One more day!

Mar 25, 2010

OMG! I am so excited I only have less than 1 day to go before I head to the hospital for my plastics with Dr. Jones! Wish me luck! See you soon with some pics!

March 16

Mar 15, 2010

Well y'all, It is now 10 days away from the big day! I have paid all my fees and taken my pre op pictures (which was embarassing to say the least, but a necessary evil). The closer it gets the more excited I get, kinda like a kid at christmas waiting to finally get what they asked santa for..... So funny....
The Dr. just went on and on about how he was going to make the rest of my body as beautiful as my face and of course that made me feel great but at the same time I'm thinking, I have already paid you so you don't have to sweet talk me anymore, but I just ate it up. I absolutely love to hear the comments but I still have a hard time accepting them. I'm told that will come in time.  I will post some before and after pictures as soon as I am able. Ta Ta for now. GOD Bless!


Feb 22, 2010

Well, February is almost gone and it is getting closer to my surgery date. I am counting down the days. I know I have said this before but I am so excited about this surgery. I am finally going to look "normal" when I'm naked! TMI, I know but I can't hold it in!  Thanks to my dad and my wonderful husband I am able to get this done. My dad told me that he would give me half if we were able to come up with the other half. If was as if god had answered my prayers because I was praying for a way to pay for my surgery and here comes my dad with that offer that I wasn't about to pass up. 32 days until the new me is revealed! I will keep y'all posted!
1 comment

3 yr surgeriversary

Feb 01, 2010

Well, I have made it to 3 yrs now still maintaining my goal and loving life.  I am still attending group meetings every week which I think helps me stay on track with everything. I have also just scheduled my plastic surgery to get my tummy done and to take care of some loose skin on my upper inner thigh area. Really looking forward to the new me. I guess I should say the new, newer me! lol! I haven't posted very often lately, not really much after about a year and a half but I do still lurk behind the scene every once in a while to see if anyone is having the same issues that I am and of course they are cuz lets face it after all we are going through this together and even though we are having our own individual experience we are not the only ones experiencing it.  So thank you to my fellow OH'ers for all your help over the last 3 years. There is no way that I would have made it this far without you!


Feb 12, 2008

Well, I made it, I am 1 year out and I have made it to my goal!!  I can hardly contain my excitement.  I never in my life would have even imagined that I would be at the size and weight that I am right now.  (148lbs and size 6-8)  I don't think that I have been that size since I was around 10 yrs old.  I absolutely love it when my kids talk about how small and skinny that I am.  It makes me very proud.  For the first time I don't feel like that I embarass them because of what I look like.  Of course they have never even said or acted like I did but that is or WAS always in the back of my head.  I feel like a have a new lease on life.  I have definately become the poster child for wls.  If anyone even acts remotely interested I am all about giving them the info. I have noticed that for some reason I have a problem with friends and family wanting to get together and get something to eat.  It is like we can't do anything unless it revolves around food.  Don't get me wrong I love to eat just as much as the next guy but I guess since I don't get hungry as much and often that I get a little bit put out when others do.  Obviously that is something that I will get to terms with and learn how to handle because for heavens sake you can't go around getting mad at people because they want to eat something.  No that I am done with my rant I will move on to other things like, how much better sex is and playing games with my kids that I didn't enjoy doing before because it was too tiring.  I LOVE MY NEW LIFE!!!  and I will thank god everyday for giving me the courage and strength that it has taken me to make this decision to live the rest of my life to the fullest instead of sitting back and watching it and my children's lives pass me by.


Nov 16, 2007

Well it is now the week before Thanksgiving and I am doing pretty good.  Trying to decide what to take to the family get together.  I am now 13 lbs away from my goal of 150lbs.  This has been such an amazing journey.  One that I thank god everyday for the strength and courage to go on.  I just wanted to touch base.  I better get going for now.

Dr Visit

Oct 30, 2007

Well, I had my 9 month check up yesterday.  She said everything looks good, said I was doing great I'm down 125 lbs. I asked her what weight she wanted me to get down too because we had never really discussed it. I just wanted to lose to get healthy.  She asked me and I said truthfully I would love to weigh 125 but that is totally unrealistic considering my height and everything so she suggested 150. That sounds like a pretty good number to shoot for, I guess I will just see how I look as I lose. I don't want to look bad or anything.  Of course everyone is saying "I think you have lost enough " I just smile and say well "we'll see".  I know they all mean well and everything because they love me but, sometimes it is a little annoying when they just offer their opinions without being asked for them first. 
After the visit they gave me a t-shirt since I lost over 100 lbs.  That was pretty cool!  Well, I'll go for now.


Oct 23, 2007

I've been doing my hula hoop faithfully.  They told me when I bought it that when you first start there may be some bruising.  They weren't kidding. I have ring around the!  I had to take a break from it for a day because it kinda hurt a little but I was back at it last night.  It is so much fun I can't keep myself away from it.  Other than doing the hula hoop my husband and I have been busy trying to get ready for a halloween party we are having this weekend.  I can't wait.  It will be the first time that alot of our friends and family have seen me since right after my surgery.  I kinda like everyone making over me and telling me how good I look.  I have never had that before so I love it when people tell me those things.  Is that vain?  Oh well, I haven't looked this good in my whole life so I think I'm entitled to it for a little while anyway.

Hula Hoop

Oct 21, 2007

I have been a member at Curves for women for a while now and just started using the weighted hula hoop that they have.  It is supposed to help trim inches off your waist as well as strengthen your core muscles, which is what I need because I have back issues and the dr told me I needed to do core muscle exercises. Anywho...  I have never been able to do the hula hoop before so needless to say it was halirous trying to get this thing going. I could hardly do it because I was laughing so hard.  Once I got started I loved it.  I decided I had to have one of my own at home. So my sister in law and I were on a mission to find one.  You wouldn't believe the fitness stores that have never heard of this.  We finally found them at a place called Hoop da Loop in Edinburgh Indiana.  So now I am a hula hooping fool. 

I made it!

Oct 15, 2007

I have finally made it to my personal goal weight! Actually I am 1 lb under.  Now I can aim for the ideal weight for my height. (If there actually is one)!
Anywho!  This site and the people here have given me such tremedous support through my journey. I truely don't know what I would have done with out it.  I have been very fortunate not to have had any complications since I have had my wls.  
OMG!  I'm so happy I could run screaming down the street "I did it, I did it!"
What everyone has been saying on here, "nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"

About Me
Martinsville, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 06, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 10
Dr Visit
Hula Hoop
I made it!
