
Oct 29, 2007

My surgery date just got moved up! I am excited, but also just a little taken aback. I know that this is what I have been working for but....well I am a little bit frightened. I am doing the right thing?

Home From Disney back on the journey

Sep 24, 2007

Well, I am home from my 2nd Disney trip of the year. We are big Disney fans in my family but I will have to say....once a year is enough. I will be happy to travel after WLS.....Airplane seats are not comfortable right now, I can get the seatbelt on , no extender, but its not comfortable. And I would love to get on the rides not worrying about being the person embarassed by not fitting. Soon...very soon. I am back on the journey now, more appointments and mandatory support groups. Soon they will all be finished and I can move on to the surgery. I am ready, I have found the protein drinks i like, bought the vitamins and calcium etc. I have made lists of what I need for my hospital stay, I am mentally preparing myself every day. I talked to my neighbor today about the surgery, she does Reiki and offered her services pre and post op. I will take her up on that offer as I truly believe that energy has a lot to do with our bodies and their well being. I need to get my tushie in gear and lose the pre-op weight needed for my program, Disney is not a good place for losing weight, so now that is my focus. Every day is a day that I am one step closer.

Testing complete...well almost

Sep 17, 2007

I did all of my testing today at Lowell General Hospital - Blood work, chest x-ray, ultrasound, and the extremely unpleasant Upper GI.....barium, the breakfast of champions. Then I headed over to the cardiologists for the Cardiac Echo, couldn't do the EKG and appointment with the Doctor so that is scheduled for the 28th of september. It was mostly uneventful except for finding a small hernia during the UGI. Probably Post Op Hernia from a Lap Chole that I had 5 weeks or so ago, should have listened to the doctor when he said no lifting....but I have an 18 month old and well he didn't quite understand the no lifting idea. So i freaked out thinking that the hernia would set me back surgery wise, but I called the CWMB and they said it wasn't a big deal, Dr. Jiser would take care of it during my surgery! YEAHHHHHHHHH! I can't wait for this to happen! I am off to Walt Disney World for this week and then have a full week of appointments when I return! It is really happening and I can't wait to make a change for the better for my life!

Pulling Strings

Sep 16, 2007

Thank goodness I am a nanny for a surgeon who could pull some strings for me!  I couldn't get my Cardiologist appointment set up until the end of october when sceduleing the appointment myself.  I told my boss about this and he immediately called the cardiologist  and asked for a personal favor!  Yeah!!!! Now my appointment is Tommorrow Sept. 17 for the testing and my appointment with him is on Sept. 28!  Now I will be finished with all of my appointments if all goes as planned by Oct 9.   I am excited to finally get my life in order and be the person on the outside that is trapped on the inside right now. 

First meeting

Sep 10, 2007

I had my first meeting with the NP at the Center for weight management and Bariatric Surgery today. We set up all of the appointments that I need to go through to eventually reach the point of getting a surgery date. She said that it was good that I was Young and healthy and that I should do well with the surgery. I should have all of the appointments that I need - other than the surgeon - completed by October 3. My appointment with Dr. Jiser isn't scheduled until Oct. 26 Hopefully if all goes well we can move that appointment up. I am excited to finally have everything under way.

On my way

Sep 08, 2007

I have finally started my journey. I have decided that the only way for me at this point to remain healthy is to have WLS. I am very lucky, other than being obese, or MORBIDLY obese as the case may be, doesn't that make you feel great having the morbid thrown in there....I don't have very many heath issues - my right knee cap is a little out of whack and I have PCOS but other than that I am good. I am a nanny and I keep up with three very active young boys with no problem, and I also have my own little one to keep up with as well. I feel healthy but I know that its only a matter of time before gentics catches up with me and my families health issues become mine. In my family we have it all - cardiac issues, diabetes, cancer...you name it its somewhere in my immediate family. That is why I have made this decision not because I want to look thin - a great bonus for me I am sure but honestly I don't have an issue with my appearance right now - its all about health for me. I want to live to see my son who is 18 months old get married and have his own family - or do what ever makes him happy. I want to hike and bicycle through Acadia. I want to be a role model for Asher (my son) - I don't ever want him to have to live this way.

About Me
Andover, MA
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 6
Home From Disney back on the journey
Testing complete...well almost
Pulling Strings
First meeting
On my way
