03-31-2008 - 
Joni posted a fun questionaire for us Katy Krew people to bring to our thursday meeting and I thought it would be fun to post my thoughts here for everyone to see.

Some important things we have learned:
    1. The most important thing to have is a support group that you can count on.  With out them you are more likely to fail and beat  your self up over mistakes that we all have.  It is such a GOD send to be able to discuss failures as well as successes.  They are  equally important because we can learn something from both of them.
    2. DON'T sweat the small stuff.  When you stall keep on going.  Don't feel like you are never going to succeed.
    3. Always take pictures and measurments.  These are a lifesaver when you do hit a stall...
    4. I have learned that if your relationship was solid and strong before it will become even more solid and strong after.  But if your relationship was weak, it will get even more weak after.  This applies to friendships as well as relationships.

Questions that we may want to ask or watned to ask at some point, but didn't
    1. Did you ever regret your decision?
    2. Did you lose any friends?  Gain new ones?
    3. Do you feel you have changed as a person? Likes, dislikes, attitude etc...

Positive & negative things about WLS
 (-)   1. Lost my best friend - Food
 (-)   2. I have very little energy
 (-)   3. taking vitamins EVERY day
 (-)   4. Cold all the time
 (-)   5. I have become Anemic
 (-)   6. Discovered I am suseptable to transfer adiction

 (+)   1. Gained beter more exciting friends
 (+)   2. I still have more energy than when I was overweight
 (+)   3. Better Self esteem
 (+)   4. improved blood pressure
 (+)   5. Oportunities for carrer advancment that I would have never had overweight
 (+)   6. Gained the confidence to face life head on and deal with it.

2-25-06 I started my journey 5 years ago. I had gone to Neweigh to start the process of getting approved for weight surgery, but my BMI was under 40 so they sent me for all kinds of tests. I did a sleep study, blood tests, pulmonary, etc. Basically I was healty (how sad I was dissappointed that I was...) But then I got pregnat with my 2nd child & realized it just wasn't my time. Anyways life moved on, I packed on the pounds and lost them and put them on again... I am sure you know where this is going. Anyway. I am now at my heaviest ever being 5'3" and 247 lbs. My BMI is 43 so I do qualify for the surgery, but I still do not have any co-morbids. My fear is I will soon. When they take my blood pressure I have to relax for a few minutes for them to take it again & then it is within the acceptable range. So I am getting worried. I can't submitt my claim to the insurance company until March 1 b/c my work switched insurance. So I went to see the surgeon & he wanted me to have my Psyc eval, see the nutritionist, and the Pulmonary dr all before seeing me again. So I took the month of February to do all of that. I have my apt with the Pulmonary Dr. on Monday then I hope to go back to the surgeon on Wednesday. I don't know how all of this will work. But I have put my faith in GODs hands to see me through this, but I am still nervous that I will not get approved. So pray for me!

2/28/06 - Well I had a very dissappointing day. I found out that my new insurance has a rider excluding bariatric surgery. I am looking into having the surgery in Mexico & selfpaying. I am quite supprised at how reasonable it all is and I have read very good things about Dr Joya. So I applied for a loan today. The upside is that if I go this route I can have the surgery in 2 weeks. That is my silver lining in all of this.

3/02/06 - I received approval on my financing and have booked my airline tickets. I guess that means I have really having my surgery. I still can't believe it, I keep thinking something is going to fall through and I won't be able to have it. But pending further doom my date is 3/17/06. I am excited, scared, aprehensive, and impatient all at the same time. I have to start my liquid diet tomorrow - so have been on a bender all day! :-) lol

Here is a picture of me with my family. My husband of 6 years, my son 11, daughters 3 & 2 in this picture.

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3/04/06 - I thought I would update and put a few goals down. I have been thinking about what I want to accomplish most my having this surgery. So here it goes...

1. To be able to keep up with my children. Take them to the park go bike riding & roller blading & other wild stuff that love to do.

