Had surgery on Monday & it is now Sunday

Dec 03, 2006

Hello everyone!  Well, I guess it is time to reaccount my experience!  What a wild one it has been!!!  

In my last post I said I was drinking the magnesium citrate...well...I can honestly say I will never do that again....ha ha!  It is definetly something I will remember as not so good an experience...ha ha!  

That next morning, my husband and I left the AirForce Base we were staying at with my parents, and arrived at 5:30am for surgery at Bothwell Regional Hospital.  I had to give a urine sample before they started all my IV stuff.  Well, since I had poopied everything out and had nothing to drink since 9pm the night before, I had to walk around forever before I could go.  So, for anyone going to have surgery, make sure you have some left before you go to the hospital...ha ha!   

Once that was all done I went back to a preop room where they had me take off my clothes, get into a gown, and they did all my vitals.  It was 30-40 minutes before I was telling my family I loved them and then I was in the surgery area.  I remember talking to the anesthesiologist for about 10 minutes and before I new it I was out!  

I woke up about three hours later in my room.  I do remember waking up in the recovery room briefly because when they were bringing me out of the sleep, they pulled the tube out of my throat and all the sudden I got the worst chest pain I think I have ever had in my life.  It was horrible.  I thought I was having a heart attack, but they just kept saying it was normal and that it was gas.  I will say that was the most hurtful part of this whole thing.  That and the being tired afterward.  When I got into my room I began to wake up and I told my husband I wanted to go for a walk.  The nurse was like, "Are you sure?  You have only been here for 20 minutes!"  I was like....YES...I want to walk.   So, I got up and walked around for about 10 minutes or so...they thought I was nuts, but it got rid of the gas pain!  I am telling you, GET UP, WALK, and MOVE or you will be in pain.  I promise you that!  The gas is horrible!  I am still dealing with that now.  Not to the extent as after the surgery, but sometimes the pressure does get kinda hurtfull.  That night though, my upper back started to hurt sooooooo bad.  It might have been my 4 back surgeries prior and the very hard bed, but it might have been the gas too.  Mainly because I usually have back pain in the lower part of my back where I had 4 discs removed.  But the pain I had that first night, it was more up in my upper back area.  Kinda like my shoulders.  Since I have dealt with back pain for years, I have learned through trial and error what works and what doesn't!  When it came to a time like that...I sent my husband to Walmart!  HA HA!  He went and bought a hand-held massage thing and grabbed these pads that are called SALONPAS.  They are wonderful and WORK!  That is the good thing.  I finally got my back pain under control, and I am telling you the incisions on my stomach area were nothing.  I had no pain on them until the third day or so out.  I told my husband I felt like I had a tummy tuck and that I also felt like one of those little African children that have their bellies extended out because of malnutrition and worms.  It really does feel like that!  The day after my surgery, Dr. Hornbostel released me to go home.  I think a lot of it was that I was walking so much, and was really doing well.  I drank some broth before we left just to prove I could keep it down and then we went home before the snow and ice hit the next night!  I am glad we got home before that!  We got about 3" of ice and then about 3-4" of snow on top of that!  We are still trying to dig out!  

Tuesday I just slept all day in the back seat on the way home and then all night.

Wednesday, was not a good day.  I felt horrible and was getting sooooo tired of broth!

Thursday, I was feeling at least 75% better!  It was a really good day and I had a french fry!  I know I know, shame on me!

Friday, I was feeling a bit more spunky and couldn't seem to sit still.

Saturday, my husband and I went to the gym!  I did the eliptical machine for about 20 min, played ping pong with my husband (where he kicked my bum!), and we played a little basketball.  That really wore me out!  

Today though, we went to the gym again!  I wasn't feeling too motivated to go the gym (but you know how that is when you didn't really go to the gym before all of this), but I got off my bum and went.  My husband and I did about 20 min on the eliptical again, lifted weights that didn't hurt my incision areas for about an hour and then walked around the track upstairs for one mile!  I think I definetly got my exercise in today!  

Last night I took off my steristrips (the plastic they use to cover your incisions).  They are starting to itch because they are healing, so I couldn't take it any longer.  So, I took them off.  However, I couple of them were still weeping a little, so I but waterproof bandaids on them.  I think they are doing better today because they got a little air and are healing more.  

Anyway, I am going to go for now because I am getting ready to try some eggs!  YEAH!

12 Hours to go!

Nov 26, 2006

Well, here I sit drinking Magnesium Citrate (to make you go to the bathroom to clean out your system) and on an Air Force Base.  We are Army so it is always a little wierd when we stay here in lodging.  Air Force life is so much more laid back than Army life.  It is kinda strange.  My husband and I are watching the "Manchurian Canidate" that came out last year with Denzel Washington to help keep my mind off of all of this.  Really right now though, my stomach feels like crud.  The Magnesium Citrate kinda makes your stomach feel like you have permanent cramps that just don't go away.  That is kinda the cruddy thing about it.  

