The greatest joy in my life right now are my grandchildren. I have two. My grandson lives in Florida with his mom and dad (my son). He is 7 months old and unfortuately with me living in Ohio, I've only gotten to see him three times. My husband and I are planning several trips to Fort Myers to visit.

My second grandchild is a little girl. She is 5 months old and fortunately we where able to get my daughter and her husband (Dominican Republic Native) in to the USA before she gave birth. I try not to let a day go by without seeing her.

If for no one else, I want to be here for my grandchildren. I've always been overweight my whole life. My health has gotten worst over the last couple of years. It got to the point that I would try to diet and would lose very little. Even when my
mother's died two years ago, I went through a six month period of time where I bearly ate anything. The most I might have lost was five pounds. It seems like I keep getting bigger and bigger.

I know two people (friend/brother) who have had the surgery done. It's been two years for my girlfriend (Barix Clinic). She went from a size 22 to a size 2. She was too thin and I was scared for her. Fortunately, she's gained about ten pound back and is now wearing a size 6 and looks great! My brother had the surgery late October 2003 (University Hospital in Cleveland). Last check-up (6 months) he's lost 160 lbs. I'm so proud of him. He's almost completely off his medications.

I went with my brother to meetings and doctor appointments to not only be supportive to him, but to learn about the surgery for myself. I wanted to have the surgery done a year ago, but the company I work for will not pay for the surgery. My husband started checking with his insurance and surprisingly we found an article in the Pathway magazine that talked about the pros and cons of gastric by-pass surgery (dated January 2004). I checked with the insurance company and if you are morbid obesity, (100 lbs. over weight) they will cover it. So, I'm trying to do as much research as possible to make for sure I make the right decision. Not only with the surgery, but with the doctor.

One thing I did find out was the two hospital/clinics I mentioned are not in the network. I would have to pay a lot of money out of my pocket. The insurance rep did mentioned St. Vincent Hospital in Cleveland. I soon found out from an old high school girlfriend that her sister (who is a nurse) had the surgery there and had Dr. Sonpal. She was the one that told me about this website. Thank you Stephanie! I've learn a lot. I even found one patient from the Toledo area that came to St. Vincent Hospital and only found out at her consultation, that the one doctor would not do surgery without the patient's approval to use blood, if necessary. This is important to me because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I've had a few friends that have came to St. Vincent Hospital because of their bloodless surgery area. (Open heart surgeries and kidney transplant.) 

May 18, 2004

I went and seem my family doctor to let her know I'm seriously considering surgery. I was suprised that she agreed with me and offered to get whatever I needed from her to get it approved from my insurance company.

May 20, 2004

1st requirement is to attend one of their meeting. I went to the Middleburg Heights location and was very impress with the presentation. They had three ladies presenting. One was a nurse and she explained the surgery using a Powerpoint presentation. The second young lady was an insurance rep. And the third was a young lady that had had the surgery done and was now on the staff. It brought tears to my eyes to watch the video of her before the surgery and to see her a year later at the graduation (Channel 3 News covered it.) After the short video she gave her presentation and had a questions and answers period. I was really impressed. Of course, I was one of the last ones to leave. They gave me some valuable advise and because of that I have schedule my consultation with Dr. Sonpal for July 7th. I've got a lot of work to do between now and than.

I have also made an appointment for my psychi evaluation. I'm hopeing that I can have the surgery in Oct/Nov.

July 1, 2004

Well, six days to go and I'll have my consultation with Dr. Sonpal. I'm glad I started getting my information together a month ago. Even though my doctor was eager to give me whatever I need, I had problems with the staff. They had it made up in their minds that they should mail the information to Dr. Sonpal's office. I don't know how many times I told them that St. Vincent Hospital told me to bring the information in with me when I go for my consultation. It took two times to get all the information I needed. Good thing they didn't mail the first package, because several things where missing. I fax them and told them what else I needed. I tried to be patient, but I started lossing it today (PMS) when they told me they had mailed the second package to the hospital. I had to cool down a little bit before I sent them a fax telling them to send it to ME. I have made copies of everything, incase something comes up missing. By the end of the day, everything was in order. Now to get ready for my appointment.

