
Jan 11, 2012

Well I made it through another liquid lunch, and the guys both had great smelling food.  I really want to chew something, burgers seem to call my name too but it does seem to get easier lately to not pay attention to the smells or the temptations.  Last night was hard though, TV is against me as I just want to eat what I see on the screen and its not helping!!   I had to actually turn off the TV, PVR a show then go and work on my storage room- which I needed to do anyways.  When I finally went back to the TV to watch the taped show I forgot to FFW through the commercials and the cravings hit again but I think I was able to talk myself out of them, really what other choice do I have?? none, I chose not to succum to food.  I really hope that I will continue this self talk after surgery and that I don't push the limits.  Figured out that I have about 200 pounds to lose to be at my ideal weight.  but 180lbs seems so small for me, maybe it will be alright.  I guess I should make my goals smaller so they dont' seem so huge, start at 10 then 30 and move in 20 pound increments, yea I think that will work, but what will be my rewards since they can no longer be food... hmm maybe new shoes for the big goals and facials or span treatments for the smaller, whole spa day for the really big losses?


About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 10, 2012
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