9 Days Passed Surgery!

Nov 05, 2008

Okay, WOW! I have really been fighting with nausea, dizziness and just plain old weakness since I got home--- YUK! But it is getting better. When I say fighting it I mean like all day every day. Taking a simple, quick shower can send me into a major OMG must lay down now spell. So far today is a little better as you can see I made it to the computer! I am so happy to finally have my surgery complete! Or maybe I should say finally started??? Oh well, my journey has begun and I am losing weight despite my lack of movement which is driving me insane. My silly but wonderful husband will hardily let me out of his sight and checks on me constantly, love him. Monday I got the staples out and a refill for my nausea meds. So with the nausea meds and the gas x strips I am almost back. Foods are going pretty good since Monday, yesterday I finally got enough protein and water in -YEAH. So with that said I believe we are off and running/walking towards the loser's bench, make room because I am on my way! Enough for now, take care, Blubird29

72 Hours Since Surgery! YEAH...

Oct 29, 2008

Okay, I made it home yesterday afternoon. They kept me in the hospital an extra day since my BP would not stabilize above 100. Finally we managed to see a fairly consistant 110/53 and my wonderful surgeon Dr. Hoehn gave me his blessings to go home. I am tired, a little achey and definitely drugged at this point. I am soooo glad that the surgery is over and we can now concentrate on healing so I can get to the point of focussing on the weight loss. They were flooding my system with so many fluids the last couple of days that I actually saw about a 15 pound gain which doesn't upset me since I know what is happening. My body is going to need a little time to adjust and heal before I can expect to see much on the weight loss. Anyway, I need a little down time now feeling a little yucky. Take care & Thank you for all the wonderful prayers and thoughts you sent my way.  


Oct 26, 2008

Well, it is really here. Within 18 hours I will be checking in at SMMC in the morning for a surgery that I pray will change my life forever in a wonderful way. It has taken almost 11 months to get here and I would do it again in a heartbeat. This extra time gave me the opportunity to meet lot's of new friends on OH, thanks everyone.

As much as I am excited I am also kinda scared too. Major surgery can't be taken lightly and the thought of anything serious happening is way more than I can deal with right now. I think I better stick to the beautiful things that can come from this surgery. Lower cholesterol numbers, fewer pills to have to take every day even with the vitamin replacement it will be less, the pain in my lumbar and both knees should be greatly reduced, limit further damage to my lumbar, waking up feeling like I can face another day with enthusiasm, not be embarrassed when people look at me, not have to ride in the motorized wheel chairs for shopping,
beautiful normal size clothing, be able to go to the theater, be able to sit in the seats at the stadium and not shying away from anything ever again because of my size. How is that for a short list! LOL

I am currently on a two day clear liquid diet and so far it has not been too bad. When I get finished here it is time for the magnesium citrate . I am sure it won't be that bad after all I only have 10 ounces to get down, right? At least my weight is still going down. I figure anything I can take off the front end will make the back end all that much easier, I hope. I don't ask for much but if you wouldn't mind including me in your prayers I would greatly appreciate it. I know God will be watching and that I will be in his hands for the surgery but the more little reminders can't hurt either. I am kinda like Kenny Chesney & George Strait when they sing their new song "Everybody wants to go to Heaven" but not today or tomorrow. LOL. Well I have stalled long enough I better go get my drink and get it over with. I will be back following surgery unless I can't sleep tonight...
Debbie aka Blubird29

3 Days Until My New B-Day With Lot's Of Emotions Running!

Oct 24, 2008

I can't believe it is finally just around the corner, my surgery that is sure to change my life forever. I pray that it will be all for the GOOD.

It wasn't that long ago that I kept telling myself that I would not do bariatric surgery. I was sure I could do it on my own. After my disability it only took a couple of years of total failure to come to the realization that my body was different now. The pain continually over road all good intentions and I kept gaining more. You know the terrible cycle, gain more hurt way more! Anyway, I am so proud to be here and just 3 days out after my 10 almost 11 month journey to surgery.

I have to admit I am totally excited and anxious to have my surgery but there are moments when fear and nerves take over, questioning if I am really ready. Have I done all my home work, what did I miss? I want to be one of the success stories I have read about. I have read the horror stories too and pray to God too keep me strong and help me to get the opportunity to sit on the healthy biggest losers bench!

