As of November 2001: 46 year old, Married for 25 years, mother of a 14 year old son. Weight at time of Surgery (336)/BMI (59.5); Highest Documented Weight (376)/BMI (68.7).

Kaiser approved the RNY. Originally, I wanted the duodenal switch but they decided it was too exploratory and not an option for Kaiser patients. My surgery date is December 6, 2001 and I'm getting VERY excited!

November 17, 2001 - 19 days until surgery! Ok, now I'm getting REALLY excited but also morbid. I keep telling my husband he'll have to come in here and inform y'all if I die. I know these are normal feelings but I'm letting them out; I'm facing my fears. The truth is, without this surgery I don't think I would live much longer. Every Christmas I look at myself and I'm upset because I haven't been able to stay on a diet. Hopefully, this Christmas I'll be happy, healthy and thinner! wooooohoooooooooooooo... I want to try and make a daily entry all the way till surgery in hopes of helping someone else when they're at this point. I've gotten so much help from reading others' journals and I want to give something back! Thank you all who have gone through this and share your excitement and fears with us. I'm keeping track of what I'm eating these last 19 days and here's todays account: breakfast--1 hard boiled egg, one piece of toast, 12 oz. orange juice; lunch--low fat caesar salad, water; dinner--teriyaki rice bowls (2), toast with butter and jelly (2); evening snack--CINNAMON OBLIVION from the Outback Steak House. It's 11:39 p.m. and I hope I don't eat anymore tonight! I had my SPECIAL snack I was going to try to stay away from these last few days. I want to lose some of the 20# I've gained in the last month getting reading for surgery! lol

November 18, 2001 - 18 days till surgery! I've been sick to my stomach so I've spent most of the day in bed. It seems the Cinnamon Oblivion I ate last night didn't sit well with me. I should have known, ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, cinnamon apples was just a little too much for my stomach to handle. I keep thinking I'm already going through DUMPING. I'm such a baby; will I be able to take it? I also spent some time writing to all the people having surgery the same day as I am. I want them to know I'm praying for them; we all need whatever encouragement we can get! Anyway, my meals today: breakfast--soft-boiled egg, 2 pieces of toast with butter and jelly, 12oz. of orange juice (I love my juice. Will probably miss that a lot); lunch--wanton soup, crackers, hot tea; dinner--so far all I've had is a baby ruth candy bar. There's a Ben & Jerry's pint of "This is nuts" in my frig. hmmmmmmmm.... not tonight... not yet.. we'll see. Uh Oh, Hubby just walked in with home made cookies he brought back from church. I'll just eat them for the rest of my dinner. :)

November 19, 2001 - 17 days till surgery! I'm feeling better and spent all afternoon shopping for the things I'll need after surgery, such as vitamins, elevated toilet seat, baby spoon and sippy cup (advised by nutritionist to learn how to eat smaller portions). So far I've eaten: breakfast--nothing (slept right through it); lunch--jr. whopper at Burger King, regular coke, strawberry cheesecake; dinner--rib steak, caesar salad, steak fries. I never ate the ice cream last night and I'll probably have a portion instead of the entire pint for a snack later tonight. I'm feeling good because I got out and walked today, even if it was just hanging on to the shopping cart for dear life. I can't wait until the day I'll be able to shop without being in so much pain. It's amazing but my pain starts on my knees, feet and ankles and ends in my upper back. I think I'm straining so much as if I could "walk" with my back. Hopefully, the tylenol 3 with codeine prescribed by the doctor for my arthritis will help. I don't want to become too dependent on it since I'm sure I'll be on pain medicine after surgery. And, before I forget I'll say another prayer for all the people having surgery on my date; it's the least I can do!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2000
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