I am a 33yr old mother of 4 beautiful children. I have a 22yr old(by marriage), a 15yr old, a 10yr old, and a 7yr old. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, but never realized that I was overweight until my first child. In my family I was always told  by my grandparents that I was big-boned or curvaceous, I was taught to embrace the extra pounds as a rite of passage into woman hood. My parents though were sometimes cruel in their efforts to help me lose weight when they felt it was getting to be a little more than big-boned. The more insulted i felt the more I ate. I have been with my husband since I was 16years old and he is the father of my children, we have our ups and downs, as any couple does, but I am so blessed to know that I have support from him and my children during this stressful time.  I am also blessed that one of my biggest supporters is my oldest sister, she is beautiful and has always had a model-like figure, but she has never let me feel inferior due to my size. She encourages me to love me and all that comes with me.
     The reason I decided to have surgery; I love me no matter what weight or size, I am still ME!  What bothers me though is I am not as active as I want to be, I want to run and play with my children, catch them and throw them down in the snow without needing them to help me get back up. I want to sit and ride with them on rides at the amusement park without the fear that the safety lock may not catch. I want to live with my children and not through them. I only get one chance at participating in their childhoods and I am tired of watching so many opportunities to enjoy their childhood pass me by. I have made a promise to my children and we have set a goal of 3 things we would like to do together in the next 2 years and here they go: 1) Ride rides together at an amusement park 2) Hike up a trail as a family 3) play volleyball on a beach as a family. I am claiming my victory of doing these things without heavy breathing or having to stop because the pressure of my weight is bearing down on me! With the tool of WLS i will be VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!

About Me
Philadelphia, PA
Surgery Date
Feb 02, 2010
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