A conversation with a RNY newbie!!

Feb 03, 2010

Between You and Michelle Legros Michelle Legros January 23 at 3:03pm I had my Gastric done on January 12,2010
for some reason I only lost 10 pounds since the surgery
I'm getting really frustrated and I'm starting to regret having had this surgery done.I drink 60 grams of protein a day .I try to drink water.I just don't know what to do.     Bethany Webb-Burritt January 23 at 10:55pm Yes I know exactly what your going through. Its normal. Your body is going through a lot of stuff right now. Your body does not know weather to hoard your fat or burn it off. But give it a few more days as it will start to come off, and it will come off fast. You have gone through so much pain and change right before and after your surgery that mentally it WILL be hard on you, AND not to mention the protien shakes and liquids you are stuck on for the time being, that is GOING to mess with your head. You for sure will regret it...But that is soooooo temporary! I promise, it will all start to pay off and I promise you WILL loose weight. Sent via Facebook Mobile   Michelle Legros January 24 at 6:55pm Thank you
What your saying does make sense
I'll take it easy on myself Sent via Facebook Mobile   Bethany Webb-Burritt January 24 at 9:07pm Oh and I forgot to mention that you will get stuck at one weight for a few weeks dont let that get to you its normal. Also for me, at first it ws soooooo hard mentally NOT being able to eat a large big fatting meal. I got so addicted to the feeling eating as my "fun hobbies" that when it was gone I felt depressed and empty. This will be hard to over come but you will get there. I might write a blog about stuff like this for new surgery people. Sent via Facebook Mobile   Michelle Legros January 24 at 9:09pm Thank you
At least now I know


I've posted NEW pics & updates!

Jul 12, 2009

Hi Everyone
I have not been on here because Ive been working my ass off at work, Ive also taken all my extra time and used it to work out.
I'm doing good.
Weight loss is going but slower than I thought it would be.
I'm at 185lbs today, I started at 248 lbs back on 02/10/09.
Trust me I'm not complaining on the 65lbs of weight loss but, I thought the scale would move faster.
Its probably my fault, I don't get dumping syndrome like most do and I have an addiction to HARD CANDY, LIKE NIPS caramels or WHITHERS originals.
I eat way to many of them.
And even though I can only eat small amounts of food at at time I don't always pick the healthy choices.
I also have been drinking to much lately.
SO FROM NOW ON STARTING TODAY I'm on a new mission.
First NO Alcohol
Third I want to concentrate on getting in more organic, naturals HEALTH FOODS, AND TO TAKE MY DAILY VITAMINS BETTER.
EXERCISE EXERCISE!!  Now I do exercise at least 3 times a week but I want to switch it up to 6 days a week.
I'm not going all hard core, but walking and biking are a must.

So hope all is well out in OH land.


Hi in OH land

May 03, 2009

I had a stricture and had to be scoped on 04/09/09 then all was well for a few weeks but then had to get re-scoped on 04/30/09 because the stricture had come back.
FOR my sake I hope a SECOND time is a charm.
I'm almost under 200 lbs I'm 202 lbs...and within a few days Ill be under 200 lbs which is a AWESOME thing.
I'm doing OK.
I wish I had the desire to work out more...some days I'm psyched to work out....MOST others I really don't want to .
I just need to get it together and do it cuz I know Ill get in shape quicker if I behave and work out.
Not much to report here other than I think the RNY has made me a little crazy. WHY?? WELL Ive been having anger issues and some depression issues. I THINK its because of LOW protein, and not too many vitamins getting in my body. It fucks with your head.
PLUS Ill be the first to admit I'm NOT the best with vitamins or protein. I forget to take my pills daily. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I forget all the time. MY energy levels are low because I always for get to take my B COMPLEX pills. etc....
I know...I know...I need to get it together. THAT IS MY GOAL...TO get my shit together.

Ive been gone a while, here are updates.

Apr 19, 2009

I'm sorry Ive been absent from this site. Actually I have a myspace, a face book, and a You Tube account and have been absent from them all.
Ive been working SOOOOOOOOOOO much...Ive been so busy I cant even keep up. Ive been out on business in California and then to Vegas.
Matter of fact I have a laptop with all my work on it and really I should be working right now so I don't get too behind, BUT I need a little break so I'm going to update all who still be interested in my progress.

It has not been easy! I can however report that I'm down 42 lbs total in 2 months and 9 days.
That equals out to 21 lbs a month so far. I can only hope that pace keeps up. At first I thought that I was loosing weight slower than others, but then my DR said that it was good. Id LOVE to loose more weight than that but maybe I'm just being greedy.
Ive started to exercise and lift weights so maybe that will help push out some poundage!!
Let me tell you why its been hard for me.
First, when I got to the time that I can actually eat real food, Id throw it up every time.
It was like the only thing I could eat was SOUP.
When I ate anything with thickness or consistency Id have STABBING pains in my pouch area and then Id eventually throw it up.
FINALLY when I was out on business in California, I had diarrhea with a LOT of blood in it...( I know that is gross) so I went to the surgeon and he did a procedure where he put a scope down my throat and found that not only did I have something called STRICTURE, BUT I had a bleeding ULCER too!
Stricture is when your food opening pretty much closes...well that is what mind did anyway...IT CLOSED to a size of a half of pea. They took a balloon and opened it up a bit. AND THE ulcer was not anything I had before, it was NEW!
Apparently my pouch and small intestines where rubbing together to make an ulcer.
Now I have to take 8 meds to try to cure this problem. I'm not good with meds so I'm not too happy about it.
The good thing is that I can actually eat what ever I want as long as its a SMALL portion. I no longer have stabbing pains.
Although...you do have to chew very VERY well and eat slow or it dose hurt a little.
This all has been frustrating for me! Its all made me regret the procedure every now and then, BUT when I sit back and realize that I'm loosing this FAT, I'm getting out of FAT jail, then I don't regret it anymore.

