My adventure....

Jul 03, 2010

On June 28th, I flew into El Paso and crossed into Juarez, Mexico with my driver, Sergio, and arrived at Star Medica hospital to have my surgery performed by Dr. Rodriguez.   There were two other ladies at the airport as well, scheduled for surgery the same day.

Waiting to be wheeled away for surgery was probably the worst part of this whole experience.  I was able to doze off and on while waiting.  FINALLY around 7:00 P.M., they came and got me.

I take that back, THE WORST part was having 3 small vials of blood taken for blood work.  After not having anything to eat since mid night before and nothing to drink since 10 a.m. that morning, PLUS having low blood pressure, I almost passed out while they took blood.  As soon as it was done, I felt better within minutes.

I was wheeled out for surgery, met with Dr. Rodriquez to discuss any questions and concerns.  Next thing I remember, was waking up back in my room around 10:00 p.m.  I don't recall any real pain or nausea as I had expected.   I slept through the night, waking up each time the nurses came in to check my stats. 

Tuesday morning, I was able to get up and go to the bathroom on my own, YEAH!   I was only allowed minimal ice chips until Tuesday evening, 24 hours after surgery. 

Wednesday morning, they brought in a breakfast tray with chamomille tea, jello and diluted juice.  I sipped very slowly and could definitely feel the difference in my stomach.  If I took a normal size drink, seconds after swallowing, PAIN.  I quickly learned to sip s l o w l y!  something how pain can get our attention!  Around 11:00, I got a shower, washed my hair and felt much better.  I had no issues other than the drip in my right arm elbow bend limited how far I could bend my right arm.  I managed just fine though....   Around 1:00, a lunch tray was brought in and OH WOW!  BROTH!!!  The warm, slightly salty liquid felt like HEAVEN going down.  Still, had to sip slowly but it was wonderful.....  Supper tray came around 7:00 p.m.  More broth!  I did get up and walk two loops around the floor three times through the day.  Once I was up and going, moving around was fairly easy.  My stomach felt very bloated and I could feel pressure on my left side where the drain was....  not extreme discomfort.  Very tolerable.

Also on Wednesday, around 1:00 P.M. I was taken down for the "leak test"; I stood in front of the xray machine and drank about 1 1/2 ounces of a syrupy substance that was the consistancy of motor oil/choclate syrup.  It was not nearly as bad as I was expecting at all.  (I guess I'm from the prepare for the worst and hope for the best mind set) and the (you can beat off a bear with a stick for a little while in the face of fear mindset).  It was WILD to see the liquid going down my throat and entering my new small stomach.  The technician showed me everything and even showed me that when my stomach had a spasm as the fluid passed on to my small intestines.  AMAZING!  (Kinda wish I had a "before" stomach image done the same way so I COULD see the difference! 
A pictures worth a 1,000 words!  Seeing is believing!!!

I slept through the night like a baby!  On Thursday, woke up feeling even better!  got up and had my shower, put on make up and packed up.  Enjoyed


About Me
Bella Vista, AR
Surgery Date
Apr 22, 2010
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