Ana C. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hello again everyone!! I just got off the phone with Tracy's husband. I had not talking to anyone since she first came through the surgery yesterday so today was a bit of a suprise. Dr. Kent was not able to do the surgery lap...he did have to go in and do it open. They were able to remove her galbladder as well. Apparently she stayed in the recovery room for a while and her family was not able to see her. And this is the point where I am a little confused but as of 11am on Thursday when I talked to her husband she is in the CCU (cardiac care unit). She should be in there for another day. They had just done an x-ray to see if she can start to consume liquids. Her husband says that all in all the surgery went fine and he seems very encouraged by Dr. Kent's report from today. Keep her and her family in your prayers and I will keep your posted as more information comes in.

Sherri S. 20 years, 4 months ago

Dear Tracy, Congratulations on your surgery! I hope and pray that you are doing well, and getting ready to walk that hallway! Hang in there, this part really does go by fast and you will be good as new and losing weight a mile a minute before you know it!

Ana C. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hey everyone!!! I am posting on behalf of Tracy and her family. I just talked to her husband around 1:00pm. He said that she came through surgery just fine but he had not been able to see her yet. She is still in the recovery room. He was not even sure if she was able to have the lap. or if they had to do it open. I will call them back later this evening and I will post again as I get more information. But the final word for now...she is on the other side and doing well. Take care.

Diane B. 20 years, 4 months ago

Hi Tracy! Congrats on your surgery date! I bet you are so excited! Just hang in there! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today and that you are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful, problem-free surgery and recovery. I'm so happy for you. Soon you will be on the other side and will join the ranks of the losers. Wishing you much success in your weight-loss journey. Hugs to you today. God bless, DI from NJ

betsyt 20 years, 4 months ago

Tracy- It was wonderful to meet you at the meeting. I'm sure you will do fine. You seem to be a very positive person and I believe that will take you as far as you want to go with this adventure. My thoughts and BEST wishes go with you. I'll say an extra prayer in the morning for you. See ya soon Betsy

blacker24 20 years, 4 months ago

Tracy, Good Luck on your journey to a healthier you. May God Bless you and keep you safe, healthy and happy always. Tammy

charanewme 20 years, 4 months ago

You are starting a new chapiter in your life for a healthier and thinner lifestyle. You're in my thoughts and prayers for a safe and speedy recovery. Charlene

ReneeJune03 20 years, 4 months ago

Hi Tracy, I'd say don't be nervous but, heck, I was! Of course it was for nothing because everything went fine. Absolutely nothing that can't be handled. I always say the week before surgery is worse than the week after; it was for me anyway. Keep it positive (that includes keeping only supportive people around you.) It was a wonderful decision for me I'm sure it will be fore you too. I hope all your health and weight-loss dreams come true! Best Wishes,

elsa W. 20 years, 4 months ago

tracy, i`m praying your surgery and recovery are very successful. huggs elsa

Karen N. 20 years, 4 months ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation pre-op and throughout the next exciting year! You'll do great with this life-saving tool*
About Me
Sierra Vista, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 23, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