Well, on Friday, July 9th, I'll be flying to Fort Myers, Florida to see my Son and his family. All I can think of right now is "am I going to be able to fit in those seats". The last time my husband and I went, I had to struggle to get the seat belt on. I was so ashame. A man was setting on the other side of me. I could not even look his way. I was very uncomfortable. The belt was cutting me in half. In fact, the stewartess ask me if I had my belt on. It was so tight you could not see it. All I could do was to make myself go to sleep. I had to sit in that uncomfortable position for almost two hours. I found out later on that the airplane should have belt extensions, so I will make for sure I ask the stewartess for one as soon as I get on the plane. Oh, I can't wait until I get this weight off! (258 lbs.)

July 7, 2004

I met with Dr. Sonpal today. I was a little disappointed. I have read from several of you that he was really nice and easy to talk to. When I had my consultation with him, he had a straight face. No smiles, nothing. He started off asking me if I had any questions. Well, I really did not have any questions. I've been doing allot of research on my own. He did go over my consultation papers and asked a few question. Next thing I know, he said we were done. That's it? What happens next? His assistant would start getting everything ready to send to the insurance company. The only thing I had missing was my psychi. evaluation. That is schedule for next week on July 14th.

July 9, 2004

Well the plane ride was not that bad. The first flight I had I did not get a chance to ask for the extension. Fortuately, I had an older lady sitting by me and I joked about me being too fat to buckle the seat belt. Eventually I got it to buckle. The other three flights I had, I asked the stewartess as soon as I got on the plane.

July 14, 2004

I had my psychi. evaluation. Dr. Lyall was very down to earth. He was easy to talk to. He interviewed me and then had me to answer 370 questions. He said he would send the results to Dr. Sonpal's assistant in a week.

Well, I'm trying to be patient, but I hate to have waited 2-3 weeks and than find out that they were still waiting on something else from me. I'll send an e-mail to Dr. Sonpal's assistant to make for sure she has everything she needs. I'm trying not to think about it. But guess what? Within the last week two T.V. stations have covered the story of Loren Root who had the gastric by-pass surgery and is dying from starvation. Good Morning American interviewed her on July 20th and she is down to 87 lbs. ( GREAT!!! Now my husband is really worried. "Maybe you shouldn't have the surgery. I'm scared, something could go wrong." But as I read the article on the internet. Her biggest mistake was she did not do enough research. Most of you know that desperate feeling you have. You'll do almost anything to get the weight off. This is something I really have to pray about.

August 3, 2004

I got a note last night for one of Dr. Sonpal's associates, letting me know that he has verified my insurance and that if I am approved, I will have to pay $800 before I have any pre-testing done. That's not too bad, I'm just wondering what other charges will come. But, I not going to worry about it. Do you know how much money I have spent on diets....I don't even know where to start.

After reading the e-mail about my insurance, I sent Dr. Sonpal's Administrative Assistant, Diane, and e-mail last night, asking if my paperwork had been sent to the insurance company. She said everything was in order. She sent it to the insurance company on July 29th. She said we should hear something within the next two to four weeks. If I want to I can call the insurance company in a couple of weeks to check on the progress. I don't want to bug the insurance company. Now that I look back, time has been flying. I guess being busy at work and vacation has taken my mind off of the waiting process.

August 11, 2004

Diane from Dr. Sonpal's office sent me an e-mail telling me that I have a pre-readiness meeting that is required before I have the surgery. Even though I had not been approved yet, I wanted to get it out of the way. They had a meeting starting at 5:30 p.m. at St. Vincent Hospital. There were only four of us that attended along with one lady's husband. The hospital psych. and a nurse were there asking us questions and explain the program in more detail. It seems like their more educational than University Hospital. It was explain to us that when we come to get our pre-testing done that there will be classes going on as well. Educating us on what to expect and what to do after surgery.

