Times ticking !!!!!

Aug 04, 2007

Well, I just got done eating my last "normal" meal of my life.  I had grilled pork chops, mashed potatoes, and a big ole' glass of SWEET TEA!!!!  Tomorrow will be my 1 day PRE-OP diet.  At 12:00 noon, I will have to drink the Mag. Citrate...ewwwwwww!!!!!!!!  So not looking foward to that!! I have almost ALL my house work and laundry done.  I only have the living room left to vaccum.  I got both the bathrooms cleaned yesterday.  I have done all my shopping.  I have my pill box ready for after surgery.  I have all my things ready for the hospital, all I need to do now is pack my bag, I will do that tomorrow!  I am so ready for Monday!!  I have been so excited, scared and nervous since they said "Your Approved" but, now I seem to have a sense of calmness thats came over me.  I just keep telling myself that God, has is hand on my shoulder and everything will be just fine!  I don't think that I could be anymore prepaired than I already am.  I have wanted this and prayed for this, and now in less than 36 hours I will be in surgery!  WOW, I am truly blessed to be given this chance of a lifetime.  I have found myself thanking GOD, in my mind on a daily basis.  I feel like I owe so much to him for answering my prayers!  Well, I am gonna go and enjoy a piece of cheesecake!  OHHHH I'm gonna miss that! LMAO.....I will post more tomorow, before the big DAY!!! Good evening to all......

Ash :)

3 Days untill my SURGERY!!!!

Aug 02, 2007

Today was a very productive day for me! LOL, I was busy all day!!  I got up at 7:00 this morning, and I just couldn't get back to sleep in the bed, I was so uncomfy.  So, I went and got in the recliner and went back to sleep.  We all got up and went and ate breakfast...yummmyyy!  I had my fav. which is a breakfast burritto with hot sauce!  I am soooo gonna miss that!   But, I will survive!!!  So, after breakfast I, made a list of vitimans that I will be needing for after my surgery.  We went and got most everything that I will be needing.  I have a few more odds and ends to pick up before Monday.  I plan on trying to get all my house work done so that my husband doesn't have so much to try and do....lol !!  I, am so picky about the house being just so, so, that I wanted it to be ready for my 3 days in the hospital.  My husband is going to spend the first night with me in the hospital.  My Mom, is going to spend the second night with me.  I, went to Wal Mart today and got me some nice stretchy, cotton, draw string, capri's to wear home from the hospital.  I don't want to wear anything that will be tight on my belly.  I am so not looking forward to drinking that Mag. Citrate crap!!! EWWWWW, I know it's not going to be a pretty site!  I keep finding myself reading OVER AND OVER my pre-op book, in hopes I wont forget something IMPORTANT!!!  Well, I really need to get my butt off here and get something done around the house....so I will post more later.....NIGHTY NIGHT!!

Ash :)


Aug 01, 2007

***BIG NEWS***!!!!

So, I have really big news!!!  They moved my surgery date!!!!  

It was August 9th........

now it's........

August 6th.........

I am so EXCITED and yet extremely nervous at the same time!!! 

