Hmm...what to write

Jul 10, 2009

I'm a very non-compliant web site forum/blog user.  However I'm feeling good today so I thought I'd post about it.

I'm about 13 months out from surgery, and today I weighed 63 pounds down from my highest, of the 110 lbs I want to lose.  That in and of itself is an accomplishment to be proud of, of course.  However, the reason I am feeling good today is that I'm now a couple pounds below the lowest I've gotten down to on Weight Watchers in the past 17 years.  I'm 38, and I haven't weighed this little since I was like 21 or 22 (i.e. before the stress of nursing school and having a baby and being a single mother and a full time stressful job and home ownership etc...).

I had my latest follow-up appt. yesterday, and my surgeon walked in all smiles and even hi-5'd me because I'd lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks, after my last fill.  I'm really starting to feel ultra-motivated now to keep going.  I have a spring in my step and more energy today.  I'm even *gasp* posting on the boards!  hehehe

Now the hard part...exercising.  I have chronic lower back/knee pain and my right arm/shoulder and hand hurt a lot.  I take karate classes but usually only end up going once a week, although they have classes 3 times per week.  Mostly due to working, since I work 12 hr. shifts and it overlaps class time.  But a lot of times, it's due to being in pain...and kicking/punching when your back or knee or shoulder aches isn't fun.

My right knee/hip have been acting up a lot lately, especially after walking longer distances.  I have very loose ligaments/joints (was born that way...I have flat feet, scoliosis, and I'm knock-kneed), and I think years of high weight and my type of job are taking their toll.  And to make matters worse, I have an allergy to NSAIDS (meds like aspirin, ibuprofen, aleve), so all I can take for pain is Tylenol (acetaminophen), which has little to any anti-inflammatory effect, plus it can cause liver damage if taken too much.

So...I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with ways of exercising without pain.  I don't have access to an indoor pool, or I'd do that.  I'm too pale/burn prone to want to do anything in the sun...particularly in Arizona in the summer.  I'm thinking of contacting the physical therapist my sister uses...she seems to like her, and thinks she's helping her with her own issues.  She has the loose ligament thing too, but not as bad as I do.  The PT called her a "delicate crystal" hehehe.  Wait'll she gets a load of me....


About Me
Southern, AZ
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2007
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