Current Weight: 185.0 (As of 12-31-2008)
111.0 pounds lost since surgery (approaching 5 years out)!

Pre-Surgery Stats:

21 years old
5' 8"
Fluctuating between 293 and 306 pounds.
Heaviest Weight: 306
Surgery Weight (Day of Surgery, 5-11-2004): 296
Weight problem since the age of 4.
College Junior (Biology/Pre-Med, KSU)
Occupation: Quality Analyst for Anheuser-Busch

April 17, 2008

Well, I wound up staying in Georgia after many complaints from my family, co-workers and friends about moving.  I purchased a home in Cartersville in Dec. 2006 and have been there ever since.  I am still fluctuating between 185 and 190 pounds, but I have decided to become a vegetarian after watching a PETA video, and I have once again resumed an exercise routine (a constant battle for me), so hopefully I can get back down to 175, which is where I want to be.  I am still working two jobs (law firm and Anheuser) and have begun traveling internationally. 

Life is pretty good right now, but I am still working on someone to share it with! 

September 4, 2006

I am still doing well with my weight. I have gained a few pounds, but have pretty much stayed between 185 and 195 for the past 6 months, and I am still very happy with the weight I am now. I actually get more compliments now, then I did at my lowest weight.

I am still working at the lawfirm and Anheuser-Busch, but I have picked up a third job serving at Ruby Tuesday in Cartersville as well. I am planning on moving back to NJ in January to help out with my grandparents, and to finish school.

Other than that, things are pretty much the same in my life.

As for eating, I can eat normal things, which scares me to death. I still only have trouble with caffeine and high sugar. Everything else, I can eat.

January 4, 2006

Once again, it has been quite some time since my last update. I am still maintaining my weight, fluctuating between 175 and 185 pounds. I exercise about 2-3 times a week, and enjoy every minute of it. Thank god for the invention of the iPOD...this way I can listen to music while I run!

I am still working at Anheuser-Busch part-time, the law firm full-time, and attending school for my paralegal certification and the remainder of my Biology degree.

I am dating someone new, his name is Greg (Same as the last boyfriend). Things are going well, and hopefully I can finally settle down with someone.

My eating habits have unfortunately returned to normal. I find myself eating things that are definitely not on my diet plan. The worst part is, that I do not get sick from them. I have not vomited since my surgery, and am convinced that I no longer can. The ONLY issue I had is with caffeine and fried foods. I stay away from both of those things. Other than that, I stay away from high sugar (over 8 grams per serving), and TRY to eat extra veggies. I do go on lower-carb diets when I get towards the 185 side of my weight fluctuation.

When I exercise, I tend to run/walk about 3 miles in 30 mins with a varying incline. And then I have started a weight lifting routine, mainly focusing on my upper body. I started lifting weights for my upcoming trip to Mexico. God knows I want to look good in a bathing suit.

Anyway, I always appreciate chatting, and welcome all questions. The email I respond to quickly is:

[email protected]

So feel free to contact me. I wish everyone the best!

May 22, 2005

It has been a while since my last update. I have gained a few pounds back. Apparently, I lost so much weight from being on the pain meds from the tummy tuck. They increase my metabolism. According to friends, family, and co-workers, I no longer look "sick" and "unhealthy." Of course I am not happy with gaining some weight back, but you know how it goes. I am currently 171 pounds and holding. The swelling in my tummy has finally gone down a lot. It is pretty much flat all of the time. However, when I eat, it sticks out so far! I am assuming that since my stomach is so tight, that any change in my insides, (eating and filling my stomach) makes it show. It is kind of funny, yet inconvenient when you want to go out. If I plan on attending a club, I try not to eat 4 hours before so I can fit into my club clothes.

As for my overall health, I feel great! I still have so much energy and enjoy doing so many things. My blood pressure is on the low side of normal, all of my blood work comes back within range, I can exercise without losing my breath, and I actually love the gym.

As far as activities, 2005 has been the year of travel for me. So far, I have been to: Columbia, SC; Holmdel, NJ; New York, New York; Gatlinburg, TN; and New Orlenas, LA. I have plans to go sailing in Maine for a week in June thanks to the fraternity paying for a leadership academy.

I have also been released from school for the summer, and am not taking summer courses. I lose my health insurance under my parents when I turn 23 this August, so I had to go out and find a new job with benefits. I am now a paralegal for Perrotta, Cahn & Prieto, P.C. in Cartersville, where our only openly gay attorney is my boss. I also still work part time as a Quality Analyst for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. In the fall, I plan to return to school on a part-time basis to finish my degree.

I am also almost done with my braces, and I have my teeth whitened in the next two weeks.

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Talk to you soon.

February 21, 2005

Bills for my tummy tuck have started to come in, so here is the breakdown.


Consultation, Dr. Marisa Lawrence: $325
Pre-Op Appointment, Dr. Marisa Lawrence: $165
Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Dr. Marisa Lawrence: $6,500
Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Physcian's Assistant: $3,250
Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Northside Hospital: $11,663.60
Post-Op Appointment, Dr. Marisa Lawrence: $170

