Time's flying all of a sudden!

Oct 11, 2011

I got pre approval from insurance the end of September and next thing I know The wieght loss center calls and says insurance say you are covered! Come on in. Meet with surgen and my nut. I need to see her one more time my PCP for presurgey check up,and Surgey is October 8th. I have been researching wls for abouy 3 1/2 years. I have always been heavy. But it never bothered me. I did what ever I wanted. The last 6 or 7 years. I have found myself in more and more pain. Unable to just take a walk. I will be 65 in March. I have a good chance to live to be over 90 years old. The way My life has been going without major wieght loss I would be in awheel chair in a few short years. I am looking forward to long pain free walks with my sweetie ! May be a little boxing with my son.

Sep. 8th

Sep 08, 2011

Well it's the 8th. of september and I still have not herard from insurance. Steped on the scale and I am up to 248. Sucks! I am Going back on 1200 to 1400 cal. a day today. still I am down from 274 in Feb. Just tired of waiting! 

Second month diet!

Aug 03, 2011

Well I am down to 241 from 268. Down 27 pounds in 2 month's. I need to get approval from insurance. Doc say once I get approved I will come in and work with the nut on pre op diet and post op diet. right now look's like some time in September will be the BIG DAY! My size 52 pants are way to big if I let the belt loose they go strait to the floor! LOL !

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Jun 21, 2011
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