I guess the next time I post will be after surgery.  I plan to put things in about the pain and stuff because I haven't seen a lot of profiles that are very undetailed all of the sudden after surgery.  So, I plan to make sure that get the details down for others who go after me!  

Please pray that the Lord watches over me, God puts His angels around me because it says in His word that, "He puts His angels around those who love and fear Him," and that all the health care professionals from the nurses to the doctor's hands and minds are guided by God, and that my recovery is fast and without complication.  It also says in God's Word that, "By His stripes we were healed."  So, right now I claim that healing before being cut on because it says that God has already put healing infront of us.

See you all soon

Day before surgery!

Nov 25, 2006

Here I am down to the day before surgery.  I am scheduled to go under the knife (again...4 previous back surgeries) at 8am on Monday, 27 November 2006....Which happens to also be my 27th Birthday!  Wild huh!  

At this point I am really getting kinda nervous.  I am definatly not looking forward to drinking the Magnesium Citrate that Dr. Hornbostel has you do the afternoon before your surgery day.  It is in a green bottle that looks like some old-fashioned elixor.  I am sure it will taste like pukie.  

My husband and I went to "the mall" aka..Walmart around here tonight to get some things for my all liquid day tomorrow.  No more solid foods for awhile.  I hope I can do that. That kinda worries me, when everyone else around me will be eating food that I love.  The good thing is though, that my husband is on a diet with me too because he is over his weight limit right now for promotion in the Army.  Sooooo....we are weight loss partners together!  I love him very much, and as much as I will change (and he will too), I hope that he knows that I love him as who I am now and who I will become.  Just like when we gave our hearts to the Lord, we were the same person but we were made a new creation through His blood.  It doesn't change the fact I will always love him and be with him, I will just be that new creation body wise.  I know that he has a little worry that I might go off and meet someone else, but I am putting it on here for all to see...My love for my husband goes far beyond just my body or his body.  My love for him is everlasting and till death.  Even then I will be with him in heaven!  He just can't get rid of me...ha ha!!!  I like it that way though because I love him with all my heart and I don't want to be without him.  

Well, the next time I write will probably be around Tuesday or Wednesday.  I will be on the losing side thankfully!  Please pray for my surgery to be a complete success, the doctor's hands to be guided, and a speedy recovery that is easy to deal with and no complications!  Be back soon! 

4 days left! Can you believe it?

Nov 22, 2006

\I am four days out and I am about to freak out!  I can't believe it is getting so close.  Not only am I freaking, but at the same time I am feeling not really prepared either.  So it is a strange feeling all in one!  At this point I am kinda on autopilot.  Hold on, my husband wants to write something.....

This will help us both.  I feel that with my wife eating less, it will make me want to diet also.  I'm glad that she is doing this.  It will also help her health; and help my wife live longer with me and our future children.  I'm also very nervous about this, because I love my wife so much and I'm worried about her. 

Isn't my husband a sweetheart?!!!  I love him, but after I have this surgery I don't know that he will love me anymore because he likes me more heavy.  I am worried about that too.  I guess I am feeling a little alone in all of this because sometimes I feel as if he doesn't really in his heart of hearts want me to go thru with it.  I am not sure why, but sometimes I think he thinks I will leave him or something when I get skinny....which is furthest from the truth.

Well...till next time!!!  By the way, HAPPY THANKSGIVING everyone! 

Monday, Monday, Monday

Nov 20, 2006

Today Dr. Hornbostel's office called and asked if I would like to come in for surgery tomorrow morning, because someone cancelled.  Unfortunately my husband has everything set up with his leave packet for next week, and he can't just go.  Ohhhh wellllll....I will get there.  The bright side is that I will get one last Thanksgiving without my stomach being the size of an ounce...ha ha!  Also, I get to have my surgery on my 27th Birthday.  I think that makes me unique on that end of things.   I am getting a little anxious, so if it was tomorrow, I wouldn't have to sit and worry about things...you know what I mean?  Well, I have to go for now...dinner!  Laundry, dinner, bills, they never stop...ha ha!  I will try to post later!

WHAT???? ONE WEEK LEFT???!!!!!!!

Nov 19, 2006

As of tomorrow, I am one week away from going under the knife.  Today, my husband and I went to the Commissary (like a grocery store for military only).  We were going thru the isles looking for stuff to buy for the next two weeks, and I realized...WOW...I am going to have to be on liquids!  I am beginning to have the "cold feet" set in.  It is such a life-change.  My husband reassured me though.  So Thanksgiving is this week, but I can't really do the whole "Thanksgiving thing" because I am on a specialized diet of low fat, low carbs, and high protein so that my liver will be smaller and not fatter.  My doctor's nurse, Dena, she sat down with me at my preappointment and told me that she had had the surgery and it wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be in my mind.  The people at Boswell Medical Center were a lot nicer than a lot of places that we have dealt with.  Believe me, after four back surgeries and dealing with military doctors, I am a wealth of hospital reviews...ha ha!   

If anyone has any ideas of something different for STAGE ONE: Liquids, feel free to email me.  