Today is my last day of solid food for 9 days (2 day liquids before surgery and 1 week liquids following surgery). I feel pretty good about it, I don't expect myself to go crazy like trying to eat enough to last the 9 days. LOL I will more than likely have a chicken salad for dinner or I just might have the DH take me to outback for a nice chicken dinner? We'll see how the feelings are rushing this evening. I am not worried about breakfast or lunch at all. You know it is funny, I have lost 30+ pounds and I don't want to gain any of it back. As you know it is too damn hard to lose it in the first place! 

I am going to get my hair done at noon, and stop and pick up some more jell-o. Sunday I plan to make my protein jell-o's so I will have some ready when I get home from the hospital. Saying a little prayer. Later, Blubird29 


Oct 15, 2008

Wow, I can't believe how rapidly my surgery date is approaching! At this point my mind is racing a million miles an hour. Just crazy thoughts, have I forgotten anything, what ifs and anxiety levels are peaking through the roof. I am excited to be this close to a new beginning and nervous at the same time, you know... I just hope I am as prepared as I want to be. I am kinda crazy when life gets hectic or too many unexpected things start to happen in my life.

Went to the lake again last weekend, nice. I had 1 of my synvisc injections in my right knee before we left. Saturday when I went for my walk everything was just fine and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground with a bloody leg from falling on gravel. OUCH. Anyway my Doc said that it could have been from the injection or a problem with the cartilage? I will keep hoping to stay on my feet, I don't want to have to deal with anything other than my RNY surgery right now. So, please Lord keep me focused and my feet firmly planted on the ground until I successfully make it through my first 6 months following surgery. 

Have a support meeting tonight with a wonderful guest speaker, Dr. Sabapathy our phychologist. This should be great, there will be lots of great questions answered. I am looking forward to his presentation and seeing my new friends. The support group meetings always leave me feeling great about my decision and the new life that is just ahead of me. GTG  

19 Days & Counting 'Til My Great B-Day!

Oct 08, 2008

How exciting, this has to be one of the best times in my life. Just to think that in only 19 days I will have an opportunity to start over. I can't wait. I am sure there will be trying days but I have always been a firm believer that you deal with what you can, smile and keep going. The Lord is taking me down this path for a reason, he is giving me a second chance to live life to it's fullest. He is giving me an opportunity that only a few will ever have, I can only imagine what it will be like to have my health and happiness back. Hummm, life with less pain and hopefully better mobility. I can only imagine the effects it will have on my head and heart. Yes, indeed. Blessed I am and I will not abuse my gift, I will treasure it for all the wonderful days and years to come.  

I have really been going over the checklists to make sure I am as ready as humanly possible. Yes, I forgot non-skid slippers, they are ordered now. I would hate to slip in the halls of the hospital! I created a couple of recipes for protein jell-o that are wonderful and loaded with 7 gms of protein for each 4 ounce serving. This should help. I have several different types of proteins for shakes and puddings. I also have the plain protein just in case I get in a real jam. I love eggface & melting mama's site's, they have both been a huge inspiration for me. I have also met some really wonderful friends in the support group meetings.

I had to go to my ortho for another synvisc injections in my right knee so I have 2 more to go on the right side and will decide then whether or not to do the left. What a good feeling it is to know that when the time comes for my knee replacements I will not be fighting with this extra person on my back dragging me down. I am sure it will by me some time before the replacement. I haven't been willing to do it  up to now simply because I was scared of how I would deal with it with all this weight. The odds didn't look too good to me. Anyway, I am rambling now. Till next time.

OMG - 23 Days & Counting 'Til My Great B-Day!

Oct 03, 2008

Hi, I am really getting excited & nervous at the same time now with only 23 days left! When I started my journey last January I had no idea that I would still be waiting for my surgery. Now that it is close it seems like the days are flying by. YEAH. I am so ready for the pain in my body to ease up. The last couple of weeks my back and knee's have really been troubling me. The next three weeks I will be having synvisc injections on my right knee which normally helps with the pain. We'll see if the left one is going to ease on it's own or if I will need to inject it too. I am going to try to get the through the surgery before I have my injections in my back with Dr. Griffith. I hope to lose some weight before I go see him since it was his encouragement that prompted me to consider bariatric surgery to take some of the load off my back. I know he will be pleased to see less of me. I know it won't reverse the damage done but it hopefully with less weight to carry maybe the pain won't be so intense all the time. Without the weight he said it would help to slow down the future damage. Oh, as if I could stand more pain, NOT. Anyway, enough on the pain ____t.
All I have left before surgery is my pre-op lab work and one more appointment with Dr. Hoehn. This list is all but gone, my B-Day is just days away. I have been trying new recipe's that Shelly created and loving them. I am so pleased to know that there are wonderful recipe's out there for post ops and that I don't have to rely on my own creations. Although I would lose weight much faster if I did because my creations are not always edible. Humm! I have also been doing my daily dose of 30 minutes of exercise. I love to walk when the pain is not to bad so even if I have to split it up I am getting it in. I will say that the only thing keeping me going on the exercise it knowing that I won't be fighting all of this weight for that much longer. Hey, what can I say, with every step there is pain. I have had to up my pain medication just to find peace at night. I know that it is all worth it in the end. My weight is slowly but surely going in the right direction too. I figure every pound counts and I also know it improves your surgery risks.
It's Saturday, I will have to find something creative to do today. Not sure what that looks like but I am off to find out.

