Count Down

Nov 01, 2012

I'm starting on my journey.  I decided after many failed tries at controlling my eating to go with surgery.  I'm excited and scared.  I realize it is a tool.  Not a total solution and I have to love myself enough to follow through with exercise and good choices.  Surgery is 3 days away and I am starting my liquid diet.  I"ve been practicing with shakes for breakfast and lunch then a good dinner and snacks.  I've lost about 10lbs already.  I'm really excited.  This is my last day at work until after surgery.  Everyone at work and home is so supportive.  I'm very grateful to all.   I'm a little worried though about my significant other Ron.  He waits for me to eat.  I don't want him starving since I won't be eating.  I guess we will work it out.  Ok this is it for now.  Wish me luck.


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2012
Member Since

Latest Blog 6
