Revision RNY gastric bypass

Nov 01, 2013

I had RNY gastric bypass in 2004 and had great success by losing nearly 100 lbs. Over time there has been almost 100% regain, plus many other issues. After going all over the city of Dallas looking for a physician who had done successful revisions on RNY I was told by a co-worker about Dr. John Alexander in Dallas. I called them, consulted with Dr A, had all the tests (endoscopy, sleep study, etc) and this was all done within about 2 weeks of my initial appointment. The endoscopy revealed that my intestine meets my pouch and has stretched so much that food gets trapped and not digested. Dr A described it as a sock filled with marbles and it just hangs there. That part is being cut out and reattaching the intestine. Of course there's more to this but I don't want to post terminologies that I can't explain.

My revision surgery is on Nov 6, 2013 with Dr A, and I am naturally nervous. I've prayed for a 2nd chance with weightloss  surgery since dieting, taking diet pills and everything else since the regain has not had great success. Lord knows I don't want to go through this again (surgery) but I feel awful. Everything on my body aches from the weight. I have developed high blood pressure and other issues have begun to surface. I need help! And this time, with the help of the Lord, I will be more in tune to my body and know exactly what to expect on this journey.

Everyone's insurance is different. Thankfully mine (BCBS Anthem) covers this procedure. Dr A's office worked on my behalf and got approval...nothing I had to deal with. The insurance process was pretty fast as well...maybe 2 weeks. 

The most impactful thing for me thus far was more psychological since it was during the psy evaluation. She asked me to acknowledge that I do have a weight issue. Sort of like an alcoholic coming to terms with their disease. She advised me to weigh every single day after the surgery by using a digital scale. She told me to even watch out for gaining even an ounce and not to let it go. I have to attack it that day and not gain since that mere ounce turns to pounds and before we know it things are out of control. For me, weighing everyday may save my life. I always thought weighing daily was too much but when you have weight issues it becomes critical and we have to do the necessary things to be successful. I will not fail again, although the regain has not been all my fault. I feel like a failure in some ways and it's hurtful, but I'm encouraged and expect great things for my life and future again. I trust God to take care of my concerns...I've done all I know to it's all in His very capable hands.



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