I am 25 years old, 298 pounds, 5'3" with a BMI of 52.1 and I am anxiously awaiting my re-birth. Like most people on this website, I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remeber. In my experience, being overweight has entirely defined who I am. My self concept and shyness has been a big stumbling block between who I am now and the person I know is deep down waiting to unveil. I want out of this prison of a body. I want to be able to do simple things, tying my lace without working up a sweat, crossing my legs, sit in regular chairs without my butt hanging off or being worried that I might break it, not being so self conscious all the time. Its hard to stay positive and confident when everyone and everything around says "you don't belong". My health is deteriorating and I am tired of sitting on the sideline watching my life pass me by. The dark cloud of obesity has completely overwhelmed and suffocated all the joy and happiness in my life. I want to participate in life, I am tired of longing for happiness and meaning.

May 25, 2005
I have been thinking about Gastric byapss for a very long time but have been very afraid to even make the first step. Today, I have made a bold move and met with a surgeon. I had my consultation and was very pleased with my surgeon's presentation and extremely impressed by his wealth of knowledge on the subject of gastric bypass. My overall consulation went great. I believe that doing my homework on finding the right surgeon has paid off. I am really excited and looking forward to working with Dr. Micheal Nusbaum and his team.

June 2, 2005
I met with the nutritionist today. She was very sweet and eager to help me get ready for whats ahead. During our first session, we discussed the different changes in terms of nutrition that will take place post op. She actually gave me a list of things to work on until our next visit. She wants me to first try different shakes and find one that I like. Once I find a shake, I will also have to start working on eating breakfast. I know this is going to be very difficult for me. Its really hard for me to find the time in the mornings to have breakfast. My first meal of the day is usually around 11AM or even later.

June 14, 2005
I had a very busy day today with doing things for surgery. I met with the Psychologist this morning, then went over to my surgeon's office in the same building to do my venous dopler. In the evening I met with my nutritionist for a second followup session. My Psych visit and nutrition counseling went well, but the venous dopler made me alittle uncomfortable. I wasn't sure what that was, when I got there I had to strip from the waist down, then the tech have the ultrasound probe (thingy) very close to my........., I guess listening for the blood flow in my femoral vein. I was happy when that was over.!!!!..lol

June 17, 2005
I recieved a Rx in the mail last week for a TSH testing. I had the bloodwork for this today. I was instructed not to eat anything after midnight. I hate bloodwork, I don't mind getting a needle, its just something about watching the blood coming out that makes me sick. I always ask for the butterfly needle, the big ones freak me out.

July 2005
I was informed today that the doctor's office has submitted my claim to the insurance company. I haven't done any test apart from the venous dopler and the Psych eval. Wanda, the lady at my Doctor's office says that seeing that my BMI is so high, they might not ask for additional information and approve me on the first try. I would rather she had waited for more information, like my letter of medical necessity from my doctor. I hate the thought of sending in an imcomplete packet.

July 13, 2005
I have been reading about the many difficulties that many people have with their insurance company. I have contacted a lawyer and is thinking about having him help with my claim and paperwork. I know insurance companies are manipulating. I have already downloaded the paperwork to retain the lawyer and will make copies of all my information and send them out. I am hoping that when they see a attorney involved, they will take me claim seriously.

July 12,
Today I had my third visit with the nutritionist. I am still struggling with finding time for breakfast. I have alot of other things I need to work on, but yet I am stuck on this that to some might seem such a easy thing to do. Now, I am not only working on having breakfast, but now kelly wants me to work on being mindful of how fast I eat. WoW...if you are a fast eater like myself, try having dinner with someone who is not. I didn't realize how fast I eat until she brought this to my attention. I thought fitting breakfast in was a big challenge. This is the biggest challenge that will haunt me now and certainly post-op. It is very very hard for me to sit for a whole 45 minutes to eat. I am usually done with my meals 10 minutes tops and off to doing other things. Well, after surgery there is no way around it, so I will have to start modifying this behaviour starting now.

July 26, 2005
I mailed my packet out to the lawyer.

August 20, 2005
Everything seems to be at a stand still. I call the insurance company but they keep telling me they are waiting on repsonse from my former doctor to determine if my claim is pre-existing. Seems like all the representatives I talk to have something different to tell me, they just can't get it straight.

September 6,2005
I called my insurance company today, and was told over the phone that my claim has been denied, because of lack of proof of medical necessity. Gail, the person I spoke to, told me that my denial letter was dated August 5, 2005. I was very annoyed, because I called them numerous times before that date, and no one bothered to mention that my claim has been denied. Also, its little over a month after the fact and still I haven't recieved anything in writing. My denial letter seems to be sitting underneath someone's desk...while my time for appeal slowly expires.

September 9, 2005
I finally recieved my denial letter in the mail. The denial letter is dated August 5, and I have 60 days to appeal this decision. I sent an email to my lawyer letting him know I have finally recieved the denial letter and what it says.
I was denied with first request, but I have faith and know I will eventually get approved. I will prepare a second packet for my lawyer with addtional information I acquired since my first packet and try for an appeal.
I am anxiously awaiting approval, but I am so terrified of surgery. I certainly will not back out I am just trying to find ways to deal with my fears, hearing other people talk about fears of surgery really helps.

February 22, 2006
After nine long...long..months of war I am approved. I went through HELL. I got denied three times, after my first denial I hired a lawyer and that was a mistake. My lawyer has a great personality, but did not represent me at ALL. Only wrote two very general appeals that had very little to do with my specific sistuation. I was told later by a customer rep that these appeals are not good ideas because they dont get read. Money wasted. I had to do all the followup calls, submit my own paperwork, and fill my lawyer in on what was going on with my claim. Anyway, I was told that I exhausted all my appeal and there was nothing else I could do. I decided to push my limit with a fourth appeal. I had a tough time getting them to review the fourth appeal because they weren't obligated to do so. I got my employer and my union involved. Yesterday I called and I got the news APPROVED I have mixed emotions right now. I am not as happy as I thought I would be, there is no doubt that this is what I want, but I am so terrified of the procedure I guess I will wait until after the procedure to celebrate.

February 23, 2006
Called up the surgeons office to let them know I have been approved and the letter is being generated. Made my appointment for Cardiologist, Pulminologist and Gastroentrologist.

About Me
East Orange, NJ
Surgery Date
May 15, 2005
Member Since
