OSF St. Francis Medical Center (COE)

"I too found my experience to be as pleasant as a hospital stay can be when you've been sliced open and had your innards re-arranged. The 4th Floor Nurses ROCK!!! They were great! I had a private room so I was pretty much left to my own devices. I did get left on the toilet once.. but hey.. I didn't know I could pull that rope... honest!. LOL I've been hospitalized twice at OSF since my surgery due to speed bumps in the healing process. But overall, OSF is a rockin house... very good!"

James DeBord

"Dr DeBord definitely put me at ease the first time I met him. He seemed very competent and confident in his ability to help me with this life-changing procedure. Over time, so far, he's been wonderful, even when I called him on a Sunday morning having problems, he still was interested in making me comfortable. Office staff is very courteous and professional. Very much big into the aftercare. Won't just drop you like a hot potato! All surgeries are risky and he was very up-front about the possibilities. Overall, he's a terrific surgeon and a very dedicated doctor. As far as bedside manner, I have friends and hubby to take care of that... I'd much rather have a competent and skilled surgeon!!!!!"
About Me
Pekin, IL
Dec 21, 2003
Member Since