Grant Total: $22,073.60
Out-of-Pocket (Not covered by insurance): $0.00

February 19, 2005

About a week and a half ago, I had my tummy tuck. It was a painless proceedure, thanks to all of the wonderful pain drugs my plastic surgeon put me on. I left the hospital with two drains, a pain pump, many stitches, and 20 staples. I had everything removed this past Tuesday, except for my stitches, they will dissolve themselves. I am highly pleased with the results already, and can only imagine what it will look like when the swelling has subsided in a few more weeks. I went back to work yesterday, which was enitrely too soon. I barely made it through the 8 hours. However, I needed the money and will not be returning to work until mid-March due to some upcoming vacations. I will be in SC this coming weekend for a fraternity function, and I will be in NJ for the two weeks following that for Spring Break. When I lay down, my stomach is flat. Right before surgery I went on a shopping spree and bought two new pairs of pants and five new pairs of underwear. Needless to say it was the quickest $300 I have ever spent. I bought my new clothes a touch too small because of the inches I knew I would be losing, however, they fit me very well. I got a new pair of Gap Long & Lean jeans in a size 8, and I also picked up their new line of jeans called "1969." They are very trendy, complete with wrinkles, fades, frays, and tears. They are men's jeans and are ULTRA low rise...VERY sexy to say the least. I bought those in a 32. They ran for more than my Armani Exchange pants, $78 to be exact, but they are well worth it. My underwear was all Calvin Klein, including their new mesh trunks. I got 4 trunks in varying materials (mesh, microfiber, body, etc.) and 1 thong. All of which are mediums. I love clothes shopping!! Everything just fits so well! I am having brunch with some friends tomorrow at a restaurant in Atlanta where this cute guy I am interested in is bartending. I will keep you guys posted on my recovery and how this brunch thing goes. All my best.

BTW, I do not think I ever updated you on my last situation, but Terry and I did not work out. There were no hard feeling invloved, but we both knew things were not going where they needed to. He is now dating a friend of mine, with my blessing. They seem to fit better than we did. Talk to you soon.

January 26, 2005

Well, exactly two weeks until my plastic surgery date and needless to say, I am SO excited! I am extremely lucky to be able to feel the "surgical excitement" twice in one year. With swim suit season fast approaching, I am glad I started the plastic surgery process when I did. I am still holding at 160 lbs. Hopefully I can lose about five more after surgery. Even a loss of 5 pounds, which used to be a meal for me, is a lot of weight when you are this size and people do notice.

When I went for my plastic surgery pre-op yesterday, they gave me all of my prescriptions early in order to get them filled on time. They gave me 2 pain killers, both with refills. Keep in mind that I will also have a pain pump implanted, delivering numbing medicine to the incision site for a while as well. This scares me with as much pain as they think I will be in. However, for my gastric bypass, I didn't have much pain at all. Maybe I can just stock up on the pain killers for good times later. ;) They said I will also have a catheter and not only one, but two drains in me when I wake up, and i am sure you guys remember how much fun they were to have removed. That is almost enough for me to back out. I will just have to save some of my pain meds for removal time.

Well I am off to class. Hope all is well with everyone.

January 17, 2005

A new year and a new me. I lost 2 more pounds, putting me at 160.5 and a total of 135.5 pounds lost in only 8 months. My plastic surgery was pushed back two days, so I will be having my tummy tuck on February 9, 2005. I can not wait. I can fit into size 31" pants and medium T-shirts as of right now. For classic button up shirts, I now require a small. Life is good!!!

December 14, 2004

Cher Day!!

Cher is officially here in Atlanta. Tonight my friend and I will be on the floor, just feet away from the goddess herself!! Needless to say, we are both very excited. Especially since I am practically as thin as Cher now!

When I went to see Dr. Hart for my 7-month check up on the 9th of December, I officially weighed in at 170 lbs. on his scale. That is 126 pounds lost in 7 months. As far as my profile is concerned, we are sticking with my home scale number of 167 lbs. ;)

The other day I put on a pair of 32" pants, and they fit! I can also wear Medium shirts, so things are going VERY well for me. I just want to know when I will stop losing weight. I have slowed down a lot. Even Dr. Hart got a little nervous when I walked in and asked if I had started to slow down. I guess I will just have to see.

As for my adominoplasty, the Dr's office has still not received the letter and neither have I. The insurance company is safe guarding it too. I am going to have to call and put on a mean front in order to get what I want again.

Happy Cher Day!!

December 3, 2004

Well, I am writing to update you about my plastic surgery journey. When I first met with Dr. Lawrence at the end of September, I really liked her, however she seemed like she was in a hurry and I wound up feeling rushed. Her insurance coordinator left something else to be desired. She did not seem helpful, and I left feeling like I was a bother. I must say though, that Dr. Lawrence’s PA (physician's assistant) was AMAZING! She sat and chit-chatted with me and made me feel comfortable. Now, for the good news, after submitting paperwork at the end of September and almost daily calls throughout October and much of November, I finally got an answer from my insurance company regarding my tummy tuck and mammoplasty. Although they denied my mammoplasty, they APPROVED my adominoplasty!!! As soon as Dr. Lawrence's office receives my letter of clearance from insurance in about 10 days, I should be able to schedule a date, possibly even in January. I cannot wait! I plan to appeal my mammoplasty decision, but even if they do not pay for it, I plan to get it some time next year, maybe with my tax return. I wish when you had a tummy tuck you could tell them how thin you want to be and they could just sculpt it out for you. I just cannot wait for the extra skin and fat to be gone. My "Man-handles" will also be gone. When I bend over, I will not feel my skin pool to the center of my stomach. It will be a whole new feeling. I am looking forward to White Water (with my shirt off) next summer for the first time in 8 years.

As for my weight loss, I was on a plateau for quite some time, teetering in the 175 range. However, yesterday morning I weighed and was 170, even. I feel that is great, especially after Thanksgiving. That is 0.1 pounds away from the 160's and I cannot wait. I am extremely happy with where I am and hope that my success continues. After my plastic surgery, I hope to be in the low 160's to 150's, where I hopefully will remain for the rest of my life. I have started buying Medium shirts instead of large, and am holding off on pants, cause once again I am dropping sizes. I am in a 34 now, but after adominoplasty, I feel I will be a 32, if not a 30, time will only tell. Who ever would have though I would have a 32-inch waist? That is something you only see on movie stars!

As for love, I have met a guy that I am really into. I have been seeing him for about a month now. His name is Terry and we get along like we have known each other for years. You can find his picture on my website (the link is at the top of the page and in the post under this one).

