Just getting started

Jun 22, 2010

I am 44 years old and have been overweight since childhood.  I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds over the years and have felt like a failure because I couldn't lose weight and keep it off.  I have two adult children who just graduated from college.  I always felt like I had to be around for my children and once they were adults it wouldn't matter what happened to me.  I have devoted my life to my kids.  I have struggled with depression for my entire life also.  I don't want you to think I was suicidal-it wasn't that, I just didn't think it mattered what happened to me after my kids grew up.  I see my dad-who is only 64 but sits in a lift chair and says he wishes he could die.  He has diabetes and hypertension and is in renal failure.  I saw my future.  And now my daughter is pregnant.  All of a sudden I realized that I want to be around (and healthy) to see this baby grow up.  So I am pursuing wls.  I am nervous.  Any advice? 

About Me
Jun 21, 2010
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