info from my old profile... wow takes me back

May 25, 2011

Looking for support. Have an appointment with Dr Bennsten on 8-26. The appointment was changed to the 29th. I'm so excited! I'm getting together my list of questons to ask. My mother has an appointment right after mine, I hope we both get approved, I think it will be nice to not have to go through the surgery alone.

November 5th

My surgery date is 11-22. I'm so excited and scared to death. I have an uncontrollable urge to eat all the things I know I wont after the surgery. My mother is not haveing the surger after all, and I don't really have much family support. It's like I'm breaking the sacred code of fat people or something. I'm making a list of all the things I need to do befor the surgery so that is keeping me busy and my mind off counting down to the date. Insurance was great, and the nurse at Bernstens office was able to get me a date befor my deductable starts over in december. I will be going to Stormon Vail instead of St Francis, which I'm not crazy about, but it will save me tons of money. I'm sure it will be fine.

I went to the obesity help support group today at St Francis. I'm glad I went, to see the people befor I had my surgery. There were so many people at the meeting, it was hard to hear. In the auditorum it isn't very personal. I think it is just growing and growing. Brenda, the leader does a great job and I can't wait to go back in December after I had the surger. I exchanged numbers with a girl my age that is starting the process. I'm looking forward to talking to her. Since I will be having the surgery in 2 weeks i've began to tell more people about it. I've gotten a lot of really negative feedback and it is very upsetting. My husband and I had another really serious talk about what he is feeling and I just wish there was more support for husbands and family members out there. Thanks to all who wrote on my surgery page, when I read it I cried for an hour. Good luck to all, this is going to be the longest 2 weeks of my life=)

Well it is excatly 10 days till the big day. I'm getting more nervous than excited. My husband and I have had some real heart to hearts, and talked a lot about things you really don't want to talk about. We have made arrangements fo our two boys to stay with the grandparents, so my husband can spend the time with me in the hospital. I'm trying to show my husband how to update my info on the sight, so he can keep everyone posted. Good luck to all!

November 23

Well, the wife is two days post op and still in hospital. She sent me, her husband, home to update her profile. She went through the surgery ok and with no complications. She had a couple of follow up x-rays this morning, and for lack of better words, "she is leak proof" so they started her on her liquid diet today. Amy told me to tell everyone that it is the first time in her life she has ate 6 spoonfulls of soup broth and felt full! She is still very sore, but she knows it will all be worth it down the road. I will try to keep everyone informed until my wife gets home and she can tell you all herself about her experiences thus far. Thanks to all.

December 10

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated, so much has been going on. I made it through thanksgiving without a hitch. If I can do that I can do anything!!! I did the clear liquid for a week then full liquid for a week. I have found I can eat just about anything. Except sugar!!! Boost energy drink made me dump, so I'm scared to death to have anything with sugar. Sugarfree hot cocoa and sugarfree bomb pops have been the best. I am having trouble getting a protien shake that doesn't have the sugar, I've jsut been adding powdered milk in everything. Even though I can eat many foods, (hamburger is still a bit painfull) I still would rather drink, out of laziness. Chewing takes for ever. Crumbley tortillias or crackers have been ok. I weighed in the day of surgery at 300 and now 279.5. so 20.5 down in 18 days. Not bad I guess. It's weird, I've been at 279 or 280 for this whole last week. I need to quit weighing myself all the time and maybe I won't worry about it so much. My goal is to loose 100 by my birthday in June, so I'm trying to stay on schedule. I went back to work this week, part time. I still get tired real easy so I'm trying to pace myself. I have a freind from work that is my age and overwieght. She is thinking of having the surgery, and will be attending our support group meeting this weekend. I'm looking forword to sharing the experience with someone. I hope it works out. I'll check in after my post op appointment with Dr Bernsten next week!!

January 19 2003

ok I've been horrible about posting. Everything is just going so fast. I've been busy with work, kids friends. I have so much energy I can't sleep at night. I see Dr Bernsten Feb 8 to have my blood and nutritional levels taken. I'm sure I will be lacking in protien, I have a hard time with the shakes. I am able to eat pretty mubh anything, as long as I chew. i had trouble with a steak this week. I forgot to eat all day and let myself get too hungry and sure enough I ate to fast. I thought I was going to die, the stomach cramps were unbearable. I finally took some of my left over pain med from surgery and knocked myself out. I felt so foolish, I knew better than to eat that fast. After beating myself up about a while I discovered the surgery did excatley what it is supposed to do, keep me from overeating. I've never been so excited to feel like crap! So far I'm down 40 pounds, it is starting to slow. I know I can boost it up when the weather gets warmer, more exercise. Good luck all!

Its been so long since I've looked at the sight, I don't even know who that person was! (me...) 11/21/04 was my 2 year aniversary. I weighed myself today and was 142. The least I've weighed since 5th grade. The number got me thinking how I got there so I thought I would check in. I can't begin to tell you how WLS changed my life. Mostly for the better, but everything is different. I got divorced, changed jobs, lost friends, and am under constant ridicule from my family. Even after 2 years I am still the circus freak that used to be fat. People that didn't know b4 surgery don't believe me and those who did, are always asking if I'm sick. All in all life is good, I'm healthier than I've ever been in my life.

It has been a couple of years since I last updated. I've gained about 20 punds in the last 2 years and I'm starting to freak. I have found myself eating more often and making bad food choices. I thought if I got back on the site and got back intouch with what I was going through, it might help me get back on track. I never thought I would forget what it was like to be fat, but somehow i don't even know who this person was.

Insurer Info:
cigna, ppo
I met with my surgeon on 8/26. I was advised to call back to the office in 2 weeks to ge the status of the appoval. I called back excatlly 2 weeks and 2 days. The nurse said the paperwork had been sent and to wait another two weeks. I called Cigna the same day and said they received the paperwork on September 11, and I would most likely be apporved, but it would take at least a week to process the forms. Dealing with Cigna is great, it would probally be faster if the Dr office was more efficient. the office was extremely busy the day of my appointment, so the delay is completly understandable. The represintive at Cigna was VERY nice. She even wished me luck at the end of our conversation. So far so good.


About Me
winchester, ks
Aug 12, 2002
Member Since

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