I received approval from my insurance carrier for RNY in February 2006.  My surgery was scheduled for 3/22/06.  I had the surgery without too many problems-strep throat post op requiring an extra night in hospital.  The insurance covered all but my surgeon, surgery assistant and anesthesia.  My surgeon's office submitted several appeals to no avail.  UHC would not cover the docs involved.  After over a year of dealing with this, I sent an appeal letter to UnitedHealthcare stating, in part, if I had known they would not cover the surgeon, his assistant or anesthesia I gladly would have performed the procedure on myself, thus resulting in many more problems costing them a lot more money in the long run.   Within 3 weeks I received an answer:  They reconsidered my case and after further review, reversed the denial and paid my surgeon, his assistant and anesthesiology.

About Me
Brunswick,OH/Ruskin/FL, FL
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2003
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