A. is my name 18 years, 4 months ago

Congratulations My Angel... You were the first person I met when exploring WLS.. I'll never forget you at the Coates/Coirin siminar thats something we'll always laugh about. I'm not that thrilled about the grey hairs you gave me when you had your surgery complication.. Yet I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being right by my side when my turn rolled around.. Thanks for staying by my side in Hollywood also. You are my person on the year.. Love ya, Denise Boere

krispers 18 years, 4 months ago

hooray for you steph!!! you were one of the first peoples I met... and life has been a trip ever since! lol.. congratz to you!! xoxo

jilliecats 18 years, 4 months ago

Yippee Skippee!! You deserve the POTW. I thought you had gone off and moved to China or something. Its good to know that you are still around! Enjoy your week of POTW. Make everyone treat you like a princess, cause you deserve it!! Congrats!

scottey 18 years, 4 months ago

Yay...Stephanie is POTW! I have followed your journey, Stephanie, and am inspired by your success! Have a wonderful week reflecting on everything you've done RIGHT!!! You're just awesome. Jenn

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 19 years, 7 months ago

Congrats on making the century club! You've come far! WTG!!!! Hugs, Toots

butterfly1969 19 years, 11 months ago

I just thought I would help Kristin out and post for hers...Ok peoples..the countdown has begun for this months gathering.. So heres the basic info. Where: KristininCalifs house in Modesto Please email she or I for the directions When: Saturday July 17th. A high protien dish to share. And any clothing in good condition you would like to share. (please no winter wear..seasonally appropriate is much appriciated)and swimming gear and a towel, Im hearing rumors that the drill sargent Mary from Modesto Fitness and Raquet Club is going to come and make us work out in the pool. Who can come: ANYBODY!! If you would like to come and dont want to come alone..although we dont bite and would make you feel instantly at ease..hehe you can bring significant others, friends, etc. This is generally an Adult gathering, if you need to bring children please know they have to be well supervised and some of these people get a little crazy..lol... so you never know that they might see or hear..hehe gear. If you would like to come or If you have any questions or need directions please e-mail me and I will be happy to help. I cant wait to see you all there.. I miss you guys!!! -- Stephanie Simmons

butterfly1969 20 years, 1 month ago

Ok peoples..the one week countdown has begun for this months gathering.. So heres the basic info. Where: Graceda Park in Modesto @ the corner of Sycamore and Needham ave where it meets 15th street. When: Saturday May 22nd. 10:00am What to bring: A lawn Chair or blankets for you and yours. A high protien dish to share. And any clothing in good condition you would like to share. (please no winter wear..seasonally appropriate is much appriciated) Who can come: ANYBODY!! If you would like to come and dont want to come alone..although we dont bite and would make you feel instantly at ease..hehe you can bring significant others, friends, etc. It is a park so you are welcome to bring children if you like but this is definatly a ADULT gettogether. so you never know that they might see or hear..hehe If you are bringing children..I do know that Graceda has one of those shooting fountain things that come up from the ground so you might want to pack water gear. If you would like to come Im giving out my cell # in case anyone gets lost please feel free to call me anytime at 209-613-7786. I will have it on me at all times at the park. If you have any questions or need directions please e-mail me and I will be happy to help. I cant wait to see you all there.. I miss you guys!!!

butterfly1969 20 years, 1 month ago

Hi all! Mark your calendars for the Offical Modesto Fun Bunch gathering..hehe There has been a conflict and slight schedule change. The new date is Saturday May 22nd at 10:00am at Graceda Park in Modesto. Please e-mail me if you are planning to attend so I may reserve a sufficient size spot for us!! Cant wait to see you all. I miss you guys!! its been a whole 2 weeks!! lol I hope all of you that I saw post on the CA message board that said you wanted to come but were afraid to come alone decide to bite the bullet and join us.. We have soooooo much fun!! Cant wait to see you there!

krispers 20 years, 3 months ago

way to go stephanie!! whooohoo!! you are truly an inspiration!

butterfly1969 20 years, 4 months ago

HI ALL! Just a quick note, I am having a weekend schedule change so I can now come to dannis party tomorrow. Yeah! I was sad to miss you guys so now I wont. I just wanted to remind everyone that Its time to clean out those drawers and closets for our clothing exchange. I have 4 big bags of various sizes I will be bringing also. Cant wait to see you all there!
About Me
Modesto, ca
Surgery Date
Apr 29, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This was taken 1 week before surgery July 2003 319lbs
July 2003lbs
Who the hell is that??? 180 lbs
June 2005lbs
