4-16 will the day ever get here?????

Apr 15, 2008

Well,, 2 days before the seminiar.... Im just so excited to get going with it... I got some clothes today from the clothes exchange.... they are soooooo nice.. and I so promise to pay them forward when I can no longer use them.. Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

4-15 - 2 days before birthday, 3 days before Seminar

Apr 15, 2008

Well, the journey will finally begin this Friday... Gosh, I would like to thank so many people from this group that has taken the time to talk to me.  Im am soooo nervous.  The Weight Loss Surgery Center has already told me that they are within my insurance group and that I should have no problems getting approve because I already meet everything that is listed in my insurance book..  BUT WHAT IF IM DENIED!!! OMG, OMG,,, JUST DONT THINK ABOUT IT,, STAY POSITIVE,, YEA,YEA,, THATS THE TICKET.....
I really need to stop ready some of these journals.. With everything, there is a positive and a negative to everything....    ok, did I say Im nervous,,, I will keep everyone informed on how Friday goes.... *who needs to think about birthdays at our age......

About Me
Mar 19, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 12
hi hi, 10-11, I know,,shame on me...
6-23, well,, Im back
6-2 well, well, well
5-16 day 12
5-7 Day 3
5-1, ok here we goooo
4-28 blah blah
4-25 well its another day....
4-23 someone just shoot me
