2 years and 8 months

Aug 16, 2010

I've battled with the idea of updating. My weight is up and my clothes are starting to fit a little more snug. My weight is 129 lbs. I went on vacation and weighed 127 lbs. and came back with a little more. I've worked on not eating out as much and reducing my sweets. However, the weight still wants to linger. The key for me, is not to get down too much over it.
I had been running a lot and when the half marathon was over, I went to "off season mode". I am very proud to report I didn't get lazy and give myself a break. This has been a lifestyle change and I kept running and working out on the top of my list. I even ran and worked out on vacation. However, I'm not running the amount I once did when I was training. I'm ranging anywhere from 9-12 miles per week. I guess it's makes sense that my weight would reflect that change. I really didn't cut back on food so there you go. The truth about calories in...calories out...is true!

On a positive note....
My full marathon training starts today!  I will now add (put back in) the long Saturday runs. I'm not going to let the extra pounds get me down. I'm tracking my food along with my miles. I'm also doing p90x. I'm in good shape and can do more push ups than I thought. I don't know (pre- running) if I could even do one! I now have shoulder muscles and biceps muscles. My legs are toned under the loose skin of course (upper thighs). I feel like I'm in good shape and can be proud of that! I'm sure the scale will reflect my hard work soon enough. It can't be about the numbers anymore for me. However, I would be kidding myself if I said it doesn't bother me. I also, know the scale keeps me in check. I just have to keep a good balance. I hope to report good news as my training progresses.