Well, I am off to bed. Hope everyone is doing well.

November 18, 2004

It has officially been over six months since my surgery. I have lost a total of 125 pounds, putting me at 171.0 pounds, and still losing. I have not heard from insurance yet about my plastic surgery, although I have been making progress. I should hear something back by the end of this month. My fraternity initiation and chartering went as planned. I am officially a brother of Delta Tau Delta. I have pictures from the event located on my personal website:
All in all, things are going very well. Work at Anheuser is still good, and school is also going as planned. However, I might have to take 17 hours in the Spring: Genetics, Organic II, Principles of Computing, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, and Mathematical Biology. At least they are all for my major, and I am that much closer to graduating. I missed my 6 month check-up with Dr. Hart, and had to reschedule for December 9th, so I will not have my vitals until then. I have still not dumped once since surgery, or had any other complications other than the kidney stone, which seams to have been an isolated event. My energy is still high, and I am enjoying life. My hair loss has also slowed too....I started drinking Carb Countdown milk. As for my sizes, I am now officially too small for my 36" pants and can easily fit into a GAP 35" and technically should wear a 34, however men's jeans do not fit me well AT ALL in the ass and thighs, so I have switched to girl's jeans. I wear a 12 in girls. I just can not wait for my tummy tuck...It will look so much better when my top half is as small as the bottom.

October 29, 2004

So I have a fraternity event coming up, initiation for those of you that are familiar, my fraternity is chartering, and I went to get measured for my tux. First, let me point out that I bought a suit for other functions about a month ago and a 42R fit perfectly. Now, I must admit that when I heard these numbers, I almost passed out in the store and I couldn't control myself from laughing like a little school girl. I even made the lady write them down so I could report them to you guys.

My waist- From 44" to a 36" without any squeezing or sucking in
My neck- From 18" to 15 1/2" with breathing room
My chest- From 50 to 41
Vest size- Is now a Medium
My jacket size- From 50R to 40R
Even my shoe Size went down- From 11.5 (some 12's) to 10W

I am sooo excited. I am going to look killer! I will definately have some pictures made.

October 19, 2004

I went to my PCP today for something unrelated to gastric bypass and learned that my blood pressure was 100/60. That is a drop from 140/86, which my doctor and I both thought was excellent. I currently weigh 181 pounds, which is a total of 115 pounds lost in a little over five months. I have been going to the gym at least once a week, and continue to run a full mile each time. I have more energy than ever before, and my depression is non-existant. I have begun the reconstructive process by consulting with a plastic surgeon at the end of September. We have submitted to insurance and I am still waiting to hear back. This approval is taking a lot longer than my gastric bypass one, which I do not know how to take. From what I have heard, for reconstructive surgery you need to have lost over 100 pounds, which I have. So we will just have to wait it out. Also, it turns out that since I am double covered by insurance, I should not be paying copays for any of my doctors. The only reason I have been paying is because my doctors never file with my secondary insurance, which could have saved me hundreds of dollars in the past few years. So, in light of this new information, I have a lot of ddoctors to be calling.

October 5, 2004

My five month anniversary is fast approaching. The last time I weighed myself, I was 187 pounds. For a total of 109 pounds lost. I bought my first medium shirt the other day and boy did it feel great. Food has not been a problem for me at all. I have no urge to even eat the things that I know I am not supposed to. I hear stories of people craving fried foods and just tasting things high in sugars/fat, but that is not me at all. I know that if I just "taste" something, it will lead to a bigger taste, and then over time, my body will begin to accept that wrong food once again and I will become a gastric bypass failure. I am much happier in my smaller clothes now then I ever was being able to taste everything that I wanted. I continue to exercise occasionally, and even ran my first mile about two weeks ago non-stop. I also went to a plastic surgery consultation on September 29, 2004. The surgeon came highly recommended by Dr. Hart's office, as well as people on this website. Dr. Lawrence used to be the chief of plastic surgery at Northside Hospital. She said that I do not have that much excess skin on other parts of my body, only stomach. She attributed to the fact that I was so young and that I exercised, so my skin retracted. We came up with a plan to have a tummy tuck, with liposuction of the hips and chest area. The total for both procedures was close to $13,000, but my insurance should pick up some, if not all. Thank god for good insurance.

September 14, 2004

I did it! I have reached yet another set of goals! I sit here now, 101 pounds lighter, 4 pants sizes smaller, and 2 shirt sizes smaller than the day of surgery! I am finally back in the 100's! I am sitting here at 195 pounds and it feels GREAT! I can wear 36 inch waist pants and a Large shirt (notice there was no "extra" with an exponent before the shirt size, just a plain Large)!!! There are so many things in life that you miss out on by being fat, most of them personal happiness. It is horrible to say, but it is amazing how differently I am treated as a person. I am actually treated like a person. Since weight loss, my self-esteem and energy have sky-rocketed. I have become more active in school, joining multiple organizations and even re-pledging my fraternity, Delta Tau Delta. My grades have also improved, which I attribute to my lack of depression. I am maintaining A's in all classes. I actually like exercising and getting dressed in the morning now. And yes, I still step on the scale almost every day to see how much weight I am losing. Also, when dining out, I no longer have the paranoia that everyone is watching how much I eat, and if they are, who cares! I even like taking photos now. Life is so much better on the other side. I am also sitting at 21% body fat, where a normal range is 15-20 for men. I was calculated to have 41 pounds of fat on me, which according to Dr. Hart, I should lose have of that by the time I am finished. My BMI is now under a 30, where it was 46 when I started this journey. I am finally out of the Obese category and into Overweight! It is funny that I am excited about just being Overweight. I can not even walk around school without someone telling me how good I look. This is by far the best thing I have ever done in my life.