27 Days & Counting 'Til My Great B-Day!

Sep 30, 2008

Lexi Marie is such a Mommy's girl!
    I can't believe that I am only 27 days away from the new start of my life. How excited I am can't be put into words.
    We spent the weekend at our lake home in the Ozarks and what a beautiful weekend it was. I think without a doubt the most beautiful weekend of the year. I am so glad we went. There was only 1 scare, Lexi Marie fell in the water. Scared the ____ out of me. I know she is a Lab however she hates to get in the lake. She stepped from the boat to the dock and just fell in. At 85 pounds it is not like you can just reach down and pick her up. My DH had to put on his life vest and go into the water to hold and calm her while I lowered the boat so we could jointly get her scared little self out of the water. Okay, I did more or less freak out when it happened after all she is my baby. Next time I will make sure she has her life vest on... The weather was perfect and there really wasn't that many people around this week. Quiet and relaxing weekend.
    I have my pre-op education & pre-op physical therapy classes tomorrow and on Thursday my EGD so it is really close and really going to happen! I am doing my happy dance now. My weight has been stuck for the last week. Oh well, I am just continuing with my focus and hopefully any day now it should start to drop again (saying my prayers). Yes. I have lost about 25 pounds since my insurance approval, YEAH.
    Anyway, Kellie Pickler's new CD is out today so I am making a run to Best Buy. I think I will go ahead and grab Darius Rucker, Kellie Pickler and Faith Hills new CD's. They are all three beautiful, if you haven't heard them you should check them out. Talk to you later.

32 Days & Counting 'Til My New B-Day!

Sep 24, 2008

I can't believe how fast the days are going by now, it seems like just yesterday when I decided this course for life and it is rapidly approaching---just days.  Yesterday I attempted to create a new recipe OMG it was awful so I sent it down the disposal as soon as I tasted it. I think I better leave the recipes up to Shelly for a while! The last few days my weight has been challenging me with little ups and downs. I chose to ignore them and just keep doing what I am doing and today I noticed a drop again. TYL. I am sure it is just part of the process as your date approaches that you have some little self doubts or even anger flooding your head and heart. I will be glad when those feelings and thoughts go away. I am having this procedure done and that is it! It is what is best for me and my life. I can't seem to make the little decisions right now, silly I know. Maybe I should just pack up some belongings and we can go to the lake this weekend for some fresh air! I think a little R & R would be nice right now, a little change of scenery, a little zen time. Anyway it is time for my daily dose of walking and tunes. Lexi Marie is begging too. She looks forward to our walks also. BBL

35 Days & Counting Until My New B-Day!

Sep 22, 2008

Today has been a odd day of sorts. Pretty quiet around the house today. The phone didn't even ring. The girls didn't mind that left more time for them. I did manage to get my walk in this morning and that is a great thing. My Sweet Lexi Marie at my side and the iPod playing Jamey Johnson's new CD-LOVE IT! I also made Shelly's Pumpkin Protein Souffle---OMG it is soooo good. That is my thing this month, to try as many new recipes (bariatric friendly) as I can in hopes to make my transition alot smoother. I will let you know if it works! My DH had one after dinner and decided he had a new love in his life too. LOL. Anyway the new Heroes is on tonight and I don't want to miss it.

About Me
Kansas City, MO
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 23
My Beautiful Roxanne Von Rolls and My DH, My Girl!
Holiday Spirit, Not So Much
Many Thanks to Give, Life is Good!
My 1st Post-Surgery Stall--YUK!
Getting Better Every Day! 3 Weeks Post Op...
2 Weeks Post Op & Feeling GREAT!