August 17, 2004

Well, Diane said she had sent my paperwork into the insurance company on July 29th. It's been over two weeks, so I decided to call and hear the status. Insurance Rep said that they did not receive the package until August 6th. That means they have not had it for two weeks yet. O.K., I'll wait.

August 25, 2004

Diane called me at my office today. She said, "Did you get the letter? You've been approved!" What??? My copy of the acceptance letter was at the post office box waiting on me. I don't believe it! Diane made the comment that I had about 59 pages that were sent to the insurance company. I had a lot of data. That was good. Oh my I'm getting nerves. I will be receiving a call soon to schedule for my pre-testing and my surgery. I can't wait!

August 26, 2004

I got a call from Dr. Sonpal's office. They asked me when I wanted to have the surgery. Things are real busy at work right now and budgets will be coming in September. I usually take vacation around Christmas time because things are slow. I asked how long they would want me to be off work and she said 6 weeks. 6 weeks from the end of the year makes November 22nd. That's my date! I'm schedule for pre-Admission testing on October 27th. I've talked to several of the ladies on the message board and they have me all excited. I'm half way tempted to change my date to October. Be patient Judy, be patient.

October 27, 2004

Well, today I went to St. Vincent Hospital for my Pre-Admission Testing. It was not that bad at all. They did an EKG, Blood work, checked blood pressure and review my medical history. They also had me meet with a technician that gave me an instrument to practice my breathing with. I am very impressed on their educational program they have. We had three different people talking to us as a group. The first one explained what to expect after surgery and how much of an adjustment it was for him. There were also a nurse and a nutritionist. They gave us plenty of reading material. I'm ready!!!!

I've been trying to watch what I eat. The doctor does not want me to gain any weight before the surgery. So, I've been trying to make my portions smaller. It's working. I've lost about 11 lbs. so far. (244 lbs.)

November 18, 2004

Count down....four more days to go. I haven't started getting nerves yet. I'm just ready to get it over with. With all this extra weight and having fibromyalgia I'm in pain most of the time. I've got to get this weight off. I know this will help my back and knees. Decided to get the suitcase out tonight and start packing for the hospital.

December 7, 2004

Well you guys, I made it!!!! I'm on the other side. Thank you all for your many notes and prayers!!!

I had no problems at all with the surgery. St. Vincent Charity Hospital of Cleveland was excellent!!!! The thing that surprised me the most was I did not have that much pain with the surgery. By day two I was walking with no I.V.'s or cath and was off the pain medication. There was a meeting for the four of us who had just had surgery on Monday. I was the only one who had OPEN. The other three had the LAP. They were moving very slow and looked like they where in pain. I told my doctor about that when he visited me later. The only thing he said was, "That's because I'm good". I told him I could see his head getting big. :-)

(I think the real reason why I was not in that much pain is my pain tolerance is very high. I've been in so much pain with my back. In fact, the pain that I have now is not from my stomach, but from my back. I don't want to take all that medication on my new stomach, so I will just endure the discomfort.)

I got out of the hopital on Thursday, November 25, which was my husband and mines 28th Anniversay. Nice anniversary gift to me.

The first few days home was not that bad. But on Wednesday I started feeling real tired and had notice that I did not want that much to eat. I tried walking on the treadmill and notice that I was lightheaded. By the time I made it up stairs to check my blood pressure it was 74/47. That was too low. Fortunately, I had an appointment with my PCP the next day on Thursday. My doctor ran tests because I did have a slight fever. From the tests ran (urine, blood and x-ray) I have an infection. I believe it is nasal. I'm on antibiotics and decongestion. This is day 5 on the medicines and I've gotten my energy back. Now to get back to trying to increase my walking.

I go to Dr. Sonpal next Monday, December 13th for my 3 week visit. I'll let you know how things go.

