Hello my name is Amanda, I am 29.  I have a 8 year old son who is the greatest kid in the world! I guess all moms say that about their own tho.  I have an amazing support system from my family.  My husband is the best.  He encourges me daily, and helps keep me on track.  I also have the help of my granny and mother.  Everyone is cheering me on. So far I have taken my first nutrition class and have 2 more left.  I had my 2nd appoinment with Dr. Warnock yesterday, I thought I did pretty good, I had lost 15lbs. I have  NEVER lost that much weight before, and I did it in 1 month.  It was not all that great with the doctor but I was still proud.  I am on a strict diet and will be on it no changes till I reach my goal surgery weight of 350lbs.  My diet consist of 1 protein shake for breakfast, 1 small side salad with a small amount of meat on it for lunch, and 1 protein shake for supper.  I'm not going to lie it is hard, but I just try and stay focused and think of the big picture.  I hope to make some new friends on here and to learn alot about changing my life!  Well that is all for now, Amanda has left the building!

About Me
Sep 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3
