I get so frustrated!

Nov 26, 2007

Well, here I am -- four weeks out from WLS, and doing well (for the most part), but I have been in a bit of a pity party.  I hit that plateau that everyone talks about around the third to fourth week out from the surgery.  It frustrated me, but as my wonderful Secret Pal told me -- when was the last time I lost 30 pounds in a month?  The answer is NEVER!  So I have to focus, and keep plugging away.  The good news is, I made it through my very first Thanksgiving after the surgery, and it was great!  For starters, I never gained a pound, and I cannot tell you the last time that happened over a Holiday.  Secondly, I was able to eat somewhat normal, and that made me feel great.  I had some turkey, dressing, a tiny bit of gravy and a black olive .  It was great.  We went to Portland, oregon, where we spent the Holiday with my Dad.  My husband and I fixed dinner in the new house, and it was great.  Anyway, I came online to update my profile and decorate for Christmas, and it seems my Thanksgiving decorations do not want to go away So I give up (for now).  The good news is, I am facing this Holiday season with hope and excitement because I have a renewed sense of life and adventure and that gives me great hope.

Getting ready for Thanksgiving

Nov 09, 2007

I thought I would do a little "decorating" for the upcoming Holiday.  Today, Friday, November 9th, is not only my two week post op date, but it is also my 47th birthday!   I feel good.  Yesterday i went to the doctor for my two week check and he was very pleased.  He also cleared me to have some more food (THANK GOODNESS!)  I never thought I would be so happy to see 2 ounces of cottage cheese :-)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Thanksgiving Countdowns

**One week ago today*** (Friday November 2, 2007)

Nov 02, 2007

Well, I was just reading through some of my blogs, and it brings me right back to the place I was at that point in time.  I remember the fear and anxiety over surgery and here I am doing well.  It has been one week ago today, I made it through my first week just fine.  I guess I was afraid of the modifications and how I would do.  What I failed to realize is that I would not be hungry and that 2oz. of pudding would fill me up. . .WOW. . .what a gift, what a great tool.  I am doing all the doctor asks of me as I want to heal correctly and be on the right path toward success.  I am feeling fine, but was a little sad yesterday.  See, my birthday is next Friday (the 9th) and I think this will be the first time ever that it isn't celebrated.  So I was a little bummed.  But then, I got this awesome gift from my secret pal -- timing was perfect and the gifts were even more perfect!  It allowed me to see that I am, for the first time in my life (perhaps) celebrating life.  By taking the necessary steps to get on the path toward health is one of the best gifts I could have ever given myself.  Also, celebrations do not need to revolve around food and eating (that's the OLD mind set).  I need to realize that taking time for ME, and doing something a little special is more important.  So, it's been one week today and I am still doing great.

I'm home!

Oct 30, 2007

Actually, I came home on Sunday afternoon, after having surgery on Friday morning.  Everything went well -- I am just real sore and of course, on pain meds.  I had hoped to be feeling stronger, but I am always hardest on myself.  I know it takes time.

It was my goal to post something on my blog the same day  I returned, but getting home was an ordeal -- nothing extraordinary, just the usual lumps and bumps.  SO I have been home recouperating, and writing when I can.

I want to thank everyone who supported me with your thoughts and prayers.  Please keep 'em coming.

God bless.

Ta-DA! SURGERY DAY (10/26/07)

Oct 25, 2007

It i s now 4:33 a.m. and I will be leaving in just a few minutes with my family to head to the hospital.  I am scrubbed, tubbed and adequately fed!  Oh, no, wait!  I'm actually starving (that line, by the way, comes from Mary Poppins).  I am afraid, but I am at peace.  GOD IS GOOD, and with all the love and support I have been shown from my OH family, I am feeling very positive.  I am packed, and all ready to go.  I spoke with the Dr.'s office yesterday afternoon and the ol' gallbladder is coming out too!  I am thankful, because where there are stones -- there are sure to be complications and I do not want to have another surgery any time soon.  I need to be at the hospital by 5:30 a.m., and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30 this morning.  Continued prayers, my friends -- and I will be posting just as soon as I can.

God Bless.

P.S. - TODAY is my (new) birthday!  Happy Birthday Beth

Getting Nervous! (10-25-07 2:10 p.m.)