December 27, 2004

Nothing much has been happening. Went to see Dr. Sonpal on the 13th. Everything looks good. Only problem I'm having is not getting enough calorie or protein. They want me to have at least 1000 calories. I've finally made it to 800. I'm suppose to get about 60-80 grams of protein, I'm at 50. Weight lost has been slow. At four weeks I had 20lbs. I've decided to stop weighing myself. Maybe weigh every two weeks. Went to the hospital website and some suggest getting all my fluids in and getting my exercise. The exercise has been a hit and miss with me. Must do better.

May 18. 2005

Sorry, I have not made an update in a long time. I would check the website every once and awhile to see what everyone was writing about. But, I found that I was getting disappointed, because it seemed like everyone was loosing weight but me. So, I went through my little emotional up's and down's. I think I got my head on straight now.

I went back to work on January 6th and have been real busy. There has not been that much that has made me sick with eating. I just have to watch how much I eat. If I eat too much, my stomach gets to cramping real bad and I have to lay down. I have not had any dumping or throwing up. I had dry heaves twice. It was not pleasant. So I guess the shock treatment does work.

Twelve weeks after the surgery I was at 209 lbs. Eighteen weeks, I was at 208 lbs. I was very disappointed. One lb. in six weeks, I had to really reason with myself. At Twenty weeks I was down to 202 lbs. Twenty-five weeks, May 15th, I'm at 191 lbs. It seems like I'll drop weight all of a sudden. I guess my body holds on to the weight as long as it can. I go for my six month check up on May 25th.

I've decided to set weight goals for myself. My biggest goals was getting under 200 lbs. I finally made that! Next goal is 175 lbs. Do you think I can be there by mid July. We shall see.

I was wearing a size 26 in pants and 24 in dresses before the surgery. Right now I'm in size 20 / 18 in pants depending on how their cut. I have not bought any dresses or skirts yet. Everything is real big on me, but I've been pinning the sides together on the skirts to keep them on me. Did not want to buy too many new clothes, because I know they will be too big soon. I have plenty of material at home, so I think I'll adjust my patterns and make me a few skirts. I've bought a few tops. Went from 3X to large. It's a good feeling, would not trade it for nothing!

Just wanted to let you know I had a business trip to South Carolina where I traveled by plane. This was my first time on the plane since my surgery. I can fit in the seats now and not have to struggle putting on the seat belt. GREAT!!!!

Well, I'll try to be better at updating my profile. Talk to you soon!!!

September 18, 2005

Well, I didn't make the goal I was hoping for, 175 by July. The weight lost has really slowed down. I am at 180 lbs. right now, but I'm feeling good about myself. I had to buy new clothes. I bought a lot of dresses that were on clearance at the end of July. I'm getting comments about my weight lost, which makes me feel good. The doctor had told me that he wanted me to 175 lbs. by my next check up. That will be at the end of November. I hope I can make it, it's only 5 lbs.

What I really need is to try and find a support group that meets on Monday or Wednesday night. It seems like I'm doing this all by myself. I even caught myself starting bad habits (M&M's with peanuts). I did call one friend who has had the surgery and we tried to encourage each other last night. It helped some.


January 16, 2006

Weight lost was at a stand still for a few months. I was so disappointed, that I had stopped reading what was on the website. It was discouraging. I isolated myself, because it seemed like everyone was loosing weight and reaching their goal except me. I was glad to discover that the one messageboard for anniversaries was created. I notice that there were others, like me, who still had more to loose. I started reading the messageboard and communicated with a few. I'm on a new battle plan. My problem is I was not exercising. I haven't been walking since September when I came back from Florida. So, from January 1, 2006, I have been going to the gym three times a week. Have eliminated diet pop and have tried to limit my amount of carbs & sugar. I'm finally starting to see the scale move again. Weighed Sunday, January 15, 2006 and I'm at 176 lbs! I'm just going to take little goals for right now. My first goal is 175 lbs. 5 lbs. at a time. I hope to be at 140 lbs. by the end of the summer if not before than. I've learned it's a mind game. Right now I have my mind geared in the right directions. I just hope I don't let anything take me off track.


