Dec 15, 2007

To date....122 lbs GONE!! 

On December 26th it will be 1 year. I must say it has been a hard one emotionally due to my Grandma passing away. She went on on July 10th and we said our final goodbyes on her oldest daughters (my moms) birthday. I miss her so very much she was one of my bestfriends. I talked to her daily if not several times a day and wish dearly she could still call me and ask how much weight I have lost.....she thought this whole process was simply amazing. If she is here watching over me Grandma...I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!! 

I have lost 122 lbs WOW! can you believe it?? It simply doesnt seem possible, I look and feel absolutely amazing! I am so glad I made this decision. I researched it for years and made sure it was what I needed and hit the ground running once I met the right surgeon. Its amazing when you know you have God holding your hand and leading you along. When I let go of his hand is when things go haywire....Thank you Jesus for being there for me!! 

I am eating pretty much anything I want just in exceptionally smaller portions. I am NOT eating sweets or drinking soda. Those are no no's and I am not going to hurt myself by doing that. I have made it this far without them and am doing just fine. I have discovered semi-sweet DARK CHOCOLATE....thank heaven that was invented!!! It has anti-oxidants in it (so it is good for you ) but yet is mildly sweet so it is YUMMY!!! My buddy who the  surgery referring to my last log found this amazing dessert I recommend highly it is chocolate Graham Crackers w/frozen sugar free fat free whip topping in the middle. yummy and almost like a little taste of heaven....give it a try...super cheap and almost like you are eating an ice cream sandwhich. Chocolate graham crackers actually have less sugar than regular graham crackers....HERES another wonderful dessert.....Light Strawberry yogurt over your fruit of choice...grapes, kiwi, blackberries, blue berries...liberally spoon the strawberry yogurt over your favorite fruit (once again) YUM YUM!! 

YES, the weight loss has slowed down and the (fat girl) fears still engulf me but as long as it is still slowly melting away....then I am good with it. 

Last but not least the and most importantly ALWAYS GLORY TO GOD!!!


Jun 26, 2007

Today is my 6 month anniversary. I am 95 months lighter and Praising God daily! God is SO SO good....NO. GOD IS GREAT! I just spent the weekend with my friend who had her surgery on Friday 22nd. She made it threw a clear liquid diet for more than 10 days and has done wonderful. 

This I must say....it is a cool experience to not only have been through it myself but I got to be a supporter of a dear friend going through it also. I feel very well rounded! It was very cool to sit in the waiting room where my mom & bestfriend sat during my surgery and to sleep in the visitors chair where my mom slept to be by my side. I cried the first time I saw her because I knew completely and wholey what my friend was feeling and the relief of seeing that she too has made it and now gets to be all she has ever wanted to be without weight limitations! I got to visit with the nurses who helped me when I had my surgery. I got to give her the sponge on a stick to wet her lips (the best thing in the world when you are so dehydrated from no intake of fluids), then I got to quietly sit and listen to her doze in and out of sleep just like I did.....I hated that feeling of wishing I could just wake up. I feel like it completed my experience. To be there to guide her through her first sip of broth and the expressions and feelings of it first going down into her new stomach. Then to check her out of the hospital and drive her that long drive home....every bump in the road (oh i felt the pain) me being so happy when she dozed off again because I knew she wasnt hurting. My story 6 months old hers just beginning.......

Gastric Bypass is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I LOVE life! I have become to come back into view. I had disappeared for awhile but slowly with every pound that leaves......I am seen again.

Be blessed.....thank God daily for the breathes you take and the family and friends you have. 

Until next time! 95 lbs lighter Sarah


May 05, 2007

All is GREAT! I have lost 82 lbs in exactly 4 months! I feel fantastic. My son weighs 75 lbs and it blows my mind that I have lost more than him! I am eating pretty much anything within the guidelines. I do not eat red meat yet. I like to eat soft stuff because it goes down easier. Less chewing, less stress. This was the best decision I have ever made in my life, everyday I am so grateful for this blessing. The first month was kind of rough, but now....it is all good.

Be BLESSED, Praise God Daily, Be greatful for all you have and right now all you are losing, Life is GREAT!

FEB 21ST, 2 MONTHS, 54 lbs DOWN

Feb 21, 2007

I have graduated to real food but I am not ready to go there yet. I am still on soft food but will slowly start including other things as time goes on. I just ordered a new bariatric cookbook, I think maybe this will help me have some good high protein, low fat ideas. 

