12 days post-op!

Mar 18, 2012

 I'm 12 days post-op, feeling real good.  No pain, and I've actually been walking further than I was before surgery.  And no huffing and puffing!  My pants are already falling off and I've had to go through my closet to find old clothes.  I"m hesitant to buy too many new clothes because I don't want to spend a lot of money and then need to buy new clothes again in two weeks.  I go back to work tomorrow and I'm really bummed about that.  Although I've been bored bumming around the house and taking it easy these past two weeks, now that I'm headed back I'm kind of mopey.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll bounce right back. 

So far so good, and I advance to soft foods in two days (I'm still on all-liquids right now). I haven't yet had any complications or upset stomachs, and although that's great, the neurotic side of me fears that this means the surgery didn't take.  I've also been surprised that I've been longing for food - people in the groups I've been attending have said that they couldn't even think about food when they were in the first few weeks post-op.   I know that's ridiculous, but I worry if it all comes down to will-power, I've disappointed myself many times over the years. 

Other than these neurotic anxieties, I am feeling very good physically and I know I've lost weight.  I return to the surgeon in another week and a half, and I'll weigh in then. I'm curious how much I've lost, but I don't want to check it out on another scale so that I know the weight loss measured reflects measurement on the same scale.  

My wife has been absolutely amazing! She's taken on such a burden in caring for our 13 month old, and I haven't been able to help with much because I'm not allowed to lift anything heavier than 10 lbs. But hopefully I can start helping out again soon.

No regrets so far and I'm feeling cautiously optimistic! 


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