September 5, 2004

Here I am, almost 4 months out of surgery. I have lost 93 pounds to date. So close to both the 100 pound mark, and being back in the 100's. An experience that I have not had since I was in middle school. I am so please with where I am in life, and I would not change anything in the world. Since, surgery, I have had only one complication, a kidney stone back in August. They say it was because I was not drinking enough water, which I completely agree with. The actual kidney stone was 10x's as painful as anything else that I have been through with the surgery. However, I would definitely have the surgery again if I had the choice. I have lost three pant sizes and two T-shirt sizes. I can now fit into a large shirt and 36 pants. I have recent pictures posted at if anybody is interested. Things at my new job at Anheuser-Busch are going VERY well. I have recently started school back too. Some of my friends that haven't seen me since last semester do not even recognize me. It is a great feeling to have everyone come up to you and tell you how good you look. I have also rejoined my fraternity, Delta Tau Delta, and am very glad with the experience. My appointment with Dr. Hart for my three month checkup went very well. All of my lab work was normal and my blood pressure had decreased as well. Most people are around the 60 pounds lost mark, but I was into my 70's which he was very pleased with, and since my appointment, I have lost another 20 pounds or so. I never dreamed of results this great, but I am thrilled to have them. At times though, I just question if the weight loss will stop. I honestly am very happy with my results, but at the rate things are going, I would not be surprised to reach 160 pounds by the end of a year. I never in my life wanted to be 160 pounds, but then again it is much better than 300. I'll just have to wait and see.

August 5, 2004

Well, I have not written in a while, so I thought I would throw in an update. I am currently 217.5 pounds, which is a loss of 78.5 pounds in almost 3 months!!! I am so excited. I have dropped 2.5 pant sizes and a shirt size. My birthday is this Saturday and I can not wait. To celebrate I am going to have a manicure and pedicure, shop at Phipps Plaza (Saks Fifth Avenue, Tiffany & Co., and Armani Exchange), and then go to Hoedowns (The country gay bar) on Friday. And then I am going to Six Flags and Swinging Richards (The gay strip club) on Saturday for my real birthday. I am so excited to go to Six Flags since I will be able to fit on all of the rides! I am going to buy a new bathing suit for the occasion. I am now also wearing a large belt (I used to wear an XXL)!!! I go back to see Dr. Hart on Monday, and I am scared to death of what he will say. I have not been keeping up with my protein like he wants me to, and I often forget my vitamins, especially the calcium. I am just not hungry anymore. I still have soooo much more energy and I only sleep the normal 8 hours a night. On my breaks at work, I go to the weight room and run/walk for a mile and a half and it feels so good. I never thought I would say something like that, but it does. Well, I got to run to work. I will write after my appointment on Monday.

July 15, 2004

Well, I have officially lost over 63 pounds. I am at 230 and I cannot believe it. I have not been this weight since I was addicted to crystal meth and ecstasy over a year and a half ago. Even then, this was my smallest weight. Anything under 230 is my high school weight. This surgery truly is a miracle. I can now fit into clothes that have sat in my closet for years. I knew there was a reason I saved them. I cannot wait to go to Six Flags and fit into all of the rides. I think I might do it for my birthday. I finally got the job at Anheuser-Busch and await the results of my background check and drug test so that I can have a start date. I also got Invisalign braces for my teeth. All in all, my life has taken a major turn for the better.

June 26, 2004

Gay Pride Weekend is here! Not only that, but I have accomplished my goal of being in the 240's by Gay Pride. I am officially 246.5 lbs. I feel great! Gastric Bypass is the best decision I have ever made in my life.

June 16, 2004

Well, I just got back from Fredericksburg, Virginia. I had gone up for the weekend for my best friend's sister's graduation. While we were there, we also stopped by Gay Pride in Washington, D.C. It was a lot of fun. I have been doing well with my weight loss. In the month and 5 days since surgery, I have lost over 41 pounds. Putting me at 255 pounds and dropping. I have been going to the gym and trying to do at least 1 hour's worth of cardio each time, 3 times a week. However, I still have not been doing well on my protein intake. In fact, I have been getting only about 20-30 grams a days and missing my vitamins. Brian, my best friend, has vowed to take on the responsibility of mothering me until I get it right. I realized that I can stomach protein bars now, which is a big help. I really hate those shakes and drinks. My advice is to just go VERY slow when eating a bar. You get full very quickly, and they last a long time. I have been doing very well with my water intake though. I carry a bottle around with me everywhere, which I did before surgery too and LOVE drinking it. I have realized that after surgery, I like to have my fluids ICE COLD. Where as before I could not stand them cooler than room temperature. All in all, I am so glad I had this surgery and wouldn't change it for the world. I have gone down 1/2-1 shirt size and 1 pant size. I am sooo happy with myself.

