I'm back to trying new things again and not worrying about getting sick....

7 weeks out and am working in yard with more stamina

Mar 22, 2007


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Well I saw my primary doctor today and found my blood pressure is staying at a normal level with using 1/2 my pre-surgery dose of medicine.  It was 130/80 which isn't bad for me.   Doctor said after another 35 lbs. he will try eliminating it all together.... I'm down 51 lbs now and my clothes are getting very baggy and I find I can stand much longer than I use to.  I can now work in my yard without my ankles hurting moment by moment...That is such a great thing....

As of 3-31-07 I've lost 56 lbs and am soooooo happy....

March 17 It is a beautiful Sunny Day and i'm so Blessed

Mar 17, 2007

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I'm so excited, I finally am below 400 lbs.   I am 399.5 lbs this morning....46.5 lbs gone forever.

6 weeks out and 41 lbs gone forever

Mar 13, 2007

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My journey is progressing smoothly.  I saw my Primary  Care doctor last week and he reduced my Blood Pressure meds to 1/2 the amount.  I check with him next week to see if I can continue taking 1/2 or even less...  As I reported earlier, I've been off my diabetes meds since the week after surgery. My blood sugar is staying low so my food intake isn't bad.   I'm so blessed...  I've noticed that I can now stand for longer periods of time which is great when I want to water my flowers or pull weeds...  I have also tried walking around in stores to a small degree instead of using their mobility scooter when possible.  It always depends on the size of the store.  My clothes are getting much looser so I'm digging in my closet to see what I can come up with to wear until i've lost enough to wear the clothes my dear friend  Becky G. has given me that are too big for her now.  i'm very happy that the swelling in my hands  is down so I can now wear alot of my rings that have been packed away for a couple years now.  I love my jewelry and wearing it is such a reward...  I like rewards that don't cost a thing.. don't you?   My next goal is to be below 400 lbs.  Maybe it will be as soon as next week...myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

In honor of my dear friend and mentor Becky G..  here isssssssss Betty
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5 weeks and 2 days out and doing real well

Mar 09, 2007

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Well  I'm down 37 lbs as of this morning.  I seem  to be getting sluggish  lately.  I figure it might be from the various types of food I've been trying.  I have been adventurous and have tried lettuce salads with marinaded beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, zuccini, onions....I've tried high protein(Barilla plus) pasta, some bites of garlic bread, sourdough bread....  I probably need to add more fruit to my menu  so I've bought some gala apples which I'll try with a little almond butter(high protein).   I've been diligent about posting my daily food diary on otherwise I'd have no idea what i'm doing with regard to protein,carbs, fat etc.  I am doing very well for only being 5 wks out.  The only area I'm needing to adjust is my fat intake.  My carbs are low, calories are under 1200 daily and protein is usually in the 80-90 grm range....     So many people cannot tolerate much this early out but I am able to try most everything so far.  I cannot eat scrambled eggs easily but can eat deviled eggs.  If I have meatloaf freshly made I cannot eat it a second time unless I make it real real moist...  I cannot eat chicken/turkey sliced.  I need to try grinding it with mayo..  I also tried different crackers like melba toast, bagel chips....  They really bother my pouch.  I can eat puffed rice cakes easily and pork rinds.  One way I get my fruit in is when I made a yogurt smoothy....I put fruit into the shake (blueberrys, bananas, peaches) a teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1 pkg of splenda and some ice..... yummmmy....

I am also so grateful for all the new friends i've made on  You all are the best medicine a person can have... Love and encouragement from those who know and understand who are going thru the same thing is great....  We are extended families to each other....  God Bless us all and those who care about us.

One month out

Mar 02, 2007

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Well I'm 31 lbs down. I'm feeling good and much more energetic.  I've discovered a couple outfits in my closet that fit now that I haven't worn in over a year.  I've been reminded over the past week that I'm not able to eat just "anything".  I've tried melba toast and bagel chips and found they hit my pouch hard and make me feel I gotta stay away from that.  I have tried liver and onions and that was ok with my tummy, so go figure...  For the most part I'm staying close to cottage cheese, string cheese, beans, chili and yogurt..  Ham goes down easy, but I have trouble with chicken and turkey.

My stamina in walking is getting better.  I hope in another month and about another 20 lbs I'll be doing some short walks with my dog around my neighborhood.
fairy and rosesfairy and roses

3 weeks out and 25lbs down

Feb 22, 2007

Well my journey is going very well.  I've been trying different foods that fit into the category of pureed/soft foods.  I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes w/gravy one night.  I am also able to tolerate vegetarian chili, taco meat, imitation egg salad from Trader Joes, hummus and crackers.  I Needless to say I do not feel deprived..   My incisions are healing nicely.  Some I cannot even see anymore.  I'm back to driving and since i'm out shopping etc. I'm getting the exercise called for.  I'm still not able to do any "distance walking" but these little spurts in and out of stores does the trick for now. Getting my water in is still a problem that I'm trying to improve on.  I have been drinking 3 protein shakes a day with some regular food  a  couple of times in between.  I can count the shakes toward my 64 oz of liquid, thank goodness.  I see Dr. Juarez for my 8 wk checkup on March 27.  Oh my primary doctor had taken me off my diabetes meds the first wk after surgery.  I still check my blood sugar daily and it has been staying at a normal low level.  I hope the blood pressure meds will go next. 

1 week out from Surgery

Feb 07, 2007

Surgery went so smoothly.  It was so fast that I didn't have time to be scared in the operating room.  After researching the process and looking at DiscoveryHealth Channel for almost a year about WLS, I was amazed by how good I felt  "mentally"  within  hours  after surgery.  My pain was not as bad as I had imagined it would be.  I had a really nice roommate who had the surgery the same time and day as me.  It was a comfort having her there to share the pain, the walks, the talks, and the many laughs we had during our stay.  Even though it hurt we still found things to laugh about.  God was watching over us and our surgeons... and answered all those prayers being said for us.  Our nurses were so helpful and considerate also.

My Angel Kitten

Jan 28, 2007

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Thank you "Kitten" for taking time to call me and encourage me.  Knowing you and others care about my success and well being means more than words can say. 

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About Me
Tucson, AZ
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 31
Blissfully Stuck
June 25, 2008 Wedding Day
1 picture worth a million
May 1st - Big Event
April Brings Great News
Back on Track
March Madness
Wonderful things keep happening
Life is good
Happy New Year