2. To get under 200 lbs for the first time in 12 years. Acheived 5/12/06

3. To lose 60 lbs before my baby sisters wedding (September 2006) So that will give me 6 months. Acheived 6/17/06

4. Wear a swim suite and not look like a beached whale Acheived 08/20/07

5. To be able to shop in the "regular" section & not have to spend a forturne on plus size cloths. Acheived 7/10/06

6. To learn to love me again. (Still working on that, but getting closer!)

I am setting my weight goals as follows:

First goal: 24lbs which is 10% of my weightAcheived 3/27/06

Second goal: To reach 199 & be under 200lbs!Acheived 5/12/06

Third Goal: to reach 176 This was my pre-pregnacy weight 12 years ago.!Acheived 7/17/06

Fourth Goal: To wear a size 9 ( I haven't fit in a 9 since 8th grade) (Acheived)

Final Goal: 135lbs (this is the Weight Watchers sugguested goal for my frame & height) (Acheived 12/19/06)

I may reach a size 9 and decide that I am perfectly happy with that. But I will set these as my goals & can adjust as time goes on.

While I was in PV I kept a daily journal so I am posting it here for all who might be interested...

3-17-06 Friday-my mother and I arrived at around 4:15 in the afternoon and Natalie was there at the airport to pick us up. She took us straight to the Hospital and we filled out all of our paperwork. Much less paperwork then in the us that is for sure. Then they brought me up to my room and I got in my gown and they took blood and started my IV. Then it was the waiting game. I guess Dr. Joya¡¦s previous surgery ran a little long b/c I didn¡¦t make it into surgery until 8:30pm. I was not scared at all up until the point when they wheeled me into the operation room. They secured my hands and for some reason that scared me in a way that nothing had up until then. So I said my final prayers and left it in GODs hands. I put all of my faith in GOD¡¦s ability to guide Dr. Joya¡¦s hands that I would come out all right. When I woke up I was in the recovery room and in a lot of pain. All I remember is trying to holler for help. It took 3 times that I can remember to get the nurse in there but when they came I managed to tell them I was hurting and then it was lights out again until morning.

Here is my official Before Picture taken at the Hospital:

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting March 17, 2006 Weight:228lbs

3-18-06 On Saturday when I woke up I was still in considerable pain and kept asking the nurses for pain medicine. I don't know what they were using, but it sure didn't seem to be helping. I ended up having to have a second IV started b/c the first one started swelling in my arm I guess it came out of the vein or my vein collapsed. I don't know I just know it hurt anytime they put anything in my IV. So I got my 2nd IV and life was better again. I was feeling much less pain and able to walk around a lot more. But the walking was so boring, up and down the same hall a thousand times a day it seemed like. But I digress, it did make me feel better. By this time I was starting to pass gas and it hurt like hell!

3-19-06 Sunday- was a much better day. I didn't really need the pain medicine anymore, but they kept giving it to me and I didn't stop them b/c I was afraid to see if it was really working and that I would be in a lot more paint if I didn't take the medicine. I busted my vein again and ended up having to have 2 more IV's. I think that I am putting too much pressure on my arms when I try and get up out of bed and that is why it keeps getting messed up. I was disappointed to learn that I won't be getting out of the hospital until Tuesday. B/c my surgery was so late at night Friday doesn't count as a day. So 2 more days of misery, well maybe not misery, but definitely boredom.

3-20-06 Monday-The pain was much less today I just feels like I have been punched in the stomach. I got up and around today, got my hair washed and everything. It is amazing how a shower can make you feel so much better. I am still bored to death walking up and down the same halls everday, I can't wait to go to the hotel where I can at least walk on the beach. Dr. Joya came by and said I could have ice chips this afternoon. I am so excited. I haven't had anything to drink since Friday at 8:30am. I am beginning to question my decision to have this surgery done. I am sure it is just b/c I am homesick and miss my family terribly, but I keep thinking did I do the right thing. Is this what is going to be best for my family, or was I just selfish b/c I was tired of being fat all my life. These are just the thoughts that are going through my head right now.

3-21-06 Tuesday - I am sooooo bored I am going to go crazy. Everything is looking good. They gave me the blue test that everyone writes about being so nasty, but it wasn't that bad for me. I think I just drank it a little too quickly. But everything was fine and they let us go to the hotel. Thank GOD! We arrived at the hotel around 1:30pm and checked in, unfortunately the phone in our room didn't work so we got moved to another room. I did more walking today than I have done the entire 4 days of the Hospital stay. But this place is really nice. We found that there is a continental breakfast every morning. I don't know if they will have juice or not so we will see. There is also a happy hour (free) with wine and quesadillas, taquitos, quacamole and chips & queso. This was especially good news for us b/c we are on a budget and didn't want to spend all of our money on food. So My mom will be eating breakfast & dinner for free and all we will have to pay for is my chicken broth. So there is some good news. I am in considerable pain, I did not take the pain medication that they gave me b/c I am afraid of having an allergic reaction, but I have discovered the reason for my pain. The pain is in my side & not in my stomach, and there is an incision on my side that is bruised as hell. So the reason I am in so much pain is b/c I have a bruised rib cage. I don't know why, but I am actually happy about that. That meens that I haven't really had any pain other than the instriment induced bruising. More tomorrow! Planing on doing some serious shopping.