June 2, 2004

I have been tolerating new foods very well. I have not dumped or vomited once during this whole surgery process. I have lost 30 lbs. in the 3 weeks since surgery and I am extremely excited. Co-Workers, Friends, and Family can all tell a major difference in my appearance. My face is very noticeably thinner, as is my torso. My T-shirts fit better and my pants are not only fitting properly (they do not cut off circulation), but they are actually getting a little loose. I have already surpassed my short-term goal of being 275 pounds by the end of June for Gay Pride Weekend. I am in the 260's and still dropping fast. I may actually even get to the 240's by then. To keep the weight loss going strong, I joined a local gym yesterday, BodyPlex. I spent a little over an hour doing cardio exercises, including biking and using the treadmill. I used to hate the thought of the gym, but yesterday, I had soooo much fun. It is best to take a friend along with you to ease the anxiety. Once you get going, you do not want to stop. I just kept thinking about the Armani jeans I want to wear and it was motivation enough. As far as how I feel, I have never felt better. I have so much energy throughout the day it is not even funny. I am constantly ready to go out and play. I feel like a kid that begs his friends to go swimming with him. I have been sleeping a lot less also. I used to sleep 12-13 hours a night in order to feel "rested," yet I still woke up sluggish. Now I sleep about 8 hours and wake up naturally, ready to go. The other night I went to bed at 11pm, and I woke up at 6am ready to start my day. It took me forever to get back to sleep, it was far to early to get up. Needless to say, I now try to stay up until at least 1 or 2 in order to sleep later in the morning. I have been having a lot of trouble with protein drinks. I simply hate the taste, and dread drinking them. It is something I just have to fight with myself about. However, I have tolerated a lot of new foods, including: Cottage Cheese, Cheese, Chicken, Tuna, Turkey, Beans, Broccoli, Alfredo Sauce, Mustard, Mashed Potatoes, and Eggs. I am still not eating many carbs; I think it is helping in my rapid weight loss. When I eat mashed potatoes, I limit it to 2-3 bites. I eat mostly pureed meat. Well, I need to get in the shower and head out to the gym. I hope everyone is having the success I am.

May 24, 2004

Well, last Thursday, May 20, I went to Dr. Hart's office for my post-op visit. I had lost 20 lbs. since the last time I was in his office, with an official weight of 276. I also had my tube removed. Now, while I was recovering in the hospital, my nurses told me to save some of my pain medication to take right before I went in, but I found out later that my pain meds make me sick. So I got some Liquid Tylenol and took that. There was no actual pain, but it was a very odd feeling. You could feel where the tube was coiled inside and you could feel it being yanked out. Luckily, Dr. Hart did it so quickly. He told me I could swim in a week and that I could go to Six Flags whenever I felt up to it. He said I could start sleeping on my stomach when I felt like it, and that I could start pureed food on Monday, which is today. My first food is cottage cheese. My stomach feels a little funny, but I do not know if it is the cottage cheese or if it is the fact that this is the first food in my stomach in 2 weeks. I am chewing thoroughly, until it is liquid, and going slow. The pain is dulling as I go along, so I am thinking it was the fact that it was the first food. I am picking up a friend's food processor today so I do not have to buy one. I started exercising last Thursday and have been doing well. Slowly, but surely I am increasing my stamina. My goal is to lose 30-35 lbs. by the end of June, Gay Pride weekend, which is only 10 lbs. away. I feel that it is totally within my reach. Everyone at work can already notice my weight loss. They say it is mostly in my face, which I agree with. I just cannot wait until I can fit into smaller pants. I want to wear Capri’s to Pride. Anyway, I am off to go and lay by the pool. I need a tan. But before I go, my "Costs of Surgery" section has all of my actual surgical costs in it. Please scroll down to review it. I can now call my surgery "My $40,000 Makeover."

May 18, 2004

Today is a brand new day. I am no longer as depressed as I was before. I have been getting out of my house and sleeping a lot better. The reason I was so depressed was exactly what I said. I was so bored and I used to counter that with food. Now that I have been getting out, I hardly think about food anymore. It was so much fun to pass the time away quickly. I started taking liquid Tylenol at night and sleeping on my side. I only woke up once to pee and slept through the rest of the night. Protein shakes have been the hardest to work with. It is so tedious to get in all of the protein. Luckily I went to GNC and got some new drinks with 40 grams of protein in each bottle. They taste GREAT, although like all protein drinks, they leave that after film in your mouth. Kind of like eating Fruity Pebbles. But the taste is to die for. They are GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey RTD Protein Drinks. The Cherry Berry tastes exactly like a cherry blow-pop. And the Fruit Punch is just like those drinks in a barrel with the foil lid I used to have as a kid. All in all, things are looking much better. Now all I need is to get this tube out of my side!!! BTW, I am down to 280lbs. That is 11 lbs. lost within a week.

May 16, 2004

Well, here I am. Post-Op. I am finally on the losing side, and I cannot say that I am fond of it yet. As of right now, I would literally kill someone for a cheeseburger and fries. This is so hard. You think before hand that the insurance approval is the hardest part of the surgery, but it is not, recovery is. I have been trapped in my house for the past 4 days bored out of my mind. I used to pass the time with eating, but I cannot do that any more. But then again, this is why I had the surgery, to control myself. It is so hard to be on fluids for 2 whole weeks. The pain medicine my doctor gave me makes me sick because I can not eat before taking it. Not that I am in much pain, but it helped me sleep the days away until I can get this drastic tube out of my side. That is my one goal as of right now, to be tube free. I have a difficult time with comfort. The tube is very limiting. I have a hard time sleeping because my most comfortable position is on my stomach, which is impossible to do right now. I don't even have the pain meds anymore to make the discomfort go away. When they say the surgery is not an easy fix, this is what they mean. I have been feeling very depressed the past few days and can just not wait to get this tube out to alleviate some discomfort. However, even though I was not supposed to weigh myself due to water weight gain in the hospital and what not, I had to in order to justify my decision to have surgery. I am officially down to 285.5 pounds from 291 on the day of surgery. That is 5.5 pounds gone forever.