During the preappointment, the dietician showed my husband and I how much I would be eating every 15 minutes.  ONE OUNCE!  Can you believe that?  I laughed when I saw the little medicine cap that was one ounce, and that is supposed to make me full!  Well, either this surgery really works or we are going to have a problem...ha ha!  I am sure that afterwards that will make me full, but it is so hard to grasp that concept of one ounce doing the job. 

Well the countdown continues!

Preoperative Appt. & Surgery

Nov 06, 2006

I can't believe this is happening!!! It finally seems so real.  Today my husband and I took some pictures together, so hopefully I will be able to get my picture up for everyone to see the change.  I am really looking forward to the surgery, but kinda scared at the same time.  My husband's bother, his wife is having her RNY November 11th, 2006...just before me.  I told her last night on the phone I was gonna kick her butt for getting in before me...she just laughed, and I said well you can at least tell me about the pain first!!!!!!!!   HA HA!  The other day I bought one of my goals throughout the dropping process.  I thought I would make a respectively conservative goal and shoot for a 12/14 top.  So, I bought it!  It is a beautiful shirt, and I can't wait to get into it and I not looking fat!  My husband says he loves me the way I am, but I want to be skinny for my health and for my own picture of myself.  I have decided though that is the only thing clotheswise that I am going to buy for awhile.  I guess I got caught up in the excitement of loosing this weight!  I cannot wait to go into a regular store in the mall, and only being able to go to Lane Bryant, and get stuff that "Normal Size Women" buy.  HOOOOOAAAAHHHH....as my husband says....we're an Army family..can you tell....haha!  I just can't imagine even going into Old Navy, JCPenney, Eddie Baur, and especially Abercombie and Hollister.  There isn't one thing I could get around my toe in Hollister or Abercombie.  But you better bet your buttons those stores will be one of my first stops once I fall into their size range!  I am starting to get a little excited at the prospect of everything now.  It is coming so real. 

I guess the realness has come from getting my pre-operative appointment and information to fill out.  It seems as now that is actually happening after years of lookiing into all of this stuff and thinking...."there is no way I could afford this if my insurance doesn't pick it up!"  Thankfully Tricare does cover it 100% and we don't even have a copay!  How wonderful of a blessing is that from God and those of you who make sure our troops and their families are taken care of for their sacrifice!  Believe me, I do not take our great medical care for granted in one little bit.  THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT SUPPORT OUR TROOPS (my husband) and OUR FAMILY.

Anyway, I have my pre-operative appointment the 17th of November, and then my surgery on November 27th.  Wild enough my surgery day on the 27th of November is ALSO my birthday.  I will turn 27 on the 27th and start my new journey of being skinny and healthy all in one!!!!!!!!  WOW!  Dr. Hornbostel's surgery scheduler said that she didn't think they had every had someone have their birthday coincide with their surgery date!  All I have to say is...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!  Till next time!

Surgery Date Scheduled

Nov 03, 2006

Yesterday my doctor's surgery scheduler called me and asked if the 27th of November (my bday) was a definate okay or not?  The funny thing was that I was just being called into the Dentist (which I am still hurting from...I hate the dentist..ha ha), and I was having two conversations at once.  My poor husband was so confused that it took me ten minutes to explain everything before he had to go out to the waiting room because he says, "I can't stand them drilling in teeth, so see ya in a bit!"  And he zoomed out to the waiting room.  I actually think it was funny.  I love him with all my heart.  

Anyway, we are going to stay up at an Air Force Base close to the hospital where I am going to have the proceedure so that we don't have to travel 4 hours or so the morning of the surgery.  I am the FIRST patient that morning.  Considering I am not a morning person, this is great because I will just get to sleep and not be sitting in a room forever to be able to go to sleep.  Gotta look at the positives in life!  Well, I will write more in a few days!  I can't believe I am going to have surgery in 24 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Oct 28, 2006

Today my husband I started our daily workouts before the surgery.  He is also getting ready to have his ACL reconstructed in his knee, so the docs are after us both about being the strongest as we can before the surgery.  Makes sense huh!  I told my husband that by this time of year next year (in October 2007) I want to be able to walk three miles without feeling out of breath or my legs and back hurting.  So that is my goal as of right now! 


Oct 26, 2006

I AM APPROVED!  YEAH!  I talked to Dr. Hornbostel's nurse, Dena, yesterday and I got my approval from Tricare.  I can't believe it!  Dena said he has me tenatively set for November 27th for my surgery.  The wild thing is that is the same day as my birthday.  I guess there is not a better way to celebrate turning 27 than losing weight!

About Me
Fort Leonard Wood, MO
Oct 04, 2006
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Latest Blog 10
Had surgery on Monday & it is now Sunday
12 Hours to go!
Day before surgery!
4 days left! Can you believe it?
Monday, Monday, Monday
WHAT???? ONE WEEK LEFT???!!!!!!!
Preoperative Appt. & Surgery
Surgery Date Scheduled
