Aug 07, 2009

When I had my Gastric Bypass surgery I never thought that I would end up speaking about what some would call the “Reality” of it. I know that there has to be people out there that will benefit from my experiences, good and bad. I never imagined that my life was about to be consumed by dealing with my health on a daily basis. I have always had this notion that once I got skinny that I would be a lot healthier than when I was heavy.

I started this journey in the spring of 2003, at that time I had tried every diet that was out there and that included diet pills, weight loss centers, gyms, etc…So you name, it I did it. Then I started researching RNY weight loss surgery. I discovered that it has the same health risk as having gallbladder surgery…So, how bad could it really be?!…Yeah right, if I knew then what I know now, then I probably would have made a different decision about having this surgery. After the pre-screening process was completed in February of 2004, I was approved to have my surgery in March. I was so elated that I couldn’t stop crying! I was finally going to be thin! That night my husband and I went out and celebrated. I had struggled for so many years with my weight and now it was going to go away. I thought this surgery would make all my problems go away and that everything would be wonderful. Wow, was I naïve!

The doctor estimated that the surgery would take between 2 and 3 hours. The doctor came out of surgery and told my family that I was in recovery and that the surgery was a success. I can vividly remember the moment that I woke up and the realization of what I had done had hit me. My mind kept screaming “how could you let things get so out of control that you had to go to this measure to get your weight back on track?” I just didn’t know how to handle all of the emotions that were going on. This was the beginning of me having to face things in my life that I would normally have masked by eating food.

Looking back, I would say that the first week was probably the easiest it was ever going to be on me and my husband. Because after that week things started happening that they rarely discuss pre surgery. Things like the psychological aspects, protein deficiency, problems with nutrient absorption-pernicious anemia, malnourishment, acid reflux issues, the list goes on and on. Most people are not aware how dramatically things can change when you have this surgery. So, I have begun to chronicle my journey here.  I started this website to reach out to others who may be in the same situation, or considering this surgery and looking for another perspective in order to make an informed decision. To make everyone realize that this is not an easy way out, but a life changing decision. And not always with the best results you may assume it will have. On my website, you can follow me as my Doctor(s) and I try to find solutions to all the health issues that I face now; and are welcome to join in with your own experiences in the forum.



About Me
Jul 31, 2009
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