Oct 19, 2009

 I'm truly blessed..thank you God!!!  The nurse just called and said my insurance approval came through..I am so EXCITED!!!  My first appt to begin the process is Nov 4.  Based on other's schedules of getting through all that I need to do, I'm guessing surgery will be late February.  The irony is that it will be 20 years ago this February that I quit smoking and began to gain all my weight.


Oct 15, 2009

The detested nerve twitch in my eye is back.  It only does this when I'm very stressed or tired.  I know its because I cannot stand the wait to see what the insurance company has determined.  Please please please be over soon...WITH AN APPROVAL!!!
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Waiting Patiently..

Oct 12, 2009

okay -- maybe not so patiently....


Nervous & Excited!

Oct 09, 2009

Sparrow Hospital Weight Management called and said they had received the last piece of information they needed so they have faxed my records to the insurance company.  They have 3 weeks to respond although the gal said it rarely takes that long. 

Given what I know about how difficult they are to approve when the BMI is under 40, I find myself extremely nervous but so excited at the same time. I want this so bad after trying over and over again and yet I fear hoping only to find a denial in the mail.  What conflict!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm about to learn the art of patience...or NOT...I'm sure I will be checking the mail daily or hoping for a call from the doctor's office.  I wonder if they will call if I'm denied or only if I'm approved..Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Here's to hoping my next post is filled with jubilation!!!

Bubble Deflated

Sep 26, 2009

 I had my informational class this morning.  I was so excited. I feel like the wind was taken out of my sail to hear the coordinator say that my insurance company is very difficult when it comes to approving surgery for people with BMI's under 40 and that at least if I had diabetes it would be easier. That just didn't leave me feeling very positive about my chances for approval.  I'm sitting here with sleep apnea, GERD that also includes Barrett's Esophagus, and recent lab tests show high cholesterol and high blood pressure.  I really want this surgery.  It makes me feel like I should keep eating until I get to 232 pounds so i can have the 40 that is required..of course then if I got there they'll probably tell me I have to be there for 3 years or something.  Good god, why is it so hard for these companies to want people to be healthy when they are already costing them significant money?

I will move forward with submitting my information. I still need to get information from my PCP but that makes me nervous in that I have only seen her for one physical and have no idea how she would feel about this but somehow I am not thinking its warm and fuzzy.  My other doc is no more..sadly.  I also need to get the records from my gastroenterologist which i'm waiting for and then my old trainer who was with me for 9 months overseeing diet and exercise.  I also wrote my own letter of medical necessity to submit.

I'll be saying prayers in hopes that I'm blessed with a big positive APPROVAL.
1 comment

Wishin' & Hopin'

Sep 17, 2009

I always said never in a million years would i consider weight loss surgery.  So why then am I on this site?

Tired...frustrated..up down, up down.

Several things have seemed like confirmation I'm on the right track...thinking about the possibility of surgery and then the next day two people bring it up..driving down the highway today and see a billboard for the sparrow hospital bariatric center that i've never seen before.

Thinking & researching...afraid to hope..what if I want, but insurance refuses???

I thought the process of breast reduction surgery was a long one.  I'm betting that pales in comparison...


About Me
Lansing, MI
Surgery Date
Sep 16, 2009
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