MommaAngel 20 years, 12 months ago

Almost empty page here needs your support for next MON. LORD BLESS

Karen N. 21 years ago

Best wishes and extra prayers for smooth surgery and recovery. A positive mental attitude is your best preparation! You'll do great with this life-saving tool!

sage 21 years ago

Hi Brandi! I am so excited for you!!! I had my surgery last August 20th and I now weigh 125 lb less than I did then!!! Recognizing your addiction to food is going to help you so much post-op-----because this addiction is so much like alcoholism----like we have developed an allergy to certain foods----believe me----after your initial recovery from the surgery---you won't believe how much better you feel----and then, because of that 'habit' you'll probably try those suger/carbs again-----and if you can tolerate them----you'll discover how alful you feel after eating them----and you'll remember that terrible feeling-----and AVOID THEM! And guess what? Suddenly you'll find that salads are a really great meal-------and vegies------and fruits------and that breads aren't so great----and cereals aren't that wonderful anymore-----and meats can be so tasty------okay, I'm rambling! I am just so excited for you and the changes that are going to happen for you and your family. Please, keep us all updated-----and don't forget----the pain doesn't last very long. If you would like to e-mail and discuss feelings/thoughts--please do! Oh, I have a husband and a five year old daughter too! Your Friend in WLS, Lori Ann Koestler

Jamie M. 21 years ago

BRANDI, welcome to the site and CONGRATS on your WLS Journey. You will do fine! Prayers sent. Jamie (44 days post op down 46 lbs)

MommaAngel 21 years ago

HI BRANDI I just want you to know that I am praying that everything will go smooth as you journey to the losing side. LORD BLESS

Queen of Plaster 21 years ago

Wow Brandi, You are in one beautiful area my hubby and I were there 12 years ago, we did everything we could to go and get lost over there it was fun .You are going to be in very good hands if I remeber right the German Doctors take very good care of their patients .Good Luck and God Bless Kristy Melson P.S. I love to go back but my hubby is retiring so I won't get to for a little while

brandilw 21 years ago

June 05, 2003: Hi all, my name is Brandi.I am 5ft 7in and weigh in at about 307. It took me a long time to admit my weight (even to my husband!) but am feeling braver by the day now. I am a 23 year old military wife to Riley, and the mother of a beautiful (almost) 5 year old daughter, Madison. Currently we have been stationed in Kaiserslautern Germany for about 7 months now. I have currently been employed working full time with 14 very active two year olds at a government care center, so I am very busy. I am really just beginning this Journey and look forward to what this all brings. I look forward to finding new strengths within my self and my wonderful family. June 06, 2003: Well I have officially had a a surgery date for two hole days now. I am pretty excited about the whole thing except for one HUGE thing; my surgery is scheduled for the day before my daughters birthday. I am extremely upset with the timing. My husband spoke with her regarding it before he contacted me at work to tell me my date. He assured her that we would make it up to her. She was not upset at all. She is just very excited for mommy to get healthy and more active. Her main concern was that I would be able to go to a new movie she was dying to see with her..Kids. So I feel like two whole weeks is an eternity but in reality it has all gone pretty fast. This all began about 2 months ago now, and all by accident. While I lived in Georgia about 8 months ago I inquired with my Doctor as to whether TRICARE prime covers this surgery. He did not want to assist me in any way and assured my I just needed to lay of the "hamburgers, hot dogs, and bacon" (all items I really never eat, I am a chicken/fish kinda girl) to loose my extra pounds. So I just kinda gave on the whole thing since he kinda ran me around on the whole situation. So here I was working and just living, not really believing this all was an option (without allot of $$$) when my husband came home from the store (In April). He had overheard an employee there discussing this surgery and that Tricare had paid for it. My husband confronted her and she gave him her # (for me) and this website address. It took me like a few weeks to actually call her, but when I did she was so very helpful! She even invited me over for coffee to discuss it that day. While talking she told me that she too had trouble with past Doctors and finally found a very sympathetic Doctor at Landstuhl medical center. She gave me her name and told me to consider her (the Doctor). So my husband spoke to Tricare the next day to switch me, but they had no openings for her. He asked them to please just double check and amazingly they had one opening!! Yippeeeee!!! So we make an appointment immediately. I meet with her and with my high blood pressure and weight she feels I am more than an obvious candidate. but wanted to do tests and monitor my pressure. Two weeks later she was ready to give her recommendation to TRICARE and two weeks later I was meeting with my surgeon (June 2) and here we are!! Like I said it has all gone pretty quick. I will be having an open RNY at the local German hospital here. I am also getting my gall bladder removed during this procedure. After 1 to 2 days in the ICU there I will be staying another 6 to 8 days for observations and the likes (Them German Doctors do not mess around!). At work and everywhere I go people have asked me if I am scared and I always said no without thinking about it, but as it is ACTUALLY approaching I am getting really scared. I fear the worst but I am hoping for the best. I know this is not the cure all miracle, but it still just seems to good to be true. I do intend to make this an entire life changing event, not just weight, but me. I have had such an unhealthy addiction to food for so long, like so many of us, and I am really trying to work on that. I realize that it is an issue that also needs to be worked on within myself. I also am going to be allot more active. I really intend to get exercising like I haven't before (almost literally, LOL). Just a little more background; I have always been kinda chubby in the past. I met my husband in middle school weighing about 160 to 170. We started to date throughout high school and my weight fluctuated from 170 to 230. It wasn't until my senior year that I really put on the extra 50 putting me at 250. Not great... Then I got pregnant and lost 20 whole pounds in the first 3 months, yeah me! Only to get gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia causing me to gain that back and then an addition 90. Mathematically that leaves me at 320! What a huge amount of weight. I then gained about another 10 to 15 in the first few months after she was born. To my relief I then started to loose a bit, to about 310. Since then I have pretty much fluctuated back to 307-310, with allot of different diet plans where I lost, but always gained it back. One time I lost almost 40lbs. Me and my husband dieted together because he has put on a lot of weight during my pregnancy (and since). We changed our eating habits. We went to no dairy and only chicken and fish for me (no meat for him), we cut out or carbs and sugars and just lost. He lost 100lbs in 9 months this way because of his addiction to salad. Once I went back to dairy, carbs, and sugars I was right where I started (but the healthy meat thing stuck). He joined the military and has pretty much maintained his weight loss. Its my turn! I will update often for anyone to view, anyone at all, in hopes of helping someone. These before and afters have been extremely inspiring. I don't know how many of all of your stories I have read, but needless to say I have really felt like I have gone through it too. I appreciate all of your stories, and for posting them.
About Me
May 25, 2003
Member Since