May 11, 2004

Well, the day is finally here. In just a few short hours, I will be on my way to the hospital to embark on a new life. Many people ask if I am scared, or excited. The truth is that I am just EXTREMELY excited. There is not one bit of fear in my body. I have complete faith in my surgeon and myself. I am a healthy young man, my only problem being my weight, and I am ready to lose it. I have not eaten today except for one-piece of white bread toasted, no butter, this morning for breakfast. The bowel prep was horrible. I have used rectal laxatives many times before, but this time, I had to swallow it. It is not just one trip to the bathroom, it is not even two, it is 5-6. And all that comes out is fluid, cause that is all you have had in the last 12-24 hours. Needless to say, it was VERY unpleasant. I am proud to announce that somehow in the last week, I have lost weight again and am now down to 291 from 301 when I weighed myself on Wednesday (It is Tuesday now). So, I will be going into surgery at my lowest weight since Novemberish. I probably lost another 2 pounds after that bowel prep too. My mother will be driving me to the hospital at 4am, with my friend Samantha in tow behind us. Samantha has truly been a blessing in my life. I met her at work and slowly we are becoming the best of friends. We may have a lot of religious differences (she is Christian, and I am an Agnostic gay male), but we have put those differences aside and become the best of friends, and I am very excited to have her come along on my journey. My other two-best friends, Brian and Chris, will be joining me at the hospital around the time I get out of surgery. Although both of them are nervous as hell for me, they support my decision, and have been there for me this entire time. Even going as far as to accompany me to my doctor's appointments which are 1hr away. It is times like these when you realize how phenomenal your friends REALLY are. Sure you may appreciate them and know that they are good friends, but this just shows how far they would go for you. All I can say is that I am truly blessed and that my heart is warmed. Now, I know many people do not like to talk about this subject, but I am going to approach it. Since this is a major surgery, there is a chance that I may not pull through, as there is a chance with ALL surgeries. And I want everyone to know that even if I do not make it, I will have died happy and pleased with my life. This is a decision I am making to better my life, and if I did not make this decision, I could have let my weight kill me slowly. Either way, we all die in the end, and if I have to risk time over quality of life, so be it. There is a great chance of me surviving, for a longer period of time, then if I did nothing. And hell, if I do die, at least I will be under anesthesia. But enough with the negative. It is 12:53am, only 2 hours until I get ready to leave. I am going to try and take a nap...I am so EXCITED!!! See you on the losing side!!!

May 7, 2004

Well, Yesterday was my pre-op appointment where I got to see the hospital and meet with anesthesia. First let me say that the hospital is not a hospital at all. It is a medical center. The whole thing consists of two-floors. It makes for a very personal environment. I felt like a person and not like a number. In the hospital, they are doing a MAJOR renovation of their bariatric center. Keep in mind that Emory Dunwoody Medical Center is the Atlanta Bariatric Center, which does over 50% of Atlanta's gastric bypass surgeries. The new section is scheduled to open on Monday, so I will be one of the first people in it when I go on Tuesday. I could not go in and see a "typical" room because they were sealing the wood floors. Everything with anesthesia went well. They said that I am the healthiest patient they have ever had having the surgery (I have no other health problems, the surgery is more preventative). Besides paper work, the only thing we had to do in surgery was to get a blood-type analysis, which meant drawing more blood. Luckily, she got it on the first stick today. The part that I am most worried about is the IV for my surgery. Not that it hurts, but it is just weird having someone fish in your arm with a needle. It makes me feel dirty, like an IV drug user. It is all mental. So I am all set to go on Tuesday morning, all I have to do is go straight to anesthesia and be on my way to the losing side.

On a side note, I went to see April McKaig at Northside. She is doing great, and answered a lot of my questions. I found out that Dr. Hart does not believe in the morphine pump, so you have to call for pain meds whenever you feel the need. But I can handle that. Pain is not a problem for me. Also, while at anesthesia, I was complimented over and over again for being a "Dr. Hart patient." Apparently, Dr. Hart is the only one who has all of his ducks in a row when it comes to this surgery. They praise Amanda Korey greatly. They told me they never have to order extra tests because he has already had it done. They said I should feel very lucky to have Dr. Hart doing my surgery. He would be their choice if they had family members undergoing the surgery. It was just fate that I wound up with him, and I am glad.

May 4, 2004

Well here I am...One week from my surgery date and let me tell you how excited I am. This past weekend, I had a guest come in to my restaurant for dinner and tell me that she had gastric bypass 19 months ago. She looked fabulous! She lost over 14 dress sizes and is now down to a size 6! I can not wait to start my new life as a thin person. I am ready to lose this weight. I am ready to change my eating habits forever. I am ready to wear a bathing suit again. To go to water-parks. To be able to fit into amusement rides. To fit in airplane seats without stretching the belt to the max. To get out of my car without "rolling." To walk into a new place with my head held up. To walk up to my best friend's third floor apartment without being out of breath. I am ready to LIVE!

April 21, 2004

Well, there isn't much time left. 20 days and counting. Tomorrow I go to Dr. Hart's office for pre- and post-op info. I am sure they will weigh me again and hopefully I stayed where I needed to be. Amanda is in the process of scheduling my pre-op appointment with the hospital itself. It is just so wonderful that it is so close. Tomorrow I fly out to NJ to pick up my new car that my grandmother bought for me. I am also in the process of getting braces. I went to the orthodontist last week and had a consultation. He said I could get Invisaline braces and that my insurance would cover it 100%, so I said why not (I am double covered under my parents). Now this is the best dentist I have ever been to. He not only got me an appointment for a consultation within 2 days, but he scheduled my molds and X-ray appointment for the following day! Within one week, I was halfway through the initial process. I go for my second molds (Invisaline requires 2) next week and I should have the actual braces within 4-6 weeks (right after my surgery). It is like my own little mini-makeover. I am having gastric bypass, getting braces, I had microdermabrasion and a chemical peel last week (which went very well, and my face looks GREAT), and I have laser hair removal on May 6. There are so many good changes happening in my life right now. I also updated my "Costs of Surgery" info. I am going to keep this under the start date April 12, 2004, so I do not keep a running list and you guys can have it all in one place. I am still fighting with insurance on some bills, only because they get confused with my double coverage. They deny my claims because they think I have other coverage, but they fail to realize that it is with them. So every time, I have to call and tell them over and over, but eventually everything gets paid, so I do not worry. I would rather call and deal with this nuisance, then have them not pay for the surgery. Who would have thought my trouble would come after I was approved?