3-22-06 Wednesday- Today was a good day the doctor came to the hotel and took out my drain tube. I still have the drain bag, but I have so much more mobility than I had before. Spent a lot of time in the room waiting though. First we had to wait for the Doctor to show up and when he hadn't come by 12:30 I ordered room service for some chicken broth so the doctor finally came and then we had to wait on room service. I think that they lost my order cuz I didn't get it until 1:30. I am a little frustrated about that, but then we went and sat down on the beach. Not a bad place to recover at all. They have lovely little umbrellas where I could sit in the shade & my mother could sun bath. I even got my hair braided, I have always wanted to do that but never did, so I treated myself. Then for dinner we went to the pool side restaurant and I ate my chicken soup while looking at the ocean. It was wonderful!

3-23-06 Thursday - Doctor came by on time this morning (YAHOO)!!! He left my bag on, he says one more day, so hopefully I will get it off tomorrow. He says that my hole where the tube was is almost closed already and he only took it out yesterday. I guess I am a fast healer. So we went down to the continental breakfast and I watched my mom eat while I drank my water. This food thing is getting very depressing. I am not a fan of the liquid thing! It's not like I want to eat everything in site, I just want something that I can chew! Then we went to the flea market downtown and shopped. I have never walked so much in my life. You know, had I done this surgery in the states, I would never have walked for my recovery as much as I have been doing here. That is one huge bonus in my opinion. I am in the mood for something different though, chicken is getting old, so we are going to go to Outback Steakhouse. Nathalie said that I could have the Onion Soup from there so we are going to try something different tonight! Also going to try and stay up late enough to watch the pirate boat fireworks. I have been getting tired pretty early but I really want to stay up to see that. So we will see. More tomorrow.

3-24-06 Friday - Doctor came by today early and took off my drain bag finally!!! It feels so much better now with out that stupid thing. Pain is decreasing day by day. Everyday I wake up and feel better than the day before. He asked my if I wanted to go home early b/c I was healing so well and I jumped on the opportunity, but there are no flights off this rock until the one we have booked on Monday. Boo Hoo!!! Went to Outback yesterday and wouldn't you know, I picked the day when they didn't have the French Onion soup. So I drank water while I watched my mother eat the most wonderfull looking Alice Springs chicken dish. Came back to the room and had... You guessed it, chicken broth. I am so ready to go home. I miss my family terribly. We went to the Mexican version of a mall. The prices were very mall like that is for sure. But I found a place that does acrylic nails so I made an appointment for tomorrow at 11:00.

3-25-06 Saturday -Well, we waited for the doctor until 10:40 and he still didn't show up so we went to the mall to have my nails done. I got a pedicure also. I got my acrylic nails done and my pedicure for $35, it is about the same as what I would have paid in the states, but she did a really good and thorough job so I am very pleased with the results. After this we went downtown to do some shopping. We spent 4 hours there. I think I over did it though. When we got back I felt that all my energy was gone. I didn't want to do anything but lay down. So I spent the rest of the evening in my room watching TV.

3-26-06 Sunday - El Doctor came by at 10:40 this morning. He took my stitches out and checked my drain wound. Everything is in order. I still feel really drained. I think the lack of nutrition is getting to me so I am advancing my diet by 2 days and having a protein shake for Breakfast to see if this helps. I hate this feeling that I am having. I am going to go down to the beach for a couple of hours with my Mom, and then I am just going to spend the rest of the day resting in my room. I think I have been pushing my self too hard and am starting to pay for it. We go home tomorrow, I can't wait. I am also anxious to weigh my self and see how much more I have lost.