I had my "PRE-OP" stuff today and everything went just fine and dandy! LOL....I got to Presby of Dallas at 10:45 am.  I, went up to Dr. Davidsons office.  I was early so, I had to wait a little while.  When they called me back thats when they asked me if I would be comfy will moving my surgery date from August 9th to August 6th..???  I was like (YES!!!) Not a problem with me!! :) LMAO!  So, then I had to go down stairs to pre-registar for my 2 night stay at the hospital.  Once I was done with that, I had to go over and have my blood drawn for my pre-op lab work.  By the time I was done with all that, it was 1:15 pm.  I was so hungery but we didn't have time to go and eat.  We had to go back up stairs for my 1 1/2 hour "pre-op" class that COVERS EVERYTHING about my SURGERY!!  I have to say, it was such a great class, but when I was done, I had INFORMATION OVER~LOAD!!!!!!  My mind was going in 100 different directions!! LMAO!  To top that off, when I was done with my class I then had to go back up stairs to Dr. Davidsons office to have a "pre-op" CONSULT with him about my surgery on Monday August, 6th.  Once I was done talking to him, I had to go over to the "Heart Institute" for my "STRESS TEST"!!!  I have never had a stress test in my life!!!!!!!!!!  I was so freggginnnn scared!!!!!  But, after it was all done, and they said my Blood Pressure was text book PERFECT, 120/80 and I was free to go home!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I was hungery, tired and mentally stressed out!  So, by the time we got to our car it was like 4:45 pm.  We had been at Presby since 10:45 this morning! OMGGGG....I, was so ready to go and get something to eat!!!!  The bad thing was that, when we got ready to leave Presby it was RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC in DALLAS!!!!! That's not a good thing!!!!  To top that off, it came a BIG TUNDERSTORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It rained on us all the way to Texas Road House to eat dinner.  I so pigged out at dinner, for one, I was so very hungery and for two, I wanted to enjoy a fat, juicey ribeye for one last time!! HEEHEEEHEE !!!!!  So by the time we got done with dinner it was after 6 pm.  We decided to go ahead and go on over to the Vitiman Shoppe and get my "New Whey Liquid Protein" drinks.....they are 42 grams of protein and they are fruit punch flavor!!! YUMMMYYYYYYY!!!!!!  So then, finally we are done in DALLAS, and we can head home (45 min drive) so we can go and pick up our little girl from my MOM's house!  She was so glad to see us....lol.  So I am home, tired and ready to get some rest.....I will be trying to get things all ready for my surgery on Monday!!!  I so need to get some things done around the house....I will post more later.....nighty night!!! 

Ash :)


Jul 31, 2007

Well, today is all my PRE-OP "STUFF" at my surgeon's office.  I have to be there at 11:00.  I am not really sure what the day will be like??  I am excited and stressed at the same time.  The surgeon ordered a "stress test" on me since I have high blood pressure.  So my stress test will be at 4:00 this afternoon.  I will have a long day ahead of me, but for a great cause!! LOL....

Pray for me and wish me luck!  I will post an update of how the day went, later!

Ash :)

Counting down the days!!!!

Jul 29, 2007

Well, I have (11) days until my LAP RNY surgery!!  I am VERY EXCITED yet SCARED to DEATH at the SAME TIME!!!!!  I have found myself on OH everyday here lately.  Just reading and reading people's profiles.  Reading the profiles seems to give me sooooooo much hope!  I can't seem to wrap my head around the idea, that, one day in the very near future, that, I am going to be healthy and skinny!!!!

I look and see the people who have lost over 100 pounds and just think WOW, how good these people must feel about themselves!  I just HOPE and PRAY that I can too, lose over 100 pounds and feel and look GREAT both at the same time!!  Since I have been fat, chuncky, heavy, plump, my ENTIRE LIFE!  I can't picture myself at 115 pounds!!

Will I reach my personal goal???  How long will it take me???  These are questions I have burning in my mind on a daily basis.  I am a very, very, dedicated person once, I set my mind to something that I want to reach.  I have no doubt at all that I can use this tool to the best of my ability. 

I guess the thing I am wondering in my mind is....If I do my part and work my hardest, is it going to work?  Is the weight really going to stay off forever?  Will I really be able to live the rest of my life as a healthy, thin person?  I know I will, because I am determined enough to do so!  I guess I really need to just CHILL OUT and RELAX!!!

Okay, so do ya wanna know what I am really SCARED about the most?????  I am not scared about the eating, changing habbits, or the hard work!  I am so scared about the healing after the surgery!  I am scared about waking up during surgery!  Having stitches & staples!  Having a cathiter, and drains!  Having to walk after surgery, and doing the leak test.  THE SURGERY PART IS WHAT IS FREAKING ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have vented enough for one day...LMAO.  Unitl next time.....peace n chicken grease......