I am feeling ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!! I feel like my old self except I am shrinking!! yeah!!

I have been a bit apprehensive about the weight loss, I keep fearing it will stop. I know it wont (yet) but since I have never actually lost and kept it off...it is a feeling I am not use to.....I know its ok but it is old feelings that I have had from years of diets. 

I am keeping my faith in God and believing this feeling too will pass. Since God brought me to this, he WILL bring me through it. 

Praise him everyday, he is worth it! Be blessed until next blog.

Down to 388 lbs from 434!!!!!

Feb 10, 2007

I have lost 46 pounds! It still doesnt seem real to me yet. I dont know at what point I am going to get on the scales and what number I need to see to realize this is really happening to me. The scale has gone down before but it has always gone back up and then some. But this time it is not going back up......hmmm, its just crazy exciting but still not real. 

Just wanted to update. I am still on mechanical soft food. I am eating a lot of pulled style chicken, sugar free pudding, cottage cheese. I enjoy crunching a crouton up in my mouth every once in awhile, the crunching is a good feeling. Of course, I let it get soft and mushy before I swallow. Its a good change. I have had small bites of things that my son eats...its nice to just know I can soften just about anything in my mouth. It is nice to know that I can taste things if I want. That is satisfying in itself.

I will post an updated pic soon, my co-workers are commenting that they can tell I am losing. God is good! I am so blessed to have had this experience and I am trying to cherish every moment! Every pound down is another taste of freedom!!

Remember to thank God everyday of your life! He gave it to us, the least we can do is thank him daily! 

Be Blessed!


Jan 19, 2007

This week has been really good. Last week I went back to work at 2 weeks out and the 3 days I was there was really rough....pretty much I hit the sack the moment I walked in the door from work. BUT this week I almost feel like my old self. My incisions are healing good, one is being a bit onery but with prayer and vitamin E it is going to do just fine. One of my dear friends Lisa had her (lapband) surgery this week, she went home same day and seems to be doing really good! Praise God! So far so good.....to date I have lost 39lbs!!! Hip hip hooray! I move up to 1/4 cup of food this coming Tuesday. I dont exactly know how I am going to fit all that into my pouch....but I am sure I will find a way. Hints on good food...pureed green beans and cottage cheese !!!

As always BE BLESSED!!


Jan 11, 2007

Well, I'm not going to say it was easy, but I definetly am thinking it is going to be completely worth it. I have made it through the last 20 years or more of being morbidly obese and now my life begins! I started at 434 lbs and by replacing 1 meal a day with a protein shake got down to 420 lbs, then the 10 day 1000 calorie diet (very regimented) I weighed in on my surgery day at 405.8! WOW!! The exciting part of that was I just knew it was never coming back this time!!!! During my hospital stay they pumped at least 20lbs of fluid in me (so they say) The  surgery....dont ever ever let anybody tell you it is the easy way out, that had to be one of the scariest things I have ever ellectively done. But, soon in just a bit it will be just a blink of a moment in my life and I will be rafting and camping and hicking with the best of em! 

I went for my 1 week follow up and weighed in at 406 lbs??? Guess I ahdnt shed the fluid yet. They said it is normal, but did bum me out. I did also carry a low grade fever for the first couple of weeks (which scared the heck out of me) but alas Dr. Hornsbostel saved the day and reassured me it was all ok and put me on a series of antibitotics and of course much much prayer and the fevers are gone!

Bringing you up to current day....... I am eating 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, sugar-free pudding, lowfat yogurt, cream of wheat or thinned mashed potatoes...every 3 hrs. AND drinking 3 8oz protein shakes a day and all the other fluid I can get in me. I am now aloud to advance to pureeing but...I havent had the guts to venture into it. I will probably work it in this weekend and I will keep everybody updated. NO, I am NOT hungry as a matter of fact...I am constantly feeling full of liquid. It really is hard to keep up with all I need to put in my body. 

This is my journey thus far. One of my dear friends is getting ready to have hers in 5 days and my goal is to be there for her during her down time....so pray pray pray for smooth transitions for my dear friend Lisa.

Will update more later.....BE BLESSED!!!

About Me
Columbia, MO
Surgery Date
Dec 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 7
FEB 21ST, 2 MONTHS, 54 lbs DOWN
Down to 388 lbs from 434!!!!!