4/6/06 - Well, I am officially on the losing side. I had my surgery on 3/17/06 as planned. Everything went great and it was a text book surgery. I am almost completely recovered. I still have a little bit of soreness under my left breast where the drain was, but even that is fading day by day. I kept a journal of my whole experience and as soon as I can get it off of the lap top I will update here with my journey. I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow and I have lost 30lbs! I am so excited. So far the only thing I am eating that is semi solid is cottage cheese and loving it. I start mushy foods tomorrow so I will experiment more. I am having trouble getting all of my water in b/c it is so hard to sip and work at the same time...

Surgery Date: 3/17/06 Height: 63.5 inches Starting Weight: 246 lbs Current Weight: 216lbs 30lbs lost! (18 pre-op diet, 12 post surgery)

4/17/06 - Well, it has been one month. I feel really good. I can tolerate everything that I try, so I don't feel like I have any restrictions. I am not losing as fast as some, but I think I am doing ok. I have lost 36lbs to date and I am really happy about that. I was hopeing to get below 200 for my husbands birthday (5/21) and it looks like I will make it. So I am very happy about that! Other than that all is well. I am starting to get control of the head hunger finally. That was my biggest battle in the beginning, but I find when I do give in to it the food I wanted doesn't tast very good and I end up tossing it after 1 bite. Even McDonalds french fries, which are my absolute favorite, did not taste very good to me. So I am working my new tool. I just need to get up off my butt and walk, then I will be doing fabulous.

5/17/06 Well, it has officialy been 2 months since my surgery. I have lost 50 lbs total since my journey began, but I still feel the same. I don't see a difference even though I am in smaller sizes. Started out a solid size 22 now am wearing anything from 14/16 to 20w. ( I wish clothing manufacturers could agree on sizing...) I am still really strugling with head hunger and mourning the loss of food. My biggest problem is sweets and if I don't get that problem under controll I will never get to my goal weight. I have been coasting by on losing weight, but I know that won't last if I don't start putting some effort into this. I am starting to walk about 4 nights a week. But my nemisis "CHOCOLATE" is what is kicking my butt. I have been eating it like crazy. Yesterday I had 7 lindor truffles. Even for pre-op standards that is a rediculous amount. Just admitting that I ate that many makes me sick, Of course I feel like crap today. It was a sugar overload. I really wish that I dumped, but I don't. I have been able to tolerate evey thing I try. Well, I am going to do better for month 3. I am going to force myself to follow the pouch rules and strictly monitor what I am eating. NO more junk! I will get to my goal weight if it kills me!!!!!!!!! As a matter of fact, I think that I am going to join weight watchers just so that I am accountable to someone else for my weight...

But I must say I am releived that I have lost so much weight. I am under 200lbs for the first time in almost 10 years. That was my first goal. My next goal is to get down to my pre-baby weight when I was 19 years old which is 176lbs. I currently have 20 more pounds to go so I know it won't be this month, but maybe, just maybe, I can make it by my 4 monthverssary. Pictures comming soon!

5/30/06 - I just had to share my first real WOW moment. I have this tennis bracelet that my husband gave me as a wedding present almost 7 years ago. When he gave it to me it was snug on my wrist and I was so disappointed and embarrassed that I never wore the thing. Well, I tried it on this morning and it is actually HANGING on my wrist. I can fit a whole finger between the bracelet and my wrist without pulling on it. I keep looking at my wrist and just staring. I wanted this bracelet so badly and then when I got it I couldn’t wear it and I have always felt bad inside.

I know it’s kind of corny and superficial. But it is the first tangible thing that has really made me sit back and say WOW, I am really doing it this time. I have lost, … hold on getting the calculator… 56 lbs since starting this journey on 3/17/06 and I haven’t really felt like I have lost that much weight. I look in the mirror and still see the fat disgusting person I have been all of my life. (Still working on the mental prat of this WL journey) So this was a real pick me up.

Below are pictures taken today at 189lbs, so that is 57lbs lost...

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Left: Before at 246lbs Right: During at 189lbs

6/17/06 - 3 Months and 60 pounds gone forever.  I am so excited happy jublilated and just plain amazed.  I can say that this has been a slow month though.  I only lost 10 pounds, but I have definatley seen a shift in inches.  I am comfortable in a size 16W now down from a tight 22W.  I have posted a table of my weightloss so far.  I am losing more slowely than other people, but that doesn't bother me so much.  I am experiencing more success than I have ever had before in my life.  This month was also rough for me b/c it was my birthday on the 5th and my mother-in-law made my favorite eclair dessert for me.  She used sugar free jello and mootopia skim milk in the recipe and i guess that I just went hog wilde and for a couple of days I had it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  But in much smaller portions that I would have pre-surgery.  So I fell off of the band wagon, but I am back on.  I am finally exercising.  I have been going to the gym 3 times a week.  I know that is not a lot, but I have started a second job also.  So between my day job, night job, full time MOM and WIFE job...  I have very little time left for me.  But I am making it because it is sooo worth it to me.