April 12, 2004


Surgery, Surgical Assistant: $1,300.00
Surgery, Dr. Hart: $9,226.00
Surgery, Emory Dunwoody Medical Center (2 Day Stay): $22,514.00
Anesthesia: $1,260.00
Pre-Op Meeting with Dr. Hart: $181.00
Meeting with Dietician, Dr. Hart's Office: $50.00
Dr. Chen (Pulmonary Doctor): $11.91
Northside Hospital (Cardiology and Pulmonary Tests): $1,473.55
Gastrointestinal Testing at Northside Hospital (Doctor): $463
Gastrointestinal Testing at Northside Hospital (Radiology): $128
Dr. Silverman (Analyzed Results of Cardiology Tests): $326
Initial Consultation with Dr. Hart: $288
Blood Work at Initial Consultation, Dr. Hart: $498
Psychological Evaluation, Dr. Elkins, Rome, Georgia: $525
Follow-up Appointment for Pre-Op Test Scheduling, Dr. Hart: $181

Total Cost: $38,425.46
Not Covered by Insurance (Co-Pays): $50.00

April 5, 2004

Well, today was the day for my cardiology and pulmonary function tests. I am happy to report that both went extremely well, and that I passed both tests. Now, to let you know what happened during them. When I first got to the hospital, I had my cardiology appointment scheduled for 7:45am. Northside Hospital was very good at getting me back there quickly and getting started. I had to take my shirt off, a small triumph in itself, and put on a hospital gown. Luckily, this time I got to keep my pants on. Next, they tried to start an IV, which I usually have problems with. It seems that my veins are very had to find. So, after three tries, they finally got it. Thankfully for them, I do not mind being poked. Next, they shaved spots on my chest, so the electrodes would stick properly. I am so glad that I do not have a boyfriend, because I am sure that I look extremely funny with bald spots on my chest. They put one electrode on each shoulder, one over my heart, three under my left man-boob, and one on each oblique. I also had a blood pressure cuff on my arm the whole time. Anyway, they made me lay down on my left side, so the technologist could take the sonogram pictures and she got some shots of my heart at resting rate. After this, they started the medication and nothing was happening, so they made me start squeezing a stress ball to get my veins working. Finally the medicine started to kick in and my heart started to race. Once it reached 100 BPM, the technologist took more pictures, and then they had to get my rate up to 169, which was my Max. Heart Rate. I kind of teetered off at 160 BPM, so they made me do leg lifts, while squeezing the ball at the same time. It was kind of like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time. I confused myself and started flapping my arms too. So needless to say, I looked like a big, fat, balding chicken flapping on this doctor's table. It was quite amusing and I laughed during the whole thing. The test itself went fine. I did not get light-headed or nauseated at all. The worst part was the IV sticking, which did not even hurt. Then after that, I got to wipe all of the conductivity gel off and a new technician came in to do my EKG, which meant more electrodes. The actual setting up of the test (4 min) took longer than the test itself.

After the cardiology test, I went to pulmonary. There, they took blood from my wrist (artery), which is now hurting like a bitch. After that, you get to breathe in this machine and follow orders, like the Simon says game in the GI test I described (read below). The tech screams, "Breathe Normal...Deep Breath...BLOW! BLOW! BLOW" and then you have to blow out all the air real fast and continue to blow, until you practically totally deflate. Thank god I had experience from being a slut in high school, or else I probably would have passed out. We did, however, have to restart the test once because, being the slut I was, when she screamed "BLOW, BLOW, BLOW!" I fell over in a fit of laughter. My mind is always in the gutter. But back to my story...The test is a series of these exercises, until you go to Part II, The Chamber. In this chamber, you are required to breathe normally and then start panting in short shallow breaths. As you are panting, the machine creates resistance all of a sudden and you practically choke on your air, because you are not expecting it. After the chamber, you go back to the first machine and get to take deep breaths and hold them this time for as long as you can. Then the test is over. All in all, the process was not bad. The part that hurt the most was the nurse squeezing my wrist too hard in order to stop the bleeding. I think she could have bruised my bone. That lady had some grip, either that or I am the delicate wuss everyone says. (I do not shake guy's hands for this reason) It is amazing that I can handle needles and cuts, but pressure kills me. Anyway, I hope this has been helpful to some and prepares you for your tests. I have a little over a month to wait for my surgery date. My next appointment is next Tuesday, the 13th, to meet with the dietician at Dr. Hart's office. I will keep you posted.

March 26, 2004

For those of you who have been keeping up with my battles, here is an update. It looks like the insurance is claiming that the doctor who did my psychological evaluation was out of network, and therefore I have to pay a deductible of $200 and then they only pay 80% of the remaining cost. This leaves me with $265 to pay. It is funny because I see another doctor in the same office and they cover 100% minus my $10 co-pay. This whole insurance thing blows my mind. I am going to call them and see what we can do. If nothing else, they can submit the remaining $265 to my dad's insurance (United Healthcare, my parents both work for Anheuser-Busch) and see what they pay.

March 22, 2004

Well, I have seriously been on my low-carb diet for about a week now and have already lost 13lbs. This puts me right about where my surgeon wanted me to be before I went in for surgery. Now all I have to do is keep myself at this weight until May. Everything else in my life has been going really well. I have a Genetics test on Wednesday and a Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy test on Monday...Talk about stress.