October 23, 2007

Oh my goodness!  I had not realized that I have not updated my profile in almost two years.  I'm sorry!!!!  In the last year and half I've stayed around 176 lbs.  I'm not upset that I did not reach my goal.  I'm just glad that I did not gain any weight.  Anyway, in June 2007, I was told by my GYN that I needed to have a hysterectomy.  I've been in a lot of pain with it, so it was something I look forward to.  I didn't think I was doing anything extra, but for some reason, I dropped 5 lbs.  Maybe with it being Summer time I was not eating as much???  Ha, I'll take whatever I can get!  Well, I started exercising again when I got a 13 month old German Shepherd at the end of July.  He is a big boy.  When I got him he weight about 85 lbs.  Walking him not only was for him, but it helped me to reach a goal I had set at work.  They had an Active for Life program going on.  I made a goal of 30 minutes/5 days a week.  It became addictive.  Next thing I know, I was getting up 5:30 a.m. and walking him for at least 45 minutes 6 days a week. before I went to work.  Sometimes I would even walk him in the evening too.  I went to the GYN on October 1st for my Preop and weighted in at 169.  Well, I had my surgery on October 8th and I'm now weighing 159 lbs.!!!  Finally in the 150's.  And to tell you the truth!!!  I've lost at least 100 lbs. now.  I stopped getting on the scales once I started weighing over 260 lbs.  I guess I thought that if I didn't see the weight on the scale I would not get upset about my weight.  That may have been the reason why I kept gaining.  

Well, since the surgery, the problem I have now is I'm limited on how far I can walk .  It's been two weeks since the surgery.  The GYN did tell me to walk as much as possible, but to know my limits.  I've been trying to get out the last few days and have only made it a couple of blocks from home before I start hurting.  I've been in the backyard with my dog, but of course it will be a while before I can take him for a walk.  So, I'm starting a bad habit of watching TV and surfing the net.  And of course my sister-in-law brought me a gift....chocolate candy.  Heggy's Turtles, my favorite.  It took a week before I even opened it, but I've gotten in the habit of eating a couple of pieces each day.  I'm going to try to go today without eating any of it.  In fact, I'm going to set it out so my husband can eat it.   

Since I now have a personal notebook, I'll try to update my profile and check the message board more often.  Also, I'll get my digital camera out and have a picture take.

I checked my BMI today and it is at 28.1.  I glad that it has went down from 45.7, but I'm still considered overweight.  I'm not worried about getting real thin.  I've set a new weight goal earlier this year.  It is 145 lbs.  I'm not going to give a goal date.  I'll just make it my goal not to gain weight right now. 

Take care!!!



258 lbs
This picture was taken at my 30th Service Award (Anniversary) with the company I work for. Date: 06/10/2004

Member Interests:
  • Family & Friends - Family is a lot closer since my mother died. Trying to take care of Dad (82y)
  • Musical Performance - Phantom of the Opera, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, etc.
  • Photography - Digital camera to take pictures of my family. Of course none of me :-)
  • Sewing - I've just started sewing a couple of years ago. I notice it relaxes me
  • Grandchildren - Grandson born November 10, 2003, Granddaughter born January 3, 2004
  • Jazz - Saxaphone, guitar, piano, etc.
  • Gardening - I like working in my flower beds. My mother's favorite hobby before she died.

    Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: I.M. Sonpal M.D. FACS
    Insurer Info:
    Medical Mutual, Ohio Med PPO - SuperMed Plus
    So far, so good. Medical Mutual - Ohio Med PPO (SuperMed Plus) is great! I got a letter of exceptance in 2-1/2 weeks. I've only been with this insurance company for a couple of months, but whenever I call to asked questions about insurance coverage. The rep has always been very informative.

  • About Me
    Canton, OH
    Surgery Date
    May 31, 2004
    Member Since

    Before & After
    rollover to see after photo
    This picture was taken at my 30th Service Award (Anniversary) with the company I work for. Date: 06/10/2004
    258 lbslbs
    100 pounds lost

    Friends 2