7/06/06-Normaly I try and only update once a month b/c these profiles get to be really long.  But I feel the need to put some things in writing so I will try and update more often.  I weighed in today and am in the 70's!!!!!!!!!!  I weighed in at 179 at weight watchers.  My home scale is showing 176, but that is w/out cloths and first thing in the morning so I will go with the after noon weight.  I don't want to risk the scale jumping up again...  I have fallen off of the excercise wagon.  I need to get back on, but it is so hard right now.  I am working 2 jobs plus I have 2 toddlers and a pre-teen not to mention a husband and a house to take care of.    I am so tired all of the time.  But i know that I could never do this when I was 65 pounds heavier.  I would have collapsed for sure.  Well, lunch is over back to work.

7/17/06 - 4 months ago today I had this life changing surgery and now 71 pounds later I can attest to the fact that it is life changing.  I am in a size 14 jeans, yes actual jeans...  I haven't weighed this little since I was 19 years old.  I feel great, and I look pretty good too.  I look at the old size 22 jeans that I wore and can't believe that they use to fit snug.  I am sooooo grateful that I was able to have this surgery.  I can walk longer, run yes... actually run! ha...  I am spending more play time with my children which was one of my main goals.  So life is good right now.  I am up to eating pretty much what ever I want just in moderation.  I try to keep variety in my lunch and dinner choices, but mornings are still always a protein shake for breakfast and a yogurt for snack.

I have pictures, I just haven't resized them to get them on here yet, but I have 2.5 month, 3 month, and I will take 4 month tonight and email them to my work address so that I can use company time and actually get them loaded on the web site...  But for now I have uploaded my Weight Chart and my measurements.  I think I am doing great!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo happy.

http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/measurments.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/BEFOREFRONT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/BEFORESIDE.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/4monthsfront.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/4monthsside.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
Before on day of surgery                                 and                          4 months and 70lbs lighter

Here are another set of 4 month pictures, I think these you can see the change a little better:
http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/BEFOREFRONT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/BEFORESIDE.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/4monthsbrown.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/4monthsbrownside.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
Left: Before at 246lbs   Right During at 175lbs

8/16/06 - Well I am posting my update one day early.  But what the heck, I don't think one day will matter too much.  I am too excited with my progress this month.  By the third week of the month I was only showing a 4.4lb loss and was getting very depressed.  I even started to sabatoge myself with chocolate and other no no foods.  I snaped out of it and got back on track and my total loss for the month is 11.4 lbs.  7 lbs of that from this last week alone.  I was so happy this morning I wanted to cry.  This surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself in my whole entire life.  I feel like I am living again, not just existing.  My measurements are good.  I have lost 11 inches total in my hips, 11 inches in my chest, 10 inches in my waist, and 2 each in my arm & thigh for a total of 36 inches lost since 2/26/06 when I was measured by my nut.  Things are progressing really well for me.  I am fitting comfortably in my 14's they are no longer tight, some are even lose leading me to believe I will be trying on 12's this next month but I don't know if I am ready for that mentaly. I am really happy at a 14.  I used to say if I could just get down to a 14 I would be a happy camper.  So I am enjoying being a 14.  It is very satisfying.  But at the same time, I still have my eye on my goal. the magic numbers 135.  I only have 28 more lbs to go, I am 75% of they way to my goal.

New Month Resolution:  I resolve that I will start exercising. Period.  I walked today at my break and will again at my second break.  I am going to find a way to start doing something and stop fidning excuses.  I do work 2 jobs so time is precious, but I did this to be more healthy and to feel better, not to mention to look better too and none of that is going to happen without exercise.  I know this, I just have to live.  Even if I can't get it in everyday, my goal is 4 times a week to start.

Well cheers to everyone reading this and may GOD bless you wherever you are on your Journey.

5 Months Weight Chart:
http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f235/bjjantzen/8176.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

About Me
Katy, TX
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2005
Member Since

Friends 19
