I've been "chubby" my whole life, until i met my husband, I went from 180lbs to 240lbs in a year and a half, got married, pregnant, then the rest kept creeping on until I've reached an all time high of 270lbs. Can't wait for surgery date to get here! Very excited and nervous! I seem to get more and more nervous every day, some days the surgery seems like the best thing in the world, and others it makes me sick to think about it. I start thinking about all the bad things that could happen. Anyways, I have gone to all my appointments, just waiting on the call from the surgeon for my pre-op. Had my sleep study a couple weeks ago and only slept for 30 mins. the whole night, anxiety got to me. But, they got the info they needed, and I definatly have sleep apnea, just picked up my cpap machine and will start it tonight!

6/9/06 Hi, just got back from my consult with Dr. Dennis Hong, he is very nice, made me feel very comfortable! All went well, I've lost my 5% of weight I had to! Yeah! Now just waiting on insurance for the "go ahead" and my surgery will be scheduled. Dr. Hong said that would take about 2 weeks or so! I'm getting more and more excited about it, some of my nerves have worn off and I'm feeling better about it. Good luck to everyone who's date is there and having surgery, my prayers are with you!

6/22/06 Hi, just got my surgery date, which is July 20,2006, excited & really scared at the same time! I REALLY hope all goes well! I'm freaked out right now, all I can think about is ALL the bad things, I just can't picture myself "skinny", never have been there before so I can't convince my mind that it will happen. Did anyone else feel this way, or is it just me? Anyways, wish me luck!

 8/21/06 I had surgery on 7/20/06, went really well, I have now lost 25.5 lbs. since surgery and 41 lbs. since I started all this in March, so all very exciting! I haven't had any major complications so far, just get a stomach ache daily, but have been put on prevacid for it and hopefully that will help! I'll keep updating my profile as I continue my new journey! Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers!

10/23/06 Sorry its been so long since I've updated, but all is good! I have lost a total of 68 pounds now, so that makes 51 lbs since surgery! It seems very slow going for me, but mabe it's just me! Had a second surgery last month to remove one of my tubes, had a giant cyst the size of a cantaloupe on it, they thought it was on my ovary, but it was actually on my tube and was VERY painful! Just glad thats all over with! I have finally been cleared to start exercising again, so hopefully the weight will start coming off a little faster! Anyways, I'll try to update again soon!

12/8/06  Hi all!  Still doing good, weight has slowed down alot though, I've only lost 13lbs in the last month & a half, gets frustrating sometimes!  Oh well I guess, I've done well overall, total loss of 81 pounds now!  Yeah for me!  Well, gotta go, at work, not working =)!

1/8/06  Hi, hope you all had a great Christmas & Happy New Year!  I'm  down another 4 lbs, for a total of  85 lbs lost now.  Weight loss is really slow going now, but I guess good that I lost 4 & not gained 4 right!?!  Only 2 weeks until my 6 mo. anniversary, I was really hoping to say that I'd lost 100 lbs by then, but I don't think thats gonna happen as slow as I'm losing, 15  lbs left till I'm at my 100 lb mark, only 58 lbs to goal weight of 130, yeah!  That sounds so much better than at the beginning of this journey when it was 143 lbs to goal, wow, what a difference!  Let me tell you all though what a real difference 85 lbs makes, I feel soooo... much better!  I'm not tired all the time, I don't care if I have to park a mile away in a parking lot & walk, I'm not carring around a "Nicole Richie" on my back any longer!  HEE HEE!  That's not very nice to say, but that is what I have to think of when I imagine 85 extra lbs. hanging around on me!  The thing that really sucks is that I still see that "fat" person in the mirror, I know its not the same, but I still don't look like I wish I looked!  I know when I weighed 185 before, I didn't have this much belly fat, but I guess your body does change as you get older & I have had a child plus 4 stomach surgerys, so I guess it all adds up!  Anyways, Happy New Year to all & I'll try to update again in another month or so!

3/19/07  Hello!  I have finally made my 90lb. mark!  WooHoo!  Very slow going, but it makes me very happy to hit that spot, now I can't wait for the 100lb mark!  Only 53lbs to go, yeah-yeah-yeah!  =)  I feel like being silly today!  Gotta go!  Talk to ya'll soon!

About Me
Ontario, OR
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2006
Member Since
