19th April 10 - 10 weeks post op

Apr 18, 2010

17st 13lbs (251lbs), 3st 5lbs lost (47lbs)

I seem to have settled into a 3lb a week loss, sometimes more, occasionally less, but I’m really happy with that - I’ve dropped 2 1/2 dress sizes and in general am already feeling the benefits.  The food is easy, I am rarely hungry, and nothing makes me unwell in any way.  I am now on a normal diet and loving it.  I find it a real battle to get all the protein in, but I’m still early days, and feeling my way with what works - I’m getting there.  I enjoy my food, I eat more or less whatever I want, I’ve always been a fan of health foods, so making a healthy option without the hunger is pretty easy for me, my downfall is still picking at what I’m cooking, especially the kids meals, but on a normal day its under control as the kids all eat really healthily.


The vitamins are a royal pain in the butt - I have to take tablets 7 times a day, with a minimum of 2 hrs inbetween.  I take 4 calcium, 3 iron, 2 multi vitamin, 2 probiotics, and a vitamin D if its not very sunny.  But again, I’m pretty much getting into a routine with that, and if I miss the odd calcium or iron I’m really not worried - I’ll save the worrying if my labs fall.


My periods are hideous - heavier than I’ve ever had before in my life and lasting 7-10 days, as opposed to my usual 1-3, but I’ve heard this settles down.


But hey, all of this is on a good day - the kids are back at school, the house is tidy, the sun is blazing, my clothes are all too big, and people have commented on my changes.  Catch me on a bad day, when I’m sick of the vitamins, haven’t had enough to drink and have a headache, the kids are shouting and they have sausages left over on their plates......... then the story is a little different.  LOL.


I’m still all positive, but like most I still haven’t got my head round to thinking I will one day soon be slim - to my head, this is still just another one of my diets that start with me fat, and end up with me a little less fat!!  Maybe in a years time, I will look in the mirror and my head will have to admit that this has worked, when it sees the slim version of me smiling back.



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Jan 26, 2010
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