My story is a lot like others.  I have been overweight since the age of eight and never really grew out of my "baby fat".  I have been on and off of diets since an early age, you name it, I have done it.  Weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Seattle Sutton, Atkins, South Beach, the ever so delightful cabbage soup diet and so on.  Finally being fed up I decided to pursue weight loss surgery aggressively this past march.  I found a wonderful program in my hometown at the University of Chicago.  For me it was really hard trying to line up when to have the surgery, if my health insurance would cover it, and finding the time for recovery.  So in July I moved back home in order to complete the process.  Im uber excited about this surgery, yet nervous at the same time.  Hopefully it will turn out for the best. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 2
One week post op
10 days till surgery!!!!!