March 18, 2004

Well, I was calling my insurance company to see if they had received my pre-cert information and my mother overheard me. She explained that she thought there was a letter upstairs with my approval already on it. I immediately ran upstairs, and found it and sure enough, it was my approval. I ran to our fax machine and faxed it to Amanda hoping that she would confirm that it was what she needed. I knew she was in with patients today and did not expect a return call until late tonight or tomorrow. To my surprise, she called within 20 mins, and said that it was it. I was so mad at my mom cause the letter was dated for the 5th of March, but Amanda ensured me that she had received it only yesterday. However, it means that United Healthcare got my surgeons letter on Monday, March 1, and had an approval by the 5th. I am so EXCITED!!!! So while on the phone with Amanda, we quickly penciled my date in for May 11, 2004 at the Atlanta Bariatric Center, part of Emory Dunwoody Medical Center. We will keep this date as long as all of my pre-op tests come back okay. I am waiting so long for a surgery date because I want it to be between semesters at school. Amanda told me this facility is state-of-the-art, with a separate Bariatric wing, specially trained nurses that deal only with bariatric patients, and they have all private rooms. The best part is, while you are in surgery, your family waits in your room, not a waiting room. If you want to check out the facility the address is

Well I am going to run to call more of my family and friends.

March 16, 2004

Well I just got back from my Gastrointestinal (GI) test and let me tell you how hilarious the experience was. First of all, you cannot eat or drink after midnight, which is torture in itself. Then when you finally fight traffic to get there, they ask you to take off your clothes (except for your underwear) and put on a hospital gown, with the opening in the FRONT! Thank god I did not choose to wear my thong this morning and my underwear was without holes. After that, they make you take a medicine cap full of Alka-seltzer and swallow it with a medicine cup full of water. Needless to say you practically choke on the powder. Then get this, YOU CAN NOT BURP! The purpose, I am assuming, is to inflate your stomach. After that, you are forced to stand against a table and be squished between the table and the X-ray machine. Then you take mouth-fulls of Barium and wait for the doctor to tell you to swallow so that he can follow it down with the X-ray machine while taking pictures. I felt like a breast during a mammogram! All throughout the process the doctor has you turning every which way and drinking large amount of Barium. He even switches types of Barium to give you Strawberry flavoring. Mmmm. (Don't let them fool you, it tastes like liquid chalk.) After all of that, he lays the table down so you are on your stomach and then back and makes you chug water as fast as you can while he shoots more pictures. The process took about 6 minutes. It was really hard to keep up with his directions cause it went so fast. Kind of like Simon Says. Turn this way, that way, swallow, breathe. They should let you take a valium first, to relieve the stress...Either that or do the stress test at the same time. Anyway, the experience was not bad at all, just a little embarrassing while being in a gown. Oh and get this...they said Barium causes constipation and your stool to be white! I can't wait. I will keep you posted.

March 15, 2004

Well, I just got back from vacation and did some checking up on my insurance information. As of today, my insurance is not showing that they have a pre-cert letter waiting. They said it would take 3 weeks for them to get it into the system since it has to be scanned and microfilmed. I have one more week left. While I was looking, for the letter, I noticed that my psychological test was denied by insurance because it was billed as a mental health procedure not related to medical surgery. It shows that I have a battle brewing to get them to pay for this $525 test. But God knows what a bitch I can be. I just hope he tells them before I have to release it. For those of you who are paying for your own surgery, I thought I would help out and relay my costs of surgery. All together (up to this point), I have been billed for:

Initial Consultation: $288
Blood Work at Initial Consultation: $498
Psychological Evaluation: $525
Follow-up Appointment for Pre-Op Test Scheduling: $181

For a grand total of $1,492.00

Thanks to insurance, I have only had to pay $30 out of pocket, considering that they will pay for my psych test. As for now, I will just continue to play the waiting game. I have my GI test tomorrow morning just inside the perimeter of Atlanta at Northside Hospital's facilities. I cannot eat or drink after midnight tonight. I heard that I would have to drink a potion and then go for X-rays. Nothing too invasive. I'll keep you guys posted.

March 4, 2004

I went for an appointment today to schedule all of my pre-op tests. First, let me start off with the bad news. I have gained 15 lbs. since my last appointment and needless to say, Dr. Hart was not very pleased with this. And you know it is pretty sad when your fat doctor tells you that you are too fat and need to lose weight before weight loss surgery. He said that I needed to lose that weight or they would give my spot to someone else. He knew that I was obviously in that "last meal" mentality mode. He explained that research shows that people who go through that process usually do not do as well after the surgery. Obviously, my fat ass is now on a diet. However, in my defense, I did not take my shoes off before I was weighed this time, which easily added another 4 lbs. (I wear Dr. Marten's). As for the rest of my appointment, I did get my tests scheduled. I have an upper GI test on March 16, and a cardiology and pulmonary study on April 5. Apparently April 5 was the earliest Amanda could get an appointment with a doctor that took my insurance. This is okay with me because I can schedule my surgery between semesters at school (May 7-20) as long as Dr. Hart is available. Also, for my cardiology test, they will NOT be making me run on a treadmill! :) They will be injecting me with drugs to raise my heart rate to 160. I was so glad to hear this. Fat people and treadmills do not mix. I have one at home...I call it my $400 dust collector.

March 3, 2004

Yesterday I wrote Amanda, my bariatric coordinator, an email asking the status of her progress and when the paperwork would actually be sent to the insurance company. Amanda replied within one day and said that she had started the pre-certification process last week, and had actually FAXED my information to them earlier this week. You could imagine my shock when I read this. I am so pleased that this is going so smoothly. Now I just have to wait for the insurance company. A surgery date is so close to coming my way.

February 26, 2004

Amanda from Dr. Hart's office called today. We made an appointment for next Thursday, March 4, 2004, so that I can come in for pre-op testing information. At this appointment, we will go over what particular pre-op tests are needed and then we will schedule them. I am glad that my best friend, Chris, will be there for moral support. You get really anxious when you are down to the wire, and anything can still happen.

About Me
Marietta, GA
Surgery Date
Feb 25, 2004
Member Since

Friends 4

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Loving Life