Ash :) 

***I'm APPROVED***

Jul 26, 2007

WOW!!! I never really thought that I would be adding a post on here that said "I'm APPROVED"  I am so blessed by the great and almighty Lord above, for he is my rock and he has answered ALL my prayers!!!  THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU!!!

Well, this morning at 9:15 am.  Kathleen from Nova Bariatrics called my cell phone.  She had called yesterday but, I had missed her call because we were at cheerleading practice.  I had planned on calling her first thing this morning but she beat me to it.  Yesterday when I missed her call, all I could do was pray that it was good news.  I so didn't want to hear any bad news...

Well, when she called this morning.....She said, "Ashley" good morning, how are you?  I said I'm good, and how are you?  

She said, well girlie, put on your dancing shoes, because you're approved for surgery!!!!!!!!!!

At that instant my eyes filled with tears of joy and I couldn't belive what I was hearing.  I said, ohh your sure, your sure I'm approved??  She said, yes your approved and don't let those tears hit the ground......lol

She told me she had sumitted the requeste for approval from my insurance company (Aetna) on Monday evening around 7 pm.  Yesterday afternoon around 5:45 when she called my cell and I missed the call, she was calling to tell me that I was approved!!

WOW, I was approved in less than 36 hours!!!!  If thats not a true showing of GOD's work then I don't know what is! 

She then told me I needed to call over to the Bariatric Surgery Center of Dallas to set up my pre-op classes and stress test.

So I then called and talked to Linda.  She was so excited that I was approved.  She then set me up for all my pre-op "stuff" for Wed. August 1st.

She then told me that they could go ahead and set me up a surgery date today!!!

***I have a DATE***

Thursday August, 9th 2007.....Will be my RNY Gastirc Bypass Surgery date!!!!

Words can not explain how thrilled I am to be getting my life on the right track with my weight. 

Well, I have lots of people to call and tell the good news.  I will post more when I have time.

Thanks to everyone who has stood by my decision in WLS and prayed for me on a daily basis...


Ash :)

Busy Busy Busy!!!

Jul 25, 2007

Well, things are just busy crazy with my daughter and husband right now.  I will post more when I have time.  Nothing exciting as of right now.  I am still at 230 pounds.  

Update from last week

Jul 12, 2007

Well, this is an update from what happened last Friday on July, 6th.  

I went to the Bariatric Surgery Center of Dallas.  I attended the seminar and from there I went back up stairs to Dr. Davidsons office.  

They weighed me, took my blood pressure, took my picture and got my height.  

I then got to meet Dr. Davidson for my consultation.  He is just like everyone told me, and I know I am going to have great success with him as my surgeon!  We went over everything and he did the verbal dictation.  He then sent me down to talk to Linda, the surgery planner.

Linda is great! Very nice lady.  She went over all the ins and outs.  She told me that Kathleen, the lady who deals with all the insurance claims would be getting with me sometime this week. 

She then asked me when I would like to have my surgery???  I was shocked by that!  I told her that since my husband travels with his job, that I needed to have the surgery when he was home.

She told me to call her next week on Tuesday and let her know when we would be home.

The seminar and consult were great, and all of my expectations were blown out of the water!  I know that I was meant to use this Doctor!


Jul 06, 2007

Well, I wanted to update what happened today at Dr. Davidson's office and seminar today.  I am really tired and need to go to bed.  I will post everything tomorrow.  Good night!


~Information day~

Jul 05, 2007

I am hours away from my 12:00 noon, Seminar & Consultation with Dr. Davidson @ the Bariatric Surgery Center of Dallas.  

I am taking with me: copies of all my medical records, lab tests and my referral to the surgeon.

The office staff at Dr. Davidson's office told me that since I already have these documents with me, that I should be a few steps ahead of the game!!

So, when I get done with my seminar & consult I will post. 

Until then, everyone who reads this, please pray for me and wish me luck!!!

Ash :)

About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2007
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