Oct 25, 2007

Well, it's after 2 p.m. here and I have to get ready to go in the morning.  I think I have accomplished all that I set out to do today.  I heard that my friend made it through her surgery just fine -- and was I ever glad to hear that.  I will get to see her tomorrow :-)  And, thinking of her, and praying for her has provided a much needed distraction.  Now that I know she is okay -- it's just me and the ol' butterflies swarming around in my tummy.  Did I mention that today is my Anniversary?  Yep!  My husband and I are celebrating six years today (10/25/07).  There won't be much of a celebration tonight, we are just going to spend some quiet time alone.  I am holding up okay -- just drowning with all the water I'm drinking :-)

Tomorrow is the big day! (Thursday 10-25-07)

Oct 24, 2007

As I sit here at 5:28 a.m., writing in my blog -- and realizing I have been up since 3:00 a.m., I would have to say that yes, I am worried, and it is interferring with my sleep.  Oh well, I will get caught up on sleep after surgery.

I am frightened but excited at the same time.  I just want to get it over with at this point.  A friend of mine is having her surgery today -- and my thoughts will be with her as she embarks on a new journey as well.

Today will be sort of a relaxing day (hopefully).  I have a few errands and last minute things I need to do -- but that's about it.

After all the preparing and struggle we go through to get here -- I can truthfully say -- I AM READY.

I am a strong person and I will make it through this just fine.

Make your own custom scroller sign at ProfileMix.com!

Two more days! (Wed. 10-24-07)

Oct 24, 2007

Well, it's Wednesday morning and I am nervous.  It seems like every time I look for something positive, something negative rears its ugly head.  I know the nerves are part of it -- but I pray I find some peace before Friday morning. 

today I am still busy around the house and taking care of a few last minute things, but for the most part I think I am all ready to go. . .(whatever that means!)

I am excited, because this will be the starting point of my new, healthy lifestyle. . .but I am fearful as well.

Three more days! (Tuesday 10-23-07)

Oct 23, 2007

Here it is Tuesday morning and the fear is palpable.  I went to the hospital this morning and met with the exercise physiologist.  She worked with me to determine a fitness level and suitable exercises. . .took some measurements, and will track my progress.  I went through a small fitness test such as walking for six minutes, doing bicep curls, and semi-squats.  She also tested my flexibility and we talked about keeping the motivation going for after WLS.  I am excited. . .but scared as well.  It's funny, we spend forever and a day going through this process.  Then, when it is here, our minds become our worst enemy!  I had a long list of things to do before surgery and I believe I am just about done. . .a couple of minor things, which would be great to get done IF I could pull myself away from OH!  It has been a real lifesaver for me.  The support and friendship I have found here has been so valuable, and I thank you all for being a part of this with me, and I look forward to sharing in your stories as well.  

Sometimes I feel like I am all consumed with *ME* and I have never been that way.  I have always been more of a giving person, and thinking of myself is last on the list. . .however, through my classes I have taken so far, I know that I have to make time for me. . .and with surgery only a couple of days away, well, the all consuming thoughts are pretty normal (I think).  I will be glad when it is over and done, and I am home healing, and on the right side of the loser;s bench!

Just got a call from the hospital to review some history, as questions and answer my questions.  It is beginning to feel very real. . .and coming soon.  I have a friend who will be having her surgery on Thursday and my thoughts and prayers are with her as well.  But no matter what I do, or what I think about, my mind always seems to wander back to this Friday -- the 26th.

Four more days to go! (Monday 10-22-07)

Oct 22, 2007

Well, it's Monday and I think it has finally sunk in -- I AM HAVING SURGERY ON FRIDAY!!!  I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and now I am exhausted .  I am excited, but as I mentioned -- I am fearful as well.  It helps to be able to add to my blog and talk about how I feel and more importantly, to learn that I am not alone in my feelings.  Many people experience the fear and anxiety prior to surgery.

I am doing well -- on all liquid protein now.  I am hungry!!!  But I will survive because it is only a few days to go.   I hope the week goes fast.  I feel like I have waited a lifetime, but in many other ways it feels like just yesterday.  At this point, I just want to get it done

Thansk for all your well wishes and prayers.  Please keep 'em comin'!

About Me
Phoenix, AZ
Surgery Date
May 01, 2007
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 14
I get so frustrated!
Getting ready for Thanksgiving
**One week ago today*** (Friday November 2, 2007)
I'm home!
Ta-DA! SURGERY DAY (10/26/07)
Getting Nervous! (10-25-07 2:10 p.m.)
Tomorrow is the big day! (Thursday 10-25-07)
Two more days! (Wed. 10-24-07)
Three more days! (Tuesday 10-23-07)
Four more days to go! (Monday 10-22-07)
