Moving Forward

Jan 27, 2010

Hello everyone I just got back last around 10. The car ride was painful due to the fact I had all of this Gas inside me. I hope everyone surgery is close by. Everything went OK, although I don't remember anything. I have five incisions and they removed a hernia which in my case was a two for one. I'm drinking my liquids and water and taking my med faithfully. I hate pills and they make me feel as though I'm swallowing a huge piece of food. 

I have been walking since I came under the Anastasia. My Calv's feel like I did a marathon. They say its to help with the gas, in a way it does and in my case it does and doesn't. I have lost 20 pounds from Monday and I feel tired and energized at different moments. Will I do it again if I had to YES it was worth it, my only fear was not waking up to see my girls and husband. But as you can tell your and my prayers have been answered. 

I really want to thank ADIFFERENTME I feel as though you were right there the whole time. Thank you for your prayers and you inspirational talks. I can't wait to be going down this same journey with you. Thank you again.

Well this is all for now as I said this GAS thing is a #%$^$@^ in due time. Talk soon. 
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Night before

Jan 24, 2010

Today was the first day of my liquid diet and I have to say broth is really salty but I do prefer the taste of strained broth. Like noodle juice. I thought it would be hard but it wasn't all that bad. I guess it would have been if I had cooked dinner. My husband says he will do the liquid diet with me to show support. Honestly I new it would be hard for him. He only lasted but an hour, but his heart was in the right place.

I only have 7 hours to go before I'm on the highway headed to the hospital. I know I will be tired maybe that will take all of the anxiety away. I've never been this scared before. I have had c-sections and they scared me but not like this. My nerves will be calm when I wake up and see my husband and girls. Unfortunately for me it will only be my husband my girls are not allowed because of their age. Being so young and all. So I will video them on the Cp.

my mom has been so much help she is coming down to watch the girls while I'm in the hospital. She is truly what I call a phenomenal woman. I tend to chat a lot when I'm nervous pls excuse me if I'm blabbing.

For all us who are going to have WLS I just want to say that not matter how you look after the surgery always remember that you are an exceptional personal. I have seen to many people not love them selves after and that is not the way to go just keep taking those small steps to success.

I want to ask if you keep my family in I in your prayers and wish us a safe journey to and from the hospital. Thank You all for allowing me to be me and the person I am. For allowing me to come out of my heavy closet. Till Tuesday.

Thank You all.  Takisha

Dean's List

Jan 24, 2010

Hello Everyone I know this is not about WLS but in a way it is one of my goals and i have finally accomplished it. Today I found out that I made it on the Dean's list. Everything seems to be going OK. Just wanted to share my happy news among friends.
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Almost surgery Eve

Jan 23, 2010

Well it is almost that time and I'm more anxious then scared at this point. I have been doing more and more research and I have become a little more clam. Now this could be the liquids talking but hey I'm going to go with it. I leave Monday morning @ 4 and will arrive at the hospital around 8:30 depending on the weather. There is no looking back only forward and I'm ready. I really want to thank all of you for your talks and conversations. It has really meant a lot to me.


Jan 21, 2010

Pre op went well today the weather was scary. They had me fill out paper work pay them of course and get my blood drawn. Then when they did all of that they gave me my prescription and a card that allows me to order from the kids or senior menu when ordering out. They also game me a bottle of this stuff to wash with two days before I come. It was crazy. So the big day is nearing and I'm looking forward to it more then ever.

I did not gain any weight so I was OK on that. They took my urine to see if I was pregnant but failed to realize I had a tubal. In the end all worked itself out. I did not know they paralyze you for the procedure and have a machine breath for you. That part of the discussion brought tears to my eyes but as we talked more things became more clear. I walked out with a smile. Monday is the big day and I hope it is not snowing here still so that I might get there faster. Keep me in your prayers as my journey ignites on its first step.

Pre Op

Jan 20, 2010

OMG!!! Pre op is tomorrow and I have had butterflies ever since I woke up. I have wanted this for so long. I hope everything goes well. Five days to go and I'm so excited to have a change. Well we'll keep informed about what happened. till then
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The count down

Jan 16, 2010

1-16-2010 Well I have 9 days more till the big day. I'm not sure what to feel at this point. I feel all the natural feelings such as being scared, happy, and mind cramped all at the same time. I have pre op in 5 days and that's when I think everything will kick in for me on a reality level. I have started to have dreams about it. really odd if I say so myself. However I'm ready.

1-17-2010 Today makes 8 days more to go. I started having dreams about having the surgery. Nothing crazy like that but dreams all the same. My pre op is Thursday and that alone makes me more excited and scared. I'm counting down with all kinds of mixed emotions. I can't wait. Keep me in your prayers.

1-18-2010 7 days till the 25th. I have been doing a lot of research lately. I found that you can experience Plataea. Which is when you stop loosing for a number of reason. mainly because of something you ate or lack of something. I also read that if you have a low glycemic diet and walk, walk, walk, and walk some more you can get of Plataea. I worry about this a lot. Going through the wls and not loosing anything not a single pound. I know I will loose some pounds (praying) but the truth is all of these stories about stop loosing and not eating the right things makes me scared. I 'm really looking into the water issue. many people say they have a hard time drinking and some say they choke. I'm a baby when it comes to anything involving my air way. I will panic if that happens. So I have practicing taking small sips to be prepared. Personally I think I need a vacation but this will pass. --scared, anxious, and happy-vent. 

The starting line

Jan 15, 2010

Hello. I'm 28 will be 29 in Feb. I have a lovely family and a very supportive husband. I have been battling my weight for 6 years now. I know for many this is nothing but it is for me. I really didn't mind the extra pounds although when you visit the doctors and that's all you talk about you can't help but mind. I have never been a person to concern myself with the outer appearance or keep up with the latest fashion. I always did what made me happy.

  After awhile all the light comments started rolling in. "Oh I weigh this much, how much do you weigh?" or the moments when you look and feel good until you pass a mirror realizing that the way you looked when you walked out the door, is not the way you look at that moment. looking down at yourself reveals a negative outcome. Walking around with my girls feeling I will never have the chance to do all the things they want because of my weight. That was not me it did not make me happy, so why was I living this life.

  I had heard and had many family and friends who have had the surgery but was always afraid of it myself. I was afraid of becoming to skinny, sick, or even dying. But the fear in not doing or having my girls around was far much to bare. Being the heavyset of the wives at my husbands events made me feel bad for him although he never acted as such. That was not me it did not make me happy, so why was I living this life.

  After a while you say "what the hell" and you find or seek help. You do whatever it takes to get your life back and have that control again. I have visited this site many times and until now I have become a member. I have only 10 days till my surgery and I'm afraid and happy at the same time. I have been on the other side of the grass and Yes! it is greener. I just wish this side of me did not have to come with a label or UN wanted comments. I have faced many obstacles but it when I choose to face them will an obstacle stand in my way. So everyone here is my starting point.

   There are many points in my life that I will share most of them hard and many of them happy. I'm just glad I have been blessed to have a place to start again this time with the right knowledge and support. So This is me at the starting line of a new beginning towards my new way of living. Wish me luck.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2010
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