Dec 22, 2012 we are still on the Earth [:0)

Dec 21, 2012

Hello to all.  Beautiful day, just enjoying an extra moment of sleep and slumber in my own bed and warm home.  I really can not understand the recent killings of those fragile lives lost to what?  Someone who was not mentally capable??  There are a lot of crazy ideas that killing seems to make something better?  Why?  The mother of the killer must have needed help and no one was available or she couldn't get what was needed? I guess we will never know how to make sense of killing a little child.. My mind can not wrap around all the unanswered questions.   As a society we need to discuss how we feel about the situation, what can we do to help.   Holding in the carnage, in our minds is never the answer and does not make it easier to deal with.  Discuss with someone at least get it out your mind out in the moment.  I am willing to listen if you want to talk. 

My weight lose after all this time since 2006, I am holding steady between 155 & 158 lbs.  Would like to exercise more to make skin tighter.  It is not a pretty site to see hanging flesh from losing over 100 lbs, the skin is as gross as the fat.  Which would you rather have??  Still glad I was given the opportunity to have the surgery.  I still encourage others to consider, do your home work on who will do the procedure.  It is your health, you get to make the choice.  Don't wait, glad to speak to others and share my experience with  you at any time.

