I started my journey a long time ago when I was in grade school, always bouncing from one diet to another.  I remember the most successful one at the time was the low carb diet - oh if i only knew what I know now.  I lost weight, but I gained it back plus.  I also battled the fact that I was one and off  anti-depression meds and steriods for migraines that I have had since I was young.  Every type of pill they gave me caused me to gain more weight, no matter what I did I kept gaining weight I couldn't stop taking the pills because I couldn't and still can't get get rid of my migraines.  I have had a migraine for everyday since I can remember since I was around 18 and I am now 27. 
One of the reasons for having the surgery besides losing weight was to hopefully get off all of the migraine medications that I have been taking along with hopefully getting a grip on my migraines and to get some relief.  Currently, I haven't gotten any relief yet, but I still have hope. 

I have a good support group at home and it is getting better each day - I have my husband and my puppy Ivey.  I love them both.  My husband was very concerned for me about the surgery at first and has now seen what it has done for me and can't be happier, if his insurance allowed it he would be looking into - maybe someday. 

Date:                                  Weight
07/23/08                            319.5    Start of journey - first appointment with Dr. Kane
06/26/09                            309.0    Date of Surgery
07/27/09                            280.0
08/20/09                            267.0
09/04/09                            260.0
09/20/09                            251.0
10/16/09                            239.5
11/20/09                            225.0
11/27/09                            219.5   100 lbs lost!!!!!!!! - 5 months and 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/04/09                            216.0
12/21/09                            210.0
01/12/10                            200.5
01/30/10                            197.0  UNDER 200 lbs!!!!
02/04/10                            195.0
02/20/10                            193.5
02/22/10                            192.0
03/15/10                            185.5

About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 27, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 4