Most of you can understand what I'm saying here, when your fat sometimes you feel that there is nothing you can do about it.
YOU feel that your in FAT JAIL! And for the first time in 17 years, I feel that I can possibly be OUT of fat jail very soon. I can actually feel what Ive always thought as NORMAL!
I'm already able to buy a size 13 jean! I'm already buying those jeans at a REGULAR clothing store....NOT Torrid or Lane Bryant. THAT is exciting. THAT is why I'm going to keep pushing myself to do exercise like TAE BO and BUTTS AND GUTS  classes (even though it sucks ass)..I'm doing it!
1 comment

SO far so good.

Mar 14, 2009

Ive been so busy that I have not had time to get on here or my myspace.

My total weight loss is 28 lbs.

I'm happy with that, but ALSO deep down inside I want the weight to roll of faster.

BUT the doctor said everything is going fast and right on track.

I'm TRYING to incorporate new foods into my diet but its hard cuz if I eat anything with consistency it HURTS like hell, like I'm being stabbed in my stomach.
My DOC said that I may have to have a tube down my throat to stretch my stomach hole WITH A BALLOON, because my scaring may be thickening and making it to hard for my food to go down which may be causing my pain.

Ill let a few more days or weeks go by to see IF I get any improvement before I go that route , cuz they don't put you to sleep for that. They numb your throat and put a darn tube down your neck...THATS SCARY!
Any sorry Ive been absent from here. I need to also get on YOUTUBE.COM and post another video.



Feb 14, 2009


CHECK OUT MY V-BLOG ON YOU TUBE!! I look fat and scary, but its all part of the process!

Surgery went GREAT! Life after begins.

Feb 14, 2009

My surgery went very well with no complications. I was able to get off the MORPHINE pump and the IV very quickly.

NO not inserting it, cuz I was out for that part of it, but the walking around with it in, and the laying there accidentally hitting the tube and having it pull on your private parts...MAN!! That is my biggest complaint of the whole thing. LUCKILY they took it out the next day cuz I was so MOBILE!! NOW my private woman parts feel tender from the whole thing...yuck.

The Dr. was impressed with my speedy recovery.
Im complaining right now about all the bubblys Im having, its endless, everytime I drink Im bubbly.
It kinda hurts in my stomach all the time with the bubbles.  I always feel like I have a stuck burp down in my chest.
I seriously hope that goes away quick.

I seriously miss food. I have not had food sinct the 6th of FEB. NOW I feel weak, and that I have not even an ounce of energy. I fantasize about eating any food. Even the smallest portion. Im even fantisizing on what healthy foods I can make when I can actually eat.

MY DR HAS ME ON A CLEAR LIQUID DIET UNTIL A WEEK AFTER MY SURGERY. THEN, I can go on FULL liquid diet including PROTIEN shakes, for a week, THEN its pureed foods 1 WK . THEN soft foods1 WK. After all of that IF I can tolate reg foods I can choose to move to them.

I have to learn to eat slow! Ive already threw up a popsicle due to the fact I ate it to slow. THEN I felt like I had slight dumping syndrome on my second protien shake. I moved my diet along to protien shakes cuz I felt I could handle it. The first one was fine. THE second one made me dump. BUT....Maybe it had too much sugar in it. I needed to move my diet along, I had NOOOO ENERGY! I felt like I was going to faint the instant I stood up.

The good news is that I have lost a total of 16 lbs!!! THAT is what keeps me going.
Hope all is well with you all out in Obeisity Help Land!!
Do any of you have any suggestions for the BUBBLYS....AHHHHH

02/10/09 MY surgery date! 10AM Denver time!! @ St.Lukes :O)

Feb 09, 2009

Day 3 of the CLEAR liquid diet. GOD help me.
BUT YOU KNOW...TODAY is actually not as bad as yesterday.
I have not had any broth yet today because frankly I cant STAND it...
Ive tried the broth...beef...CK...AND Veg broth... I mean...THEY are just OK.
I spiced them up with garlic, onion and red pepper powdwers...and its OK.

Im sucking down water bottles with the CRYSTAL LIGHT hunger version, its got 3 grams of protien and 5 grams of fiber, so THAT is helping somewhat.

MY surgery is TOMORROW!!! 
Im super excited.......a little scared too. MOSTLY because I miss food....MOSTLY because Im hungry! I just want to get it over with. I just want it done!

Ill post back with you all soon after my surgery!

SO FAR Ive lost a total of 8 lbs on this liquid diet! AND the numbers will start FALLING off soon ..................hopefully.

Day 2 of my 3 day liquid diet

Feb 08, 2009

Oh my god...this sucks is all I can say.

Im sure this will be eaiser once my stomach has the RNY to do the clear liquid diet...but LET ME TELL YA
Im in hell!

This is hard...I cant eat anything! I have to eat broth, and I do have to admit that I thought it would be eaiser than it is. I assumed broth tastes better than it actually dose. I mean...Ive had it with noodles in it.....seemed good then...Ive had it at BENIHANI ....it WAS just broth with onions in it AND THAT was good... so I thought it would not be that bad...but...I seem to be wrong.
I hate it. IT tastes bad!

Well Im just bitching.

Im just use to EATING!! And this is day 2............of broth.

SO...................Ill quit bitching.......and just deal with it. IN THE END IT WILL MAKE ME THIN...AND HEALTHY.... SO ...ITS WORTH IT.

Words to live by

Feb 01, 2009


What bad habits do you have and want to break?

About Me
Littleton, CO
Surgery Date
Jan 18, 2009
Member Since

Friends 47

Latest Blog 17
