My new found friends on have encouraged me and shown me how easy and beneficial having a blog can be. So here goes nothing, and everything....

My name is Arianne and I am an overeater. I am 37 years old and that is truly the first time I have every typed or said that. I have always percieved myself to have a weight problem, even though looking back to pictures as a young girl and in high school I wasn't really that overweight. But I remember always feeling fat and unhappy about my body. I have used food to numb myself from my emotions and my life and now I am inhabiting a body that most times I don't even recognize. When and how did it get this bad? On the inside I am dying to feel good about myself and be active in my children's lives and just live the life I was supposed to live.

I am a 37 year old mother of seven kids, Yes I said seven kids. Two of them are my own biological kids. Allysa is 15 and Garrett is 8. My boyfriend and best friend for the last 26 years has five kids. We share Allysa 15, then there is Daniel 15, Ronnie 13, Robbie 13 and Annie 6. This last October we added Becca my daughter Allysa's best friend to our family. So all in all we have 3 15 year olds, 2 13 year olds, an 8 year old and a 6 year old. No pets, but they house is still usually a zoo! LOL. All seven of the kids are very active in sports and Rodney is coaching football at the high school again this year. So not a dull moment at our house and I love it!

Rodney is the love of my life and has been my best friend for over 26 years. I first met him in the 6th grade and thought he was the cutest boy ever. During junior high we were inseperable and always talked and shared our lives and dreams together. We were never romantically involved but problem solved eachothers love lives all the time. I always loved Rodney, but never wanted to lose the friendship so I just kept it on the friendship level. During high shcool we were just as close, supporting eachother with our activities and through some of the hardest times in our lives. Rodney's oldest brother Daniel died just before we graduated from high school and that was really hard. After high school we went our seperate ways and lost touch. A crazy night of passion resulted in our daughter Allysa, but I never told him about her as he was with someone else and so was I. I always thought of Rodney and dreamed that some day I would be reunited and tell him about his beautiful daughter and that maybe we could finally have a chance to be more than friends.

October of 2009 I was on Facebook and saw his picture and befriended him. We started talking and sharing and catching up on old times. Rodney was going through a divorce and I was divorcing for the second time. We talked and texted for months. It was so nice to have someone to talk to that knows you so well. In January 2010 we met up and I spent the day riding in his log truck. We talked and laughed and shared our lives. And I guess you could say the rest is history. On March 20th I told Rodney that my daughter Allysa was also his daughter and the two of them have really created a special father-daughter relationship. They have their ups and downs but that is mostly because they are so alike.

I feel so lucky to have Rodney in my life again. He supports and loves and sees the me that I hide inside this shell of a body. Rodney is the reason that I have been able to finally pursue having Weight Loss Surgery. A dream I have had for the last four years.

On May 31st, 2011 I will be having gastric bypass (RNY) at OHSU in Portland, Oregon. I am so excited to start this next phase of my life and get fit and healthy. I am hoping this blog will help me track my progress, struggles and victories. So here goes....

I look forward to using this blog to share with my friends and family, as well as encourage any others along this journey. I am always looking for new friends.

About Me
Albany, OR
Surgery Date
May 03, 2011
Member Since

Friends 10

Latest Blog